Capture the Goddess From Douluo

Chapter 931: The arrival of Wuhun Hall, everyone was shocked

Hearing Xu Ran's answer, a relieved smile appeared on everyone's face.

"We knew that His Majesty Xu Ran was not interested in our three-thirds of an acre of land. His Majesty Xu Ran was someone who had seen big scenes. How could His Majesty be interested in a place where our slap is bigger. Someone mentioned this before. I refuted it. I know that His Majesty Xu Ran is not such a person."

"Yes, yes. How can His Majesty's mind be comparable to others?"

All of these people are Xiaochu from the mainland, but now they are all complimenting Xu Ran.

"This kid is really getting more and more terrifying. I think he was just a child in my eyes back then. I didn't expect that in a few years, even I would look up to him. I knew Xu Ran was not an ordinary person, but I didn't expect that. Xu Ran will grow up so fast." Ning Fengzhi couldn't help sighing when he saw that Xu Ran became the center of attention.

The people who can come here, either have the strength of Soul Douluo or above, or are the lords of the major, medium and small forces. These people are all arrogant and arrogant, and now they all compliment Xu Ran.

Xu Ran's current power is indeed admirable.

"Yeah. This guy is really growing too fast. Originally, I could fight against him, but now Xu Ran can rub me on the ground with a single finger." Bone Douluo said with a smile.

Back then in the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, he tested Xu Ran's strength. At that time, he couldn't defeat Xu Ran for a short time, and he was extremely embarrassed by Xu Ran. At that time, he felt very embarrassed. And now he feels that this is his highlight moment, and whenever he has time, he will brag about it with his old friends. Not everyone can have this opportunity to play against Xu Ran. Now Xu Ran is a busy person, even a Titled Douluo would not even want to see Xu Ran.

"Fortunately, I made the right decision back then, beat Yu Xiaogang violently, and brought Erlong and Xu Ran together. Otherwise, with Xu Ran's current power, it would be easy to destroy the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect. ."

"That renegade son is still dead. Otherwise, even if he doesn't die, the labor and capital will kill him. If he dared to provoke Xu Ran, he almost killed the family. Back then, he went to provoke Bibi Dong and made Wuhundian hate the family. , the family was almost gone. Then he went to provoke Xu Ran again. Fortunately, I didn't protect that beast."

At this moment, Yu Yuanzhen was a little scared.

Back then, if he didn't know each other, then the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect would definitely suffer annihilation. He was quite sure that if Xu Ran wanted to destroy the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, it was just a matter of waving his hand. Even, as long as he expresses his position, Xu Ran does not need to take action, other forces will come forward to take action against the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect in order to reveal their loyalty in front of Xu Ran.

Fortunately, there is still another Liu Erlong in the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect. Erlong and Xu Ran were together, which resolved the conflict between the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect and Xu Ran, and made the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect and Xu Ran become in-laws.

This can be described as a thought of life, a thought of death.

As long as you choose the wrong path, you will be doomed now.

Every time Yu Yuanzhen thought of this, he would break out in a cold sweat.

He got angry when he thought of Yu Xiaogang, the beast son. This is all to blame Yu Xiaogang this waste ah. If he provokes Wuhun Hall back then, he will only cause trouble for the sect if he provokes Xu Ran again. If it weren't for his cleverness, the Yu family would have become history by now.

"Everyone, be quiet first. Although I won't be the master of this continent, I also hope that the continent will be more stable, peaceful, and sustainable in the future." Xu Ran waved his hand, and everyone became quiet.

"So I propose to let the continent enter the federal era, and the major forces can also participate in the construction of the entire continent while retaining their own power. The major federal members are drawn from the major forces and some loose cultivators, as well as others on the continent. From the people who are famous and virtuous, all the big and small matters on the mainland can be solved in the federation in the future." Xu Ran said many contents of the federation, and all the forces were shocked.

They didn't expect Xu Ran to come up with a way of neutralization.

Not only can the major forces on the continent be twisted together to participate in the development of the continent, on the other hand, it also maintains the original strength of the major forces, allowing the major forces to compete with each other.

It not only allowed hundreds of flowers in the mainland to bloom, but in a sense it completed the unification.

This proposal has moved many forces. These small forces had no chance to participate in the affairs of the entire continent before. But the appearance of Douluo Federation will definitely increase their power.

But are the major forces really willing?

"Your Majesty Xu Ran, I admit that your proposal is very good, but are those big forces really willing to accept it?"

"Yeah. Those forces are usually high, will they accept the **** of the federal treaty?"

In the eyes of everyone, the power of the Spirit Hall, and the two empires are used to it. Are you really willing to have a so-called federal **** on their heads?

Even if Xu Ran has now become the most powerful man on the mainland, will others agree?

"My Qiandaoliu representative agrees with this proposal."

At this moment, a strong and pale voice appeared.

An old man wearing a golden robe appeared in the hall, and the icon of Spirit Hall was embroidered on the robe.

This is the Great Elder of the Spirit Hall, who worships Qian Daoliu.

"This is……"

"This is the elder of the Wuhun Temple, who took office as the Pope of the Wuhun Temple."

"Wuhun Hall actually agreed to form a federation?"

Seeing Qiandao Liu appearing, everyone became excited.

Qian Daoliu usually sees the head but not the end. As a well-known powerhouse decades ago, he rarely shows his face, and even the powerhouses in the Spirit Hall rarely see Qian Daoliu. And now Qian Daoliu appears here as the Great Elder...

"I also agree with the beautiful voice of, Bibi Dong wearing the Pope's robe and walking slowly.

Wearing a golden pope's robe, she holds a scepter about two meters long, inlaid with countless gems, and wears a purple-gold crown. The fair skin, the near-perfect face, especially the intangible nobleness and holiness that exudes from the body, makes one cannot help but feel the emotion of adoration.

The arrival of Bibi Dong instantly made the hall become silent, and everyone was a little shocked when they looked at Bibi Dong. Such a beautiful Pope, radiant and radiant, anyone who sees it will feel lost.

Bibi Dong was so beautiful, wearing the Pope's robe, her noble and elegant temperament deeply attracted the attention of everyone present.

Now that Pope Bibi Dong of the Spirit Hall had also arrived, the Pope and the Great Elder both supported Xu Ran's words, which also meant that the entire continent had to be rewritten.


The entire continent has been separated for thousands of years. Is it really going to change today? As the name of the Douluo Federation implies, any forces in the Douluo Continent in the future must respect the dogma of the formed federation and must not violate it.

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