Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 2295: Recalling the past, the Lord God and Yan (5)

When the main **** saw Bai Liyan's apparently bulging belly, she wanted to force Bai Liyan's action to stop immediately.

Bai Liyan also choked.

She had no idea that the Lord God would bring her back to the temple directly, and she took off the clothes she was wearing and wanted to force her ...

But the moment she was dressed, Bai Liyan did not respond, and she was wearing nothing at this moment.

Not only that, it has been five months since the Lord God forced her last time. During these five months, Bai Liyan has been hesitant to directly kill the child in her stomach.

But she couldn't get it.

Five months later, her belly became significantly larger, and Bai Liyan became more and more afraid that she would be found pregnant, so she was wearing thicker and thicker clothes, even on hot days, Bai Liyan wore a thick cotton coat.

Going on like this, at six or seven months, the big protruding belly was completely hidden.

So Bai Liyan was in a hurry. Today, I heard that there is a herb on the nearby mountain that is used for pregnancy, and Bai Liyan rushed to pick it.

However, he did not expect to encounter the Lord God, and he inexplicably angered him to bring himself to the temple, and wanted to treat himself as he did five times ago.

Of course, all of this is not the point, the point is that she has a big belly at the moment.

Five months of pregnancy, wearing thick clothes is not concealed, but the Lord God just wiped out all the clothes she was wearing ...

As a result, her bulging belly was completely exposed under his eyelids.

At the moment when the main deity was stunned, Bai Liyan panicked over her belly and key parts covered by the horns, glanced to the side, and uneasily reached out to pick up the pile on the ground Clothes removed by the Lord God.

However, before picking up the pile of clothes on the ground that had been faded by the Lord God, Bai Liyan's slender wrist was grabbed by the Lord God.

At the same time, the male god's magnetic male voice suddenly sounded, with a hint of surprise in his words: "Are you pregnant?"

Although the Lord God has no trace of experience, but he is not stupid. Bai Liyan's raised belly is different from obesity. The belly that is bulging like a ball is not a symbol of pregnancy!

Seeing the look of surprise and madness on the face of the Lord God, Bai Liyan's face changed suddenly, she covered her belly, lowered her head and eyes, and could not help but excuse herself:

"No! I've eaten more recently and got fat! Why? I can't get fat?"

Bai Liyan's confidence in speaking is very insufficient, and she is very unfriendly to the Lord God.

After saying this, Bai Liyan pushed the main **** away, and then sparsely put on his clothes and ran outside.

She must not be discovered by him! She will definitely kill this child in the belly!

However, before Li Liyan ran out of the main god's bedroom, the main **** grabbed his wrist and pinched it on the door panel.

"Not pregnant? What are you going to do in the mountains? Want to find the herbs that can take my child out of the belly?" The main **** was surprised and angry.

He was angry that she was pregnant and kept secret for five months without telling herself!

The surprise is that he is going to be a father

Bai Liyan, who was poked in her heart, stubbornly wanted to withdraw her hand from the Lord God.

Nothing can be found.

Bai Liyan looked at the Lord God with a disgusted look, and then said indignantly:

"Yes, that's right, I'm pregnant, but I'm not pregnant with your child, why? I thought I must be you? This is the puppet I gave birth to other men ...

As soon as Bai Liyan said this, she was gagged.

The Lord's anger quickly blocked Bai Liyan's red lips and kissed for a while.

When she released Bai Liyan, Bai Liyan couldn't even breathe.

The main **** obviously didn't want to let off Bai Liyan. He angrily pushed Bai Liyan to bed, and then pressed himself up, saying:

"Have you found another man after me? Cheng, then I will personally check my health and see if you find another man."

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