Broad World

Chapter 585: The Geralt Family

How to deal with a legendary spellcaster? The answer is simple, that is another legendary caster.

On the continent of Faerun, the gods rarely send their avatars to intervene in certain events. Because every god has its own enemies, they restrain each other, and they are easily attacked by their opponents when they rashly descend on the main plane, so a hidden rule is formed that everyone agrees to, mortal affairs should be resolved by mortals themselves , it is best for the gods not to intervene directly.

In this way, the legendary professionals standing on the main plane became the targets of the major temples. After all, for most ordinary people, the power they possess is almost the same as that of real gods. A legendary mage can easily destroy a city, a legendary warrior can fight against thousands of troops by himself, and the assassination methods of legendary thieves are hard to guard against. Rui can drive all the beasts in the forest...

However, because these people are rare in number and have weird tempers, it is difficult for even the gods to make them surrender. But the gods still came up with a way, that is to give part of their divinity to the other party, so that they can obtain the special power of demigod and demihuman, not only can be immune to many negative states, but also can greatly improve physical fitness, gain Longer lifespan than ordinary people can imagine. There is a very special name for these people in religion, and that is the elect.

Generally speaking, the status of the voters is very special, even if they are not the actual leader of the church of the gods, they should be one of the most powerful combat forces. They represent the glory of the gods and shoulder special missions. They often plan and execute some extremely dangerous missions, and sometimes confront the chosen ones of other gods.

To some extent, the voters on the main plane are equivalent to representing the gods they believe in, and the struggle between them is the epitome of the battle between the gods.

Of course, nothing is absolute and this rule is not mandatory. It is still possible for some gods to take action in person even if they are enraged or pushed into a hurry. The most obvious example of this is the famous historical event "The Disaster of Dawn".

Lathander personally came down to fight with Sammaster, the leader of the dracolich. Although the latter was destroyed once, the Lord of Dawn also lost face in front of the gods. As a member of powerful divine power, he was hit hard by a mortal. This matter is still often used as a joke by guys from the evil camp.

Although Joan Irenicus is not a voter, but because she has acquired the killing divinity that belongs to Aberdare, she is probably even worse than a voter. After such a long period of in-depth research on divinity and divine power, he has thoroughly grasped the secrets belonging to the gods, and is ready to completely absorb the power of the tree of life, and with one sentence, enter the kingdom of the elves and gods to take revenge. It has to be said that this is an extremely crazy move. You must know that there are two powerful divine powers and eight medium divine powers living there. There are also two lesser divine powers, and a total of twelve gods. Not to mention a mere legendary mage with divinity, even Cyric, the prince of lies who claims to be the only true god of the multiverse, has to come out sideways when he enters.

I don't know what kind of support this guy has behind him, so he dared to make such a bold move. Henry can't understand it without thinking about it, and he can't understand it either. Looking at the dark elf fighters who were honing their martial skills in the yard, he couldn't help but sighed slightly.

This is the residence of the Geralt family, built on a single giant stalagmite, there are only two passages to pass through, a huge adamantine gate, deadly traps, spore plants that can emit piercing screams, and finally a whole More than two thousand elite dark elf fighters. If there is no accident, it is impossible for anyone to break through such airtight defenses.

It's hard to imagine that the family that can be slaughtered by players in the game is so powerful. The most important thing is that Mistress Xingdela turned out to be an 18th-level high-ranking priestess, and she could make many people drink a pot with just magic.

After accepting the position of Chief of Martial Arts, Henry quickly integrated into the role, training Dark Elf fighters with various almost cruel methods every day. In just two days, many people's fighting skills have been improved, but at the same time There are deep hidden dangers in the body.

He doesn't care whether these guys will be disabled or short-lived in the future, anyway, he just needs to let everyone see the effect of his training. So far, all the nobles in the family have expressed their appreciation for this, and the mistress even said that they can be stricter. Some. Family chaplains address the resulting injuries.

Now that the mistress has spoken, Henry naturally stepped up his training. All kinds of projects that challenged the limit were introduced one by one, and these fighters were soon tortured terribly. Fortunately, the obedience of the dark elves is better. Otherwise, surface humans would have rioted long ago.

Just when he was considering whether to let everyone stop and rest for a few minutes, he suddenly heard someone shouting behind him: "Your Excellency, Martial Arts Chief Nim, Mistress Xingdela has something important to discuss with you."

"Mistress? Didn't she go to the ruling meeting and come back so soon?" Henry's face was full of suspicion. He is well aware of the temperament of the dark elves, and if the issue of interests is involved, it will not end without a few hours.

The soldier in charge of delivering the order bowed and replied: "I just came back, and the eldest son and eldest daughter have already arrived, and now you are the only one missing."

"Okay, I'll go now." As he said, Henry pretended to turn around and roared at the painful dark elf warrior: "Trash! You are lucky, now stop and rest for a while until I come back."

After speaking, he grabbed the family badge hanging on his waist, activated the power on it, floated directly from the ground to the balcony on the second floor, and walked deep without looking back.

After receiving the order to rest, all the family soldiers fell to the ground in an instant, panting heavily, and many of them cursed two words in a low voice: devil!

That's right, in the eyes of these dark elves, this new master of martial arts, who is known as the number one warrior of Uster Nazar, is an out-and-out devil, even more hateful than a devil. In just two days, more than half of the people lost their strength and fainted during the training, and the rest were not much better. Almost all their physical strength was squeezed out, and injuries also occurred from time to time.

But Henry obviously didn't need to care about these guys' thoughts, and walked straight into the family shrine along the promenade. As soon as he crossed the threshold, he noticed that Mistress Xingdela's face was a bit ugly, and the expressions of the eldest son and eldest daughter were also very complicated, as if something serious had happened.

"Nim, you came at a good time. I just received good news and bad news. Maybe your sixth sense trained in the wilderness can help us make a judgment." The mistress forced a smile and said.

She seemed indecisive, so she wished she could take more advice from others. But there are currently only four members of the Geralt family who have noble status. The mistress, the eldest son, the eldest daughter, the master of martial arts, and the servant father were sacrificed to the goddess some time ago. A successor has yet to emerge.

Henry froze for a moment, then bowed slightly and said, "Dear mistress, I am very willing to express my opinion, but you must first tell me what happened."

"Let's talk about the good news first. Two hours ago, Solaufein of the Men's Warriors Association brought back the news of the expeditionary force. The war initiated by the First Family failed. More than 4,000 soldiers were killed and injured in the battle with the surface goblins. After this incident, the prestige of Mistress Adu (Lace) has been hit hard."

After Madam Xingde finished speaking, a gloating smile appeared on her face. As soon as she thought of the deadly opponent who had a livid face during the meeting, her mood improved a lot in an instant. There is no doubt that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the Geralt family.

"Oh? So the first family and Mistress Adu (Lace) lost the favor of the goddess?" Henry asked with narrowed eyes.

He can already foresee the upcoming fight and turmoil in Uster Natha City. As the first family loses control, those ruling families that are about to make a move will immediately start to connect, win over, and stand in line, and eventually form two to three close The alliance launched a charge against the first family. No matter who wins in the end, the city will be weakened to the extreme.

The eldest daughter Liroya stood up and shook her head gently: "No, things are not as simple as you imagined. Adu (Lace) Si is not an easy character to deal with. She proposed to ask all the family Dedicating more than half of the army and reorganizing the coalition to launch a counterattack, this obviously won the favor of the goddess."

"That's right. It's a very clever strategy, and it is indeed a life-saving rope for a person standing on the edge of a cliff. It seems that this is the so-called bad news." After speaking, Henry turned his eyes to the mistress, hoping to get an affirmative answer .

Mistress Xingdela did not disappoint him, and explained with a sigh: "Yes, this is the bad news. We can't take the risk of violating the Queen's will, so we must send as many soldiers as possible, otherwise the plan will be interrupted." , if there are not enough soldiers and slaves, we may not even be able to break through the enemy's gate."

"I have a suggestion on this point. But you have to take a little risk." Henry's mouth was slightly upturned, showing a smug smile. "Do you still remember the surface slaves that were plundered two days ago? Those are humans and trolls. I think as long as they are trained, they can become qualified fighters, at least they can overwhelm their opponents in terms of numbers."

"Those crying humans? Are you sure they won't turn around and run away in fear? As for the trolls. I don't think their intelligence is enough to understand orders." The eldest son Istar said with a look of disdain. He is a very traditional dark elf mage who looks down on other races at all.

Don't think that mages must be knowledgeable and talented. On the contrary, in fact, the dark elves train fighters and mages in the same way. They learn the basics first, then fight in a team, and finally brainwash them over and over again. It's almost like an assembly line. parts are the same.

Only a very small number of strong spellcasters who have lived for hundreds of years can see through all this and face up to the flaws of themselves and the dark elf race itself, while most other mages are not very different from their compatriots.

"Don't underestimate humans. They have been recognized as the most adaptable race in the entire multiverse. Coupled with my training, they will definitely be able to play an unexpected role. Just imagine, when there are not many left-behind soldiers in all families At that time, if the Geralt family pulls out thousands of slaves to launch an attack, who can stop it." After Henry finished speaking, he stood quietly and waited for the answer from the mistress...

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