Du Laogui took the opportunity and said: "We might as well take a look at the situation first and see what confidence he has to seek the throne?"

"That's fine." The majesty of Murong Tongtian Realm's great power bloomed at this moment, and he was full of confidence and slowly lifted off the ground and flew up with one palm.

"After today, I will clean up the interior of the court."

Outside the palace, people continued to gather outside the palace gate.

Led by several patrol commanders and some officials who were in charge of the city's security, they had assembled a team of thousands of people at this moment.

"I received intelligence today that the eldest prince has plotted a rebellion and has led the poisonous old ghosts from the Tongtian realm to rush into the palace. We are rushing in to protect the emperor this time, do you understand?"

"The Ouchi guards cannot be trusted! They are all the eldest prince's people now. We will deal with them when we get in. At best, we can deal with the eldest prince. As for the existence of Tongtian Realm, we don't want to get involved!"

"We people have saved us from the danger of being forced into the palace today. The emperor will definitely think more highly of us in the future. By then, our brothers will drink and eat meat, and we will all be prosperous!"

Under the temptation of the leaders, all these subordinates looked at the palace greedily.

Because these people have extraordinary status. They include people from the Provincial Cabinet of Ministers and people from the Sixth Department and Twenty-Fiveth Edition. They are all loyal people. They can't have two minds, right?

What's more, who is the third prince standing silently at the front?

I believe that if you follow them, as long as you can show your face in front of the emperor, the glory and wealth in your next life will not be far away.

"Come on! Kill me!" Under the shouts of the leaders, thousands of people entered the palace directly from the side entrances of various gates, and even climbed over the wall, and began to kill the guards.

Then, he was dragged back by the Ouchi guards who came over, and thousands of people slaughtered him in the vestibule of the palace.

Murong Lin in the crowd stood at the entrance of the palace with his mouth closed and said nothing, looking at the palace gate.

He thought:

"Hey, the master won't let me speak, so how can I rush in front of them?"

===Chapter 69: Secretly assassinating Chen Cang===

To the north of the capital city is a luxurious residential area. Compared to the prosperous trade in the south, the north is more peaceful and peaceful. Countless entertainment venues are scattered among them, providing a lot of fun for high-ranking officials and powerful children.

On a quiet street, Xue Xunxiang and several Xue family disciples were walking staggeringly, arms and legs, their faces flushed, as if they were drunk.

But in fact, they had just walked out of the restaurant.

Xue Xunxiang has been very unhappy recently.

First, he found the aura of the Dragon God Crystal and identified Zi Lin, which was praised by Fairy Danqing. Then, he was rewarded with three shops during the renovation of the Xue family, which made his wallet greatly bulge.

No, as soon as I got money, I got a group of friends and got drunk.

"You, tell me, why has Renmei ignored me recently? I, she won't come out even if I ask her out." Xue Xunxiang asked drunkenly.

How are the two friends supporting him next to him still awake? His head was so confused that he didn't even hear what Xue Xunxiang said, so he said directly: "Okay! Good wine!" "Wonderful! That figure..."

"Hiccup!" Xue Xunxiang burped, not hearing what they were saying clearly.

"What? You want me to come directly?"

His face was filled with a lustful expression for an instant, and his hands feebly grabbed forward, grabbing only the air.

"Hey, sweet."

Xue Xunxiang slowly turned her head to look at the two buddies beside her, but did not see them.

"Huh? Where are the people?"

With his eyes dim and drunk, he staggered and looked behind him. It turned out that they had already entered a small alley.

Two people were lying on the ground.

Xue Xunxiang hurriedly stepped forward and kicked her, and stammered: "You, you guys, get up and keep drinking!"

There was no reaction from the people on the ground.

A gust of cold wind blew by, and Xue Xunxiang woke up a little.

He looked at the two people on the ground carefully, and his face instantly changed from a drunken blush to pale.

Blood, wounds, corpses.

They are dead.

A terrifying "ah" was still stuck in his throat, when he felt another figure appear behind him, pressing a cold dagger against his throat.

There is a killer!

They want to kill themselves!

No! I have just risen, I can't just die here!

But I haven’t offended anyone recently!

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