Bulgarian Empire

Chapter 51, Greece's Defeat

"Not bad! It seems that Ferdinand is still so shrewd and always knows how to get the best benefit for himself! How is the navy preparing? Once the war starts, we can't directly intervene!" Nicholas II laughed after saying

The Minister of the Navy said with confidence: "In order to ensure the victory of this war, the Black Sea Fleet will go all out, and then our main fleet will attack the Ottoman Empire in the name of the Bulgarian Navy!

Once Bulgaria takes Istanbul, the Bosphorus is ours! "

On this point, the Secretary of the Navy really didn't brag! It's not how awesome the Russian Black Sea Fleet is, but the navy of the Ottoman Empire is rotten!

The Ottoman Navy used to be vast, once ranked fifth in the world's naval rankings, and the tonnage of armored ships exceeded that of the sixth Italian by 20%.

In 1878, the Ottoman Empire owned 16 ironclad ships; at that time, the British Empire Navy, the world's largest navy, only had 40 ironclad ships; the number of armored ships even surpassed the world's second largest naval power - France!

Not only are there a lot of quantity, but the quality is also not bad. There are several ironclad ships of eight or nine thousand tons! Even the German Navy, which will be so bullish in the future, bought their first 9,000-ton ironclad ship from the UK after taking advantage of the Ottoman Empire's cancellation of the order!

It has 5 broadside gunboats, 10 central gunships, 1 deck turntable, 4 frigates, and 20 patrol ships, with a total tonnage of 90,725 tons, second only to Britain, France, Germany, and Russia. Ranked fifth in the world!

It looks awesome, but it's nothing great in essence. This is a "poor man's navy"!

The Ottoman Navy has such a big family background. In an era when national strength and technology were not at the same latitude as the great powers, such a fleet was built. It was a sultan who was a wonderful naval enthusiast between 1860 and 1871—— Abdul Aziz!

But the Ottoman Empire was poor! The moneyless Sudanese government, Abdul Aziz did a stupid thing - increase taxes!

Mainly ruled Christian areas, such as Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania and other places that were still under the rule of the Ottoman Empire at that time. One day or two is fine, the tax will be levied for ten years, and Christians everywhere can't survive and start uprising one after another.

The aristocrats and princes of the Ottoman Empire saw that this was not good. Our navy is still under construction and the country is about to split. This can’t go on like this. When everyone came together, they directly launched a coup to abolish His Royal Highness Aziz.

Now the navy of the Ottoman Empire has become a motherless child, and the huge armored fleet has become a large toy, even so it is enough to dominate one side!

It's a pity that the decaying Ottoman Empire is not even willing to pay the cost of maintaining this fleet. The government stopped the normal appropriation of the navy, and the fleet is moored in the port all day, month, and year, doing nothing!

Naval officers and soldiers do not live on board, they all have their own lives. Many officers and soldiers will get lost when they arrive at the port, and often cannot find their own ship, because they rarely get on the ship!

Some officers don't even know how many people are on their ship, and they can't tell the parameters of the weapons on the warship. These are the status quo of the Ottoman Navy!

As for combat power, what the hell is that? Didn't you see the provocation of the Greek navy, did the Ottoman navy not attack? You know, both countries have declared war!

To defend against the Bulgarian navy, such a suffocating reason can only fool the military noobs of the Sudanese government!

Anyone with a bit of military common sense knows that the Bosporus Strait is 30 kilometers long, the narrowest point is only more than 700 meters, and the widest point is only 3.7 kilometers.

The shore artillery deployed on both sides of the strait is not a salute. How could the Bulgarian navy go to the Marmara Sea to do things?


The shore artillery deployed by the Ottoman Empire on both sides of the strait may really be a salute! After all, in this magical country, nothing is impossible!


Ferdinand's butterfly effect, the situation in the Balkans has now entered a turning point in history, and no one can predict where it will go in the future!

But the Greeks still did not get rid of the fate of history. The Greek army led by Prince Constantine was still defeated by Edhe Pasha, and tens of thousands of the main force of the Greek army were destroyed!

In the early morning of April 29, 1897, after a day of hard fighting, the Ottoman army finally tore a hole in the defense area of ​​Major General Andrew of the 18th Division!

The problem was with this group of reinforcements. Due to the lack of troops, Major General Andrew had to add this group of mobs to the troops.

The brutal offensive and defensive battles have long exhausted the Greek army physically and mentally. They were originally captured young men, so don't expect them to have any sense of belonging to Greece!

In the early hours of the morning, a battalion of the Tenth Division of the Ottoman Empire launched a surprise attack under the cover of night! After the night attack, the recruits who had just been recruited ran away in panic. This run caused a chain reaction, and many Greek soldiers also ran away in a daze!

By the time the Greek officers reacted, it was too late, the defense line had been torn open, and the main force of the Tenth Division of the Ottoman Army had rushed in, fighting the Greek army in the night!

Edhe Pasha who received the news did not hesitate, and immediately ordered the whole army to attack! Hundreds of thousands of Greek and Turkish armies launched the most brutal fight in the vast night!

All the establishments were disrupted, neither Prince Constantine nor Edhe Pasha could command the troops anymore, and could only watch the melee between the two sides helplessly!

As time went by, relying on their superiority in numbers, the Ottomans gradually gained the upper hand, and the outcome was doomed, the Greek army was defeated in such a muddled way!

Even if Prince Constantine has once again formed a wounded division, it is powerless at this moment!

After dawn, Edhe Pasha counted the results of the battle, and suddenly found that Prince Constantine, the commander of the Greek army, had become a prisoner!

In this battle, the Ottoman army suffered 34,800 casualties, wiped out more than 57,000 Greek troops, and achieved the first victory since the Turkish army started the war-the victory of Trikala!

Needless to say, in this war, Greece has already taken the lead out!

Edhe Pasha, who had won the victory, immediately cut off the connection between the Greek army in Epirus and the country! The more than 100,000 Greek troops led by Duke Cyril have now been filled with dumplings! In the absence of weapons and ammunition supplies, defeat is a matter of time!

At this moment, the Greek government is completely blinded, and the worst has already happened! The reinforcements that were originally going to reinforce Prince Constantine don't need to go now, they just go back the same way and prepare for the homeland defense battle!

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