Bulgarian Empire

Chapter 145: Word of Mouth Effect

Genius remembers the address of this site in a second: (Apex Chinese), the fastest update! No advertisements!? Time is running out, William has spent a week in London, and he has two main tasks for this trip to London.

In addition to strengthening the communication between the two parties, there is also a task to deal with the industry in the UK, in other words, to sell the unimportant stocks one after another.

The London stock market has gone crazy now, not only Ferdinand is retreating, many consortiums have the intention of retreating.

It's not easy to withdraw such a large amount of funds from the stock market. If you can't find a receiver, you will be doomed.

This is not the case in the real world. The stock market will crash tomorrow, and I will retreat today. If this is the case, then what a fart, as soon as you sell the stock market, it will crash. Who will take over?

Selling hundreds of millions, or even billions of stocks at a time, is it a dream?

How many retail investors can eat it?

The stock market in London is so crazy now, and the new money coming in every day is only 8 million pounds. Once the selling orders are too large, the stock market will collapse early.

Don't expect that the consortium will come to take over the offer, they are not stupid, if this happens, they will only run faster!

London's stock market is only more than 20 billion yuan. This is the total market value of companies listed in London, not the funds circulating in the stock market.

If it really hit the order, now William can stud the stock in his hand, and then it will explode just like the financial crisis in 1929.

Don't think that the financial crisis will no longer exist when the US is finished, this is impossible! The relationship between supply and demand in the capitalist world, because information is not smooth, overcapacity is a matter of time.

A big player like Ferdinand is doomed not to wait until the end. If it weren't for the rise of the British real estate economy, he would have retreated two years ago.

Now Ferdinand still dare not continue to play, how much is the gross national product of the UK? It is very abnormal that so much money has been absorbed in the stock market!

In fact, when the Southeast Asian colonies rebelled, the British economic crisis should have erupted. Because of the war, the rubber plantations fell into the hands of the rebels, and these rubber companies should have collectively gone bankrupt.

However, this is just a normal market situation, and the dealer doesn't know that Southeast Asia will rebel?

So rubber stocks fell, but they did not fall to the bottom. In order to raise the stock price, everyone worked together to raise the price of rubber in the international market, and survived this crisis.

Immediately afterwards, a real estate development company popped up again. This is a high-quality company. Looking at the housing prices in London, you can see that a real estate company with a profit of less than 70% or 80% is not a qualified real estate company!

Then it started to skyrocket all the way. Anyway, the book assets of enterprises are constantly increasing. In the environment of rising housing prices, the house in hand is an asset.

Before the development of a real estate is completed, the price of the housing price has risen several times. Is it strange if the assets of the enterprise do not rise?

Matching it is the debt, which is also growing rapidly, and capitalists have gradually withdrawn funds.

From now on, Little William's main job is to sell about one million pounds of stocks every day. It is not possible to just sell the same stock, but to carry out slow shipments separately.

Once the stock market is turbulent, measures must be taken immediately, and occasionally a purchase must be made to prevent the stock price from falling.

The radio and newspapers are full of good news. Now the British people do not ask the weather when they meet each other. The terrible weather in London is the same in winter. There is nothing to talk about. Everyone starts to discuss stocks!

"Which stock did you buy today?"

"How much did you earn today?"


If you buy it, you earn it. Seventy to eighty percent of Londoners have become stock investors. It seems that if you don’t buy stocks, you are behind the times.

Even if it is the twelfth lunar month of winter, even if the sky is full of smog, it can't stop everyone's enthusiasm for stock trading.

From 1926 to the present, the London market has never fallen, and it has soared all the way to the present.

Little William was already stunned. He suddenly discovered that the best money in the world is in the stock market!

Watching the stock price go up every day, but he keeps selling, it seems that he is losing money every day, which makes him very uncomfortable.

"Vich, do you think I will lose a lot if I sell the stocks in my hand now? Wouldn't it be better if I sold them after a while?" William asked suspiciously

"Your Highness, this is His Majesty's intention. The money is also His Majesty's money. Why do you feel like you are losing money?" Wei Qi asked back.

"Well, so much money has nothing to do with me. The old man is deliberately torturing me and making me feel itchy!" William said very depressed

Isn't it? Anyone who sees hundreds of millions of assets in their hands, but it is not their own, that kind of feeling is not very good.

Private property is sacred and inviolable, and it has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people in the West. Even if he and Ferdinand are father and son, Ferdinand's money is not his money.

With so much money, he can't use it even if he is a big son. Like ordinary Bulgarians, from the age of sixteen onwards, every penny he spends can only be earned by his own efforts.

Even if you can get funding from your parents, it's all debt, and it's still usury, and the interest is much higher than that of the bank.

No way, many families in continental Europe are like this, this is the Western education model.

At most, Fei Di was a little stricter on them, and arranged a lot of tasks for them when they became adults, and they couldn't do without completing them.

Let them realize in advance that there is a price for rebellion. Failure to complete the task will affect their future property inheritance rights. Ferdinand will distribute the inheritance ratio according to their performance.

For example: this time helping to sell stocks is actually an experience to test his resilience. He has the right to choose to sell more or less.

In the end, there will be professional economic experts who will give him a score, which is regarded as the result of this test.

"Your Highness, the market will open soon. What stocks are you going to sell today?" Wei Qi asked

William quickly took out a pen, sketched it, selected the type of stock, and marked the share of each share.

He kept a few stocks that he thought had a lot of room for growth, and chose some junk stocks to sell.

It is a fortune to earn more money, even though the money is not his now, won't some of it become his in the future?

After inspecting the investment environment in London, William was surprised to find that apart from the stock market and real estate, he couldn't see any investment industry with "money potential"!

Even though deindustrialization has spread in the British Empire, the number of local factories in London has not decreased.

Many industries are already saturated, and if you want to get involved, it means cruel market competition, and the prospect of profit is worrying.

William was surprised to find that if the British Empire is like this, then the economic crisis is coming soon.

At this moment, he somewhat understood his father's decision. This kind of judgment is really accurate!

They are not retail investors, and it is impossible to earn the last pot of gold. The best state is to withdraw from the stock market, and the economic crisis will break out in a month or two.

The economic crisis erupted just after they evacuated. It was not suitable for them to do this kind of hatred. Even if you take advantage of the fire to rob after the event, you must pay attention to eating, and you can't do it too much.

The capitalist world has long been connected as a whole. Once an economic crisis occurs in the world's largest economy, a world economic crisis will erupt.

Under normal circumstances, this time will be two or three years later, and everyone will need time to retreat from the stock market. The stocks on the surface may not be sold, but the stocks in the dark must be cleared.

When the economic crisis breaks out, everyone will be surprised to find that these consortiums have suffered the most losses. In fact, they have already made a lot of money.

The industries left on the bright side are all for the purpose of deceiving others, otherwise these consortiums are withdrawing their capital, and retail investors wouldn't be foolishly waiting to die?


"William, are you very interested in stocks?" Prince Henry asked suspiciously

"No, it's just a task assigned by the old man, selling some stocks to cash in!" William said indifferently

"Are you raising funds?" Prince Henry asked in surprise

"Of course, in order to be safe, the old man thinks that a large amount of cash should be prepared in his hands. If an accident occurs, he can also use the money to return to the normal track!" William thought for a while and said

This is an excuse, an excuse that can be made public, and even if someone finds out, they won't think there is any problem.

If you want to be a king, you also need to invest. If you don't have real money, and you just fool around with empty teeth, who will support you?

Do you really think that the issues in North America are still unresolved because those congressmen are constantly arguing? How is this possible?

Even if everyone disputes again, you can still vote? The minority obeys the majority, how many years does it take for such a simple thing?

The real situation is that the behind-the-scenes men headed by Ferdinand are already manipulating the politics of these countries.

Through the means of elections, the opposition was eliminated and replaced by a group of "insiders" who were willing to cooperate.

Now the plan has almost been completed, and the success can basically be ensured before we start to move to the foreground.

"William, you are so lucky, Emperor Ferdinand paid a lot of money this time!" Prince Henry said enviously

"Don't you guys? You have already invested so much, shouldn't you back down in the later stage?" William asked suspiciously

"Of course there is, but it is not as strong as yours. In this month in London, you have raised more than 50 million pounds, and you are still going on. We can't compare!" Prince Henry said helplessly

A mere 50 million pounds, the British royal family naturally has no shortage. In the Victorian era, the assets of the British royal family were over 100 million. After so many years, I don’t know how many times it has swelled.

But it is impossible for them to spend so much money at one time as later expenses.

This risk is too great. Once they fail, they will lose everything. Such a risk has exceeded their tolerance.

The money of the British royal family belongs to the entire family, not George V alone, and it is impossible to spend all of it on his son, otherwise other family members will not agree.

This is different for the Bulgarian royal family. The assets of the Kohari family have already been divided, and all the money belongs to Ferdinand himself. No matter how much you spend, no one can tell you what to do.

Otherwise, if Boris went to Finland to be the king, he would not be able to bring 10,000 guards there, which would be a lot of money.

Want to know that Ferdinand still has four young sons waiting? To be fair, the latter four sons should also receive the same treatment, which is equivalent to the fact that the Bulgarian royal family has to independently support 50,000 private soldiers.

This expenditure is enough to move any royal family in Europe. If you add the previous and subsequent investments, it will be a huge sum of money, which is enough to bankrupt 50% of the countries in the world.

Well, this doesn't explain the problem. It can only be said that the countries in the world are too poor now, and the annual fiscal revenue of most countries is less than 10 million pounds.

"Henry is almost enough. I don't believe that you don't have a small coffer. It's so easy to get money in London. How can you be poor?" William said with a laugh.

"It's really easy to make money, but it's also easy to lose money, isn't it? The situation in the stock market is changing. It's okay to get a small amount of money. If the number is large, you must use the power of the royal family.

The resources in my hands are limited, and it is impossible to constantly toss about this!

By the way, since you know that the stock market is easy to make money, why don't you do it yourself?

With the strength of Bulgaria, there is no problem at all in establishing a financial center in southeast Europe. You actually gave up the opportunity to Vienna? "Prince Henry asked suspiciously.

"Henry, are you kidding me? Are you sure you're not dreaming about playing finance in Bulgaria?

This is against the constitution. How could our royal family take the lead in violating the constitution? "William pretended to be surprised.

"What? You actually have such a weird constitution. Don't the capitalists in your country want to raise money in the story?" Prince Henry asked suspiciously

"You're right, they really don't want to raise money in the capital market! For them, the most important thing is to pass on the property in their hands, and the shares must never be sold!

I still remember that eight years ago, the government proposed to open up the stock market, and was sprayed bloody by congressmen, and then the congressmen added this article to the constitution in a fit of anger.

At that time, it was supported by all the Bulgarian people, and nothing has changed even now!

The stock market crash 30 years ago devastated the Bulgarian people, and they have not recovered until now. They reject any virtual economy!

In their view, whoever dares to open up the stock market is a liar! "William replied with a smile.

"This is really a conservative country, but you have made a lot of money!" Henry said enviously

What does it mean to be conservative?

There are many meanings contained in it. But for a royal family, a conservative country is far more comfortable than an open country.

It is obviously a commendatory word here. Although Bulgaria is very conservative in many aspects, it is not behind! Both technology and economy have come to the forefront of the world.

This system has been proven, it is practical!

So to put it another way, this is the simple and honest folk customs, and everyone's moral cultivation is high.

This is also a fact. The whole world knows that Bulgarians have the highest moral cultivation, which is embodied in the moral cultivation of capitalists.

Perhaps it is a habit, even if they go abroad, they still attach great importance to integrity, which makes the people who work with them very relieved.

Even overseas factories never deduct wages at will or default on wages. The overtime pay that should be paid is a lot, and everything is done in full compliance with the contract.

Under the consolation of the majority of colleagues, every time the workers go on strike, the workers in these factories are embarrassed to join in the fun.

It is difficult for ordinary people to understand, why is this? But William is very clear, this is the word-of-mouth that everyone intentionally manages.

On the surface, it seems that in this way, a lot of less money is made, but in fact it is just the opposite.

Under the same conditions, everyone is always willing to cooperate with Bulgarian capitalists, because it means security.

The same is true for the products sold in the market. Many people think that the quality of Bulgarian products is better, because their capitalists have integrity and will not shoddy.

This secret cannot be hidden from a truly smart person. But the problem is that you know what you know, but you can't learn it.

Unless you can change people in a country and make them obey the rules, then you can play this business model.

Otherwise, if your company is playing like this, then just wait until it's over!

If it weren’t for Ferdinand himself wearing a bunch of vests, leading a wave of rhythm, cleaning up a bunch of unruly people in advance, and the rest are law-abiding “smart people”, this kind of word-of-mouth is also operating not come out.

Oh, it looks like there are not many left. After all, there are not many companies that can go abroad. Large companies still pay attention to their corporate image, and they cannot easily smash their own brands.

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