British Civil Servant

Chapter 78: United military parade

At midnight on June 23, the Austrian border, which had been silent for a long time, was boiling like a volcano. Soldiers of the Yugoslav Fatherland Army and their families, under the shady curtain of invisible hands, rushed to the road of freedom.

The future is uncertain, and I feel apprehensive. Amid the shouts of the men, the women and children get on the scooters, or go directly north on foot. The British do not know about such a big movement, but the Croats near the Serbian camp, Slovenia It is impossible for people not to know.

Soon the news spread, and the Croats and Slovenes were moved by the wind. Although they didn't know the specific situation, their instincts drove them to follow the actions of the Serbs.

This has to mention the history of Yugoslavia. The modern history of Yugoslavia can be summarized as the history of Serbia's establishment of the Great Yugoslavia to annex and integrate other peoples but failed.

In Yugoslavia, the Serb population is only the majority among the individual ethnic groups, but far from half. The name "Serb-Croatian-Slovenian Kingdom" when the first Yugoslavia was established explains the attributes of this country. It is a country formed by the union of different Yugoslav nationalities. Serbs are only the majority of the population, but Serbia In addition to the population of Serbia, the number of ethnic groups in other districts is much larger than the population of Serbia.

Although the Serbs are not the main ethnic group, in the short history of the Yugoslav Kingdom, the Serbs did occupy a dominant position and had the ability to influence other ethnic groups, and this ability was imperceptible.

Regardless of whether it is a Croat or a Slovenian, although they are hostile to the Serbs, they subconsciously act with the Serbs as the standard. At midnight this day, this psychological expression is vivid and vivid.

There was such a big movement in the Serb camp, and it was known by the neighboring Croats. Although they didn't know what the Serbs had in the end, under the high pressure of Tito, the Croats and the Serb-dominated Fatherland Army were at the mercy of the Serbs. In an environment to report to the group to keep warm.

As for this kind of psychology, seeing the Serbs marching north, the Croats instinctively followed, and then the Slovenians, and the domino effect appeared.

At midnight, the Austrian border was bustling, as noisy as a busy city, with torches and people intertwined, moving towards the north.

If someone can open the perspective of God and notice the details of this movement, they will be very surprised to find that the movement involved 200,000 people, and it has perfectly avoided the camp where the occupying army is located.

Of course, this is also reasonable. After all, the situation in Austria is special now. The British army has only two battalions in the British-occupied area of ​​Austria, and the areas occupied by the United States and France are similar. Austria is actually under the control of the Soviet army. In the overall situation, the Soviet Red Army is in the Soviet-occupied area, giving courtesy to the United States, Britain and France.

This loophole, which even the parties involved would not notice, has now become a fatal negligence and a footnote to this escape that shocked the world.

The fugitive moving north, his body is full of strength, his way of life is just ahead, and all his exhaustion and anxiety are gone. North, north and then north, is their only purpose now.

At this time, there were no Serbs, no Croats, and no Slovenes. They were all one kind of people who avoided repatriation and waited for Tito's reckoning.

Under the night, the long army of people made up of torches awakened Austria from its calm, but for Europe, which has gone through many years of war, this noise is actually nothing.

In Berlin, hundreds of kilometers away, a victory celebration is being held. Unlike history, the victory parade this time is three months earlier. The comradeship of war that just won the joint victory over Germany is still there, and the expected Potsdam Conference is a few days away. It will also be held, and the United States, the Soviet Union, Britain and France are trying their best to create an atmosphere of unity.

Everyone knows that the war is not over yet, Japan is still dying, and the British and American troops in the Pacific are still fighting with the Japanese troops. At this time, it is very important to persuade the Soviet Union to join the war against Japan.

Before the meeting started, in fact, everything could only be regarded as unknown. As far as Alan Wilson knew, Japan was already in a state of emergency on the eve of its defeat in the war. He even put his hope in the Soviet Union.

Counting on the Soviet Union to mediate, after all, the United States, which is pressing hard, will withdraw from the war conditionally. This is not incomprehensible. In fact, just like the Germans want to surrender to the Western Front, the Germans are very aware of what they have done on the Eastern Front, so they avoid falling into the hands of the Soviets.

The psychology of the Japanese is just the opposite. When choosing between the Soviet Union and the Americans, it is normal for the Japanese to pin their hopes on the Soviet Union and avoid being cleaned up by the Americans.

At 8:00 in the morning, at the Berlin military parade site, the soldiers from the four countries of the United States, the Soviet Union, Britain and France have been ready for the military parade. At the same time, on the Red Square in Moscow, the Soviet Victory Parade followed the same steps. Marshal Rokossovsky served as the commander-in-chief of the Red Square and the commander-in-chief of the Union Berlin military parade was served by Marshal Zhukov.

Rokossovsky appeared on the Red Square with the bell of the Kremlin clock tower. After the password of "stand at attention, the parade begins", the chime chimed ten times, and the military band played Glinka's famous song "Glory - Russia". People", Marshal Rokossovsky rode a white horse into Red Square through the Spassky Gate, and the commander-in-chief of the parade Marshal Rokossovsky reported to Stalin: "Comrade Stalin, the active troops, the navy and the Moscow garrison. The team to participate in the military parade has been formed, please review!"

"Ulla..." Naturally, Alan Wilson couldn't hear Moscow's cheers, but at the joint military parade in Berlin, Soviet soldiers shouted Ulla to Marshal Zhukov, which also attracted the attention of participants from other countries.

Even Eisenhower and Field Marshal Montgomery recognized the mental state displayed by the Soviet soldiers.

"What I saw was the brave faces of the soldiers who had been honed by the war, and the eyes showing joy; it was the new uniforms that the soldiers wore, and the medals and medals were shining brightly on the uniforms." Marshal Zhukov said to the soldiers under review. In the speech, "People who cherish peace all over the world are grateful for the contributions made by brave soldiers, including the Soviet Union, as well as the great allies of the United States, Britain, France and other allies. Today, in this grand celebration, On the anniversary, we would like to express our great and high respect to them, and the honor belongs to all the heroes who died for this war."

"Ulla!" After Zhukov's speech, the Soviet soldiers in the joint military parade shouted again.

General Eisenhower gave Field Marshal Montgomery an inexplicable look. He felt that he should talk to the British.

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