
A sub-character played by people at a higher tier to enjoy the game at a lower tier.

As Airbus has a lot of users, there were a lot of sidekicks.

There are many viewers who want to see a splendid and exciting appearance.

Therefore, there were quite a few streamers broadcasting the play in the lower tier using the secondary character than in the upper tier.

Even less so if it's the 4th tier of the Stone League, a gathering place for stone heads, which is known as the lowest level in the league.

'There is no content as mouth-watering as this.'

-uh? That's like Satan.

-division? Is this the Hokage Satan I know?

-When you see the combination of i and l. Satan is right.

- Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

- Bro, I'm scared of him.

There are a lot of streamers who usually use barcode nicknames to avoid being found out or to avoid being shot.

But these days, when viewers analyze those nicknames one by one and find out who is who, I can only think that it is really amazing.

'If it's Satan...'

A famous streamer I know well.

He was well-spoken and talented, and his nickname was 'Hokage.'

'He played Shadow Walker amazingly.'

The best shadow walker player in Korea.

Rumor has it that he had also received a professional offer, but it seemed that he had given up on being a professional in order to focus on broadcasting.

-Isn't this stuffed the moment Satan comes out even once?

-If you are stuffed in you tube, you will go to a rice cake shop!

-Satan Solkill Gazah!

-Molar seat! Pull out one of Satan's molars!

The quiet chat window rises quickly.

Of course, fast by my standards. Although it may not be comparable to the chat window of Satan's broadcast.

At the words of the viewers, the happiness circuit quickly starts running in my head.

'What if I pay a single kill for this?'

The number floating above the opponent's head flashes in front of his eyes.

Plus, it's a great opportunity to be stuffed into a nut tube or clip.

"You can't eat this, isn't it? I'll go right away!"

The spear and shield he is holding feel heavier than ever.

Hold the window handle firmly.

Satan's character is a Ranger.

I felt it last time, but the best character for harassing opponents.

However, Ranger 'Melbourne' also had one big drawback.

'I don't know what's going to happen if I get it right just once.'

Characters with generally lower health than other characters.

If the dash skill goes in just once, you might be able to catch it.

-brother! I came to watch Satan's broadcast! True Satan!

- Besides, you said you don't use the Stones spell? Isn't it worth doing?

Eyes twinkle

It feels like the probability of less than 1% has risen a bit.

[A minion is created.]

Minions with magic guns and cannons rush towards the line.

Melbourne appears with a crossbow from the opposing line.

It was exuding a different dimension from the Melbourne I had met last time.

'For now, let's buy it unconditionally.'Before taking all the skills, a deal with Melbourne is an unconditional loss.

Even if there was a limit to giving up the minions, not giving them stamina was the best way to survive.

-brother! scared? scared?

-a. The man is so sleazy now.

-lame? lame?

Countless provocations from the singers continued in the chat window.

But you shouldn't be fishing there.

After years of experience as a streamer, they want to see me suffer now.


From a distance, an arrow flies with great speed and pierces the shield.

Flying through the minions was intimidating.

'It looks like it's sulking, but what kind of pressure is it...'

Like a ranger, attacks that come from afar continue to fly in time for the last hit.

It feels like eating minions in front of a huge wall.

"I'm going crazy..."

-Wow. Look at the dill timing.

- Satan seat! Let's break the molars on the molar seat!

- Kill Gaza!

"How can I not have one on my side?"

- Hey! Since when are you coming to see us win your show!

-Is the previous version also frankly Porok? am i right? Cuckoo Beep.

- You made us like this! Take responsibility!

- I've become a body that can't live with the usual spicy taste.

"That, that's..."

I have nothing to say.

Because it was my broadcast that was called the best spicy taste among spicy flavors.

Ordinary viewers couldn't stand the spiciness and ran away. The people who remain on my show right now are really metamorphoses in metamorphosis.

'How can there be no gaps at all?'

He is also proficient in psychological battles.

I was counting the number of minions dying next to the turret to aim for the 3rd level timing.

The moment when a group of lights to announce the level up is emitted.


The ground kicked and Melbourne was out of sight.

'after. It certainly doesn't come out at all.'

They don't give you any time to exchange deals. [I got it] I want to activate the skill, but it doesn't work.

Thanks to the snap shot using the bush, even if the minion's aggro is attracted, it quickly releases it and launches an attack.

'It can't be like this...'

The CS gap is widening. If you keep going like this, things will never happen.

You have to force yourself to time it.

Fortunately, Satan put a lock on the spell not to use it.


Minions piled up and piled up and started to flock towards the tower as a huge army.

Now is the time when it can be the most dangerous and the opportunity.

I quickly checked the map and the enemy ganker was stabbing the lower line.

And the opportunity has finally arrived.


An arrow from a distance is pierced into the armor.

considerable damage. But at that moment. Satan began to move as I intended.

The Satan, who was momentarily drawn to the aggro, fell within the range of the tower.


The aggro of the turret was attracted to the opponent.

Doo doo doo doo-!

The turret that is attracted to the opponent emits flames.

Bullets rip through Melbourne and blood is visibly visible.

From the standpoint of the ranger, Melbourne, the tower damage hurts more than expected.

And finally, the waiting time has come.

'Now is the only time.'

Time to use the skill level-up potion you obtained earlier.

Originally, I was trying to figure out and use a potion for leveling up, but there is no reason to care if there is Satan in front of me.

[Use the skill level-up potion.]

[The level of I got it has risen.]

[Lv.1 → Lv.2]

I held it in my ear A system sound rang out that the skill level had risen.

Then, a small icon appeared on the other person's head in front of him.

Icon with three sharp spears.

'Three chant?'

It is one of Lancelot's dealing skills, not a dash, and it is a skill that stabs the spear three times at once.

'Are you going to use that first?'

I instinctively understand the meaning of that icon.

'However. Why not a dash?'

My brain is spinning and spinning.

And then.

'has disappeared?'

The icon of the triple spear floating above the opponent's head disappeared.

At the same time, the red aura that signaled the angle of self-killing disappeared.

When you see the aura that suddenly disappeared and you are embarrassed.


When Satan's Melbourne came within a certain distance. A red aura appears again.

The icon appears and disappears depending on the distance.

that it is.

'The sound of a slaughterhouse comes out only when it becomes the street of the trio!'

It will be clear when you read the description that has changed as the skill level rises, but it was clear that my thinking was correct, considering that the skill was activated and then switched depending on the distance.



like a crouching beast.

We wait for the street of Samyeonchang to appear once again.

And the moment the distance comes out, the sharp teeth of the beast will take the life of the other person.


"What the heck? Is that person a real local?"

-Satan. It's too cold.

-Ranger can't get a solo kill for 5 minutes? I must die!

-(Breaking News) 0 kills in Stone League in the 5th minute of the division. It turns out to be Gemmoth!

"No. To be honest, everyone, he's holding up pretty well, isn't he?"

The division playing Ranger Melbourne shouted.

Unlike other lines, the offensive line is a line where a lot of battle takes place.

In 5 minutes, there were already 4-5 deal exchanges compared to other lines.

Originally, by now, you should have won at least 2 kills and mined tower gold.

When it was time to put a deal, he noticed it like a ghost, stepped back, gave up on CS, and was holding on.

"I don't think the physical is good. The timing one smells amazing."-Ah! That person is a molar.

- Molar seat? Are you saying that you break your opponent's molars?

-NB: It's a molar seat because it breaks viewers' molars.

- Hahahaha But how are you holding up now?

- That person's brain is wrong. It's really hard to bet. But once it sticks, it's physical shit, so it's easy to pick up.

Satan, who was reading the viewers' chat, made a subtle expression.

'Is the brain so important?'

Airbus knew that no matter how good their brains were, they would be of no use if the skill of those who played them did not support them.

However, the opponent in front of you is moving as if reading your own thoughts.

Of course, I couldn't react properly because I was physically attached.

'Why are you so anxious?'

The eyes of the opponent Lancelot are not serious.

She feels an indescribable ominous feeling.

However, if there were no more kills, the audience's clamor was sure to grow.

So, she had to attack even if it was a little overkill.

Isn't the reason that the Ranger character was brought out from the Stone League to show that he is constantly harassing his opponent?

The moment you rush forward and fire your crossbow.


-Ah? Are there any streamers who can't even calculate the tower range?

-what. Satan, bring back your original skills! This is not Satan!

- I'll pretend I didn't see it. Satan

- It's dizzy... isn't it?

He was attracted to aggro because he accidentally went inside the tower while trying to put a skill combo in time for the big wave.

'Are you aiming?'

If that's what you're aiming for, you can't get out of the Stone League.

Fortunately, he couldn't come in because his opponent was a little more engrossed, but his stamina had already dropped to less than half.

'If I go home like this, there will be a riot.'

He was afraid of Stone League and ran away. What?

'I'm sure I'll go swimming!'

Pretend not to be nervous and open your mouth.

"To be honest, it's a very dangerous situation right now. If it was Lancelot from the Master League and not the Stone League, I would use the triple spear first at the right time."

-Why is it a triple spear instead of a dash?

-The triple spear has a skill that cuts the defense, so to maximize the damage, the triple spear comes first.


-Yep. But honestly, hitting a triple spear is atrocious, so the national combo came first.

In the chat window, after hearing his words, there was also a chat saying that he was a satan.

And at that moment, the unbelievable happened.

'Coming in?'

The opponent started to move.

It also coincides with the timing of the minions disappearing from the turret.

A play that will never come out of the Stone League.

Judging from the opponent's record, he wasn't even a minor, and it must have been a local living in the Stone League.


"Take my spear!"

Three stabs are followed by one breath.

A triple spear that came in at just the right time cuts the defense all the way down.

And at that moment, a huge spear leapt in front of me.


#7 - 3798518


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