When the Third Army attacked Albania, the Sixth Infantry Division crossed the Rhodope Mountains, went down the Nestos River, captured Kavala, and went straight to Komotini without stopping!

Now that the mission of the Sixth Infantry Division has changed, the Second Army has already achieved victory in the Macedonian region, and there is no need to continue the plan to divide the Ottoman army.

Unwilling to fail the Ottoman Empire, they are now concentrating their forces to prepare for another major battle in the Istanbul area. The Aegean Sea area will be temporarily taken over by the Seventh Infantry Division, and the Sixth Infantry Division has now been assigned to the First Army.

"How's the situation?" George Ivanlov, commander of the Sixth Division, asked.

Chief of Staff Stefan Bogdanov shook his head and said: "The situation is not ideal! Our Sixth Division left most of the artillery and heavy machine guns in the country when we crossed the Rhodope Mountains in a hurry. , now it is difficult to conquer Komotini!"

"No matter how difficult it is, we must fight it down, otherwise we will not be able to keep up with the great battle in Constantinople!" George Ivanov said with a wry smile

Chief of Staff Stefan nodded in agreement, and then said: "Komotini is a transportation hub connecting the Macedonian region and Eastern Thrace, and the Ottoman Empire usually stationed two regiments of troops here.

After the outbreak of the war, the strength of three regiments was increased, and together with the routs incorporated, there are now about 12,000 people in the city.

In terms of military strength, our advantage is not obvious, and now we lack siege artillery.

The staff believes that the best way is to wait for the artillery to be brought over from the rear before launching a full-scale attack! Launching an attack blindly now will cause a lot of casualties. Even if Komotini is captured, the loss outweighs the gain! "

George Ivanov thought for a while and said: "The Aegean Sea is now dominated by the Ottoman Navy. When we attacked Kavala, a group of Ottoman troops withdrew to Sassos Island, and they may make a comeback at any time!

If Komotini cannot be conquered as soon as possible, if the Ottomans send reinforcements from Asia, there will be a serious threat in the Aegean Sea area, and our Sixth Division will do nothing else! "


When the Sixth Division was worrying, Ahmed Pasha in the city was even more "worrying" at this time. The prestige of the Bulgarian army has been revealed, at least the Ottoman army has recognized it!

My family knows their own affairs. On the surface, the soldiers in the city seem to be strong and strong, but in fact, most of them are improvised, and less than half of them are really capable of fighting!

"Someone is here! Pass my order, the whole city is on alert, if any abnormal movement is found, shoot and kill!" Ahmed Pasha said murderously

Komotini's unique geographical location makes the city's commerce very prosperous, and it is a multi-ethnic city. At this time, an undercurrent was brewing in the city of Komotini.

In a small grocery store in the north of the city, Sanwu was making plans, and a teenager asked worriedly, "Mr. Vichi, the Ottomans are very guarded. How can we get close to the granary?"

The middle-aged man named Vicky said kindly: "Jim, don't worry! How much grain do you think they can have in their granaries given the corruption of the Sudanese government?

Our target this time is not them at all, look at the map, these are the storage points of several major grain merchants in the city! "

The faces of several teenagers changed slightly, and Jim asked suspiciously: "Mr. Vitch, even if we set fire to the granary, it's useless! These merchants have stricter fire prevention measures than Ottoman's official warehouse, and they can quickly Just extinguish it!"

Vicki laughed and said, "Little Jim is very smart! Yes, those businessmen are very vigilant, and besides, we just can't handle it!"

The middle-aged man of Vichy designated a few places with his hand and said: "You see, these are all firewood storage places in the city. Tomorrow night, you should find a way to sneak in and light them, and then find a place to hide immediately!

Remember to evacuate immediately after completing the task, now the Ottomans are crazy, don't get caught! I will do it myself to burn down the granary! "

After finishing speaking, Vicki did not explain,

Walked out of the grocery store, turned left and right and disappeared into the alley!

At this time, in a grain store in the south of the city, a man in gray asked, "How is it?"

The middle-aged man said confidently: "Don't worry, these young men are still reliable! They are all carefully selected by me, and everyone has a blood feud with the Ottomans!"

It's a pity that the time is too short, they haven't finished the training yet, otherwise the success rate this time will be greatly increased! "

Looking closely, isn't the middle-aged man exactly Vicky who just left the grocery store?

The man in gray said earnestly: "Don't be too confident, accidents may happen at any time in our business! Forget it, it doesn't matter if they fail, as long as they can create chaos, that's enough!"

Wei Qi asked suspiciously: "You should think about it first, is there any way to destroy the granary in the city!"

The man in gray smiled and said, "Don't forget what I do? It doesn't matter whether the food has been burned, as long as the people think that the food has been burned, that's enough!

The capitalists in the city will cooperate with us. Since ancient times, hoarding is a good way to make a fortune! "


The sound of artillery fire sounded, and the siege battle began! Due to the lack of fire cover, the sixth division's tentative attack was quickly repulsed by the Ottomans.

George Ivanov glanced at the battlefield and said, "Stop the siege!"

Chief of Staff Zou said with a frown: "Forcing is not an option! The Ottomans in the city are already prepared. Unless we are willing to spare no expense, it will be very difficult to capture Komotini. Let's wait now!"

George Ivanov nodded, giving up.


As night fell, the city of Komotini was full of people.

"It's flooded, put out the fire!"


The chaos in the city didn't last long. Ahmed Pasha sent troops to chop off hundreds of heads and restore order!

However, the sequelae are not so easy to calm down. First of all, the price of food in the city has risen again, and it has risen crazily, and it is also sold in limited quantities!

Before the war, one lira of the Ottoman Empire could buy 52kg of flour, yesterday one lira could buy 20kg of flour, but now it can only buy 5kg of flour, and the price of grain has increased tenfold! (1 lira ≈ 6.65 grams of gold)

For a while, rumors spread in the city, and many people believed that the fire last night destroyed the food in the city. Snap up, snap up like crazy!

The capitalists have made a lot of money, but ordinary people have suffered. After the price of food has skyrocketed tenfold, fortunately, I have to work hard all day, and I can't even afford a piece of black bread!

Under the instigation of caring people, ordinary people took to the streets one after another, demanding that the government quell food prices!

How many capitalists in the Ottoman Empire have no background these days? Either dependent on domestic dignitaries, or international capitalists, none of them are easy to mess with!

On one side are helpless ordinary people, and on the other side are wealthy and powerful capitalists. Ahmed Pasha had to choose between them!

Of course, he still has a third choice, that is, the government opens warehouses to release grain. Theoretically, the official storehouses in Komotini could feed 20,000 people for three years. It is more than enough to deal with the food crisis!

In fact, now Ahmed Pasha has to spend money to buy food from the capitalists for the Ottoman army!

Ahmed Pasha hesitated again and again, but wisely sat on the side of his class, and sent troops to expel the petitioners!

The gray-clothed man knew that the opportunity he had been waiting for had come, and immediately mobilized all the spies lurking in the city, and began to work in tandem to encourage the hungry people to grab food!

In order to stabilize the order in the city, Ahmed Pasha sent troops to carry out a brutal suppression, and countless people were slaughtered.

"Vich, start the next step!" the man in gray said calmly

"Yes! It's a pity that our strength in the city is limited, and we don't know if we can open the city gate!" Wei Qi had a regretful expression.

"Dead wood cannot be carved!" the man in gray commented

Vicky said angrily, "You~"

The man in gray said coldly: "What are you? Did I say something wrong?

From the moment the Ottomans raised their butcher knives, Komotini was over! Don't forget that there are many locals in the Ottoman army.

Originally, the strong men had resentment when they were arrested, but now they are stained with the blood of their relatives! what do you think will happen "


When the clock struck midnight, a tragic uprising erupted in Komotini, and ordinary people with bare hands were obviously no match for the Ottoman army.

At the critical moment, Wei Qi raised his arms and shouted "break out of the city", and instantly became everyone's last hope!

At this moment, the Ottoman army was not calm, and many soldiers who were forced to join the army turned a deaf ear to the orders from above. There is no way, there may be relatives and friends in the rebel army, so I really can't do it!

Some soldiers even defected when their relatives were killed!

The defenders in the south of the city were no exception. There were even many locals among them who had seen their relatives and friends fall in a pool of blood with their own eyes.

Looking at the crowd about to go out of the city at this moment, they undoubtedly chose to release the water. The guns were crackling, and the bullets flew to nowhere!

The Ottoman officer looked at the approaching crowd. If he didn't know what was going on, he would be an idiot!

Immediately brought the supervisory team over, and shot several soldiers who released the water on the spot. At this time, the Sixth Division outside the city launched an attack again, and a stray bullet happened to hit the officer leading the team.

When the other soldiers saw it, they felt that the Ottomans were dying. The anger of being oppressed for a long time could no longer be suppressed, so they simply killed the supervising team and joined the rebel army!

Internal and external attack, people's hearts are against each other! Coupled with a group of soldiers who may turn against each other at any time, no matter how strong the city of Komotini is, it cannot stop it!

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