Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 14

"In college, we were the Four Musketeers. After graduation, none of us can be missing."

"We brothers work together and we are as powerful as gold."

"From now on we will be the Four Musketeers of Entrepreneurship."

It took a lot of courage for Deng Jun to make this decision. Suihuo Technology had just been established, and even if he had a salary, it would not be much higher.

Since he agreed to go over and help the fourth child, he was prepared to pay no money in the early stage.


People need to eat to live, what should they do if they don’t have money?

Deng Jun can only use his off-duty time to work two jobs to make money, take on some private work, or borrow some emergency supplies from friends.

Lu Xingye naturally saw all this and was slightly touched in his heart. This is the friendship in college. In the future, there will be no such simple friendship in society.

The three roommates didn't ask me about the salary, so they just went to work with me.

This is really a good brother's.

Lu Xingye secretly said in his heart that he must not treat these three roommates badly in the future.

"Do not worry!"

"If you follow me and get nine meals in three days, there will be no problem. Nowadays, software engineers in the workplace generally earn 15,000 to 20,000 yuan a month."

"After you come in, it will be calculated as 20,000 a month."

"This... can't be done. Suihuo Technology has just been established, and money is needed everywhere..."

Originally, these roommates wanted to continue saying something, but Lu Xingye interrupted them with a straight face.

"That's it. Even if Suihuo Technology has just been established, it won't be as bad as you. If anyone talks to me about salary cuts again, I will kick them out of the Four Musketeers of Entrepreneurship."

The atmosphere was silent for a while, and no one spoke anymore.

Naturally, Lu Xingye would not let his brothers suffer, so the situation was settled.

Deng Jun, the head of the building, is responsible for the company's logistics and procurement, as well as part of the research and development work.

The second eldest brother, Zhao Dawei, is responsible for administrative management, personnel recruitment, and business negotiations. His emotional intelligence is higher than ordinary people, and he is a famous social little prince in school, so Zhao Dawei is responsible for this area of ​​work, which can be regarded as making the best use of everything.

The third child, Wu Bai, is a typical technical man, so he is naturally responsible for backend R\u0026D work.

While Lu Xingye and his three roommates were having dinner, they decided on the approximate positions of several people. Once the business license is issued, we can start work directly.

"Come, come, have a drink and celebrate our youth."

"Come, come, have a drink and celebrate our cause."

"Come on, come on...after drinking this glass, there will be one more."

Lu Xingye drank very happily. After three rounds of drinking, several brothers sat together and talked about the future. Zhao Dawei even took out the microphone and sang "Friends".

All these years, alone.

The wind has passed and the rain has passed,

There were tears and mistakes.

Friends will be together forever.

Those days are no more.

In a word, a lifetime.

A lifetime of love, a glass of wine.

Lu Xingye drank until midnight and was completely drunk. Who was carrying him back from behind? When Lu Xingye woke up again, he had already returned to his dormitory.

The four roommates were lying on the bed in a mess, and the scene was very beautiful.

Those years~

The wine we drank together is the youth we lost together.

A few years later, even though Lu Xingye became the world's biggest gangster and Suihuo Technology monopolized every industry in the world, he could never regain his youthful days.

The dormitory chief, second child, and third child haven't woken up yet.

Lu Xingye's physical condition was slightly better than theirs, so he woke up first. But the after-effects of being drunk were still there. My whole body was limp, I felt like vomiting, and I felt a little nauseous.

"This body is a bit weak."

Lu Xingye sighed, then got up and walked to his rental house. Before, he wanted to become the richest man in the world for the soft girl who came to the second dimension, but now he has a different idea.

Even if a 36D soft girl comes, my weak body can't bear it.

The body is the capital of revolution.

Only by strengthening the body in place, especially the most useful parts, can we truly live a happy life.

Now Lu Xingye just wants to become the richest man in the world as soon as possible. He takes out the genetic medicine from the movie and strengthens his damn body. No matter how many nights he has, he also wants to have fun every night without getting drunk after a thousand cups.

Passing by the breakfast shop at Yan's Gate, Lu Xingye stopped in and ate rice rolls with meat specially added. After being drunk all night, I need to replenish my nutrition.

After breakfast, we returned to the rental house. It was already ten o'clock in the morning.

Lu Xingye shook his head, and now he was basically awake. The sequelae of drunkenness had basically disappeared, and he could do the next step of work with peace of mind.


"you've been drinking?"

Tony's computer light flashed, and Jarvis's mechanical voice came over.

"I had dinner with my roommates last night, so I missed two drinks." Lu Xingye nodded.

"Boss, I have something to say, I don't know whether I should say it or not."


"Although you drink happily, you can't drink like this next time. Experimental data shows that excessive drinking can damage the liver, stomach, pancreas, nervous system, etc. To put it simply, it will shorten your life."

"Fuck you." Lu Xingye cursed. Although he knew Jarvis was doing it for his own good, he felt uncomfortable after hearing what the other person said.


The Jarvis indicator light flashed for two seconds, and there was a period of silence. I don’t know if Jarvis didn’t understand the meaning of this sentence, or he didn’t know how to answer.

"Lao Jia."

"I understand, try not to drink too much in the future." Lu Xingye was silent for a moment, and then said in a gentle tone.

"Okay, I don't want my boss to die young."


Listening to Jarvis's answer, Lu Xingye had the urge to curse again.

Why is this artificial intelligence so arrogant?

Can I still speak properly?

Jarvis captured Lu Xingye's expression through the camera, realized that the situation was not good, and quickly changed the topic.


"The Kunlun mobile phone system has been successfully developed. I compared the current mainstream Android systems and iOS systems, and none of them can play games."

13. Apply for key entrepreneurial projects, and Kunlun System makes its grand debut

"That's really great."

Lu Xingye's eyes lit up, and he didn't know what he thought of. His brows widened suddenly, and it was obvious that he was very happy.

"Lao Jia, change my mobile phone to Kunlun system."

[Okay, boss. 】

As Lu Xingye connected the data cable to the computer, Jarvis began to install the system.

The complete installation package of Kunlun system is only 1GB in size, which is several times simpler and faster than Android and iOS systems which require 4~5GB of memory.

Lu Xingye's daily mobile phone is the Mi 8 series, a mobile phone model that has been out of use for several years. Because of his tight money, even if the phone is stuck, he has no money to replace it.

Rice 8 has been in service for three years and is now very laggy.

You don’t even have to think about playing games or using large software! Because the body's fever and lag will make you doubt your life.

But it is still ok to meet daily needs.

About five minutes later, Lu Xingye heard Jarvis's mechanical voice.

"Boss, the Kunlun system has been installed."

"Congratulations on becoming the first person to use the Kunlun system."

"First blood." Lu Xingye laughed dryly. Even though he had developed the best mobile phone system in the world, he was not as excited as he imagined.

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