British Civil Servant

Chapter 69: Yes, Minister!

People are in Europe, and their hearts are in India. This is the current state of Alan Wilson. The greater the possibility of British India becoming independent from the United Kingdom, the more Alan Wilson wants to fight the last post.

No way, who made him an imperial civil servant? What else can we do without considering the interests of the British Empire?

Because he is the liaison officer of the Ministry of Indian Affairs to British India, and he is only temporarily serving in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he is very familiar with contacting the Ministry of Indian Affairs. Combined with the current first-hand information in Europe, he shows the importance of restoring order in Europe as soon as possible.

There is no doubt that the countries of Europe have been severely damaged by the war. If they do not admit this, they will wait for the Soviet Union to liberate the world.

At this time, we cannot believe that Europe and the free world are deceiving themselves, otherwise, they are no different from Democrats who believe in polls. Real estate businessmen have proved that polls are nothing but fraud.

Honestly speaking, at this time, raising the grain of British India and transporting it to Europe is to use the material resources of Great Britain for the favor of Europe.

But the UK can't pay for it by itself! Supporting Europe was a decision made by the London government, and it was the London government itself who took the blame. All Alan Wilson could do was to use his knowledge of British India to let the British take responsibility instead of the British. It belongs to India.

Avoid adding a burden to the British Empire right after the war. When it comes to patriotism, Alan Wilson is totally selfless, just to make the country a better place.

He, the British India liaison officer, is just an executor, doing this thing that seems to be the British cutting flesh and bloodletting to Europe. Decisions are made by the London government.

It is also because of the colonial status of British India that the burden can be passed on. Otherwise, like the sleeping king's proposition in the 21st century, the United States will make profits with Europe, and slowly make plans for a certain big country. It seems that the vision is long-term, and the interests that can be given up must be sacrificed by the citizens of the country.

For the British citizens in 1945, the London government needs to restore the order in Europe immediately. From the overall point of view, it must cost money, but for British citizens, I really have a cow!

"There is no doubt that in this world war, the local elites in India have grown stronger again. British India has become more and more uncontrollable, but there are still many problems facing the United Kingdom, but at present, the local economic operation must be guaranteed. , the only way I can think of, and it has worked in the past, is to use the material resources of British India to support the current United Kingdom and Europe."

In a telegram to Leo Emory, Minister of Indian Affairs, Alan Wilson said that there must be no softening in the position of draining India's last bit of value.

He believed that the Minister of Indian Affairs could understand this, because it was under the wise leadership of Leo Emery that the United Kingdom, in order to end the global war as soon as possible, regardless of the outbreak of famine in India, shipped food to support the war and let Bangladesh go The outbreak of the Great Famine.

Since there is a first time, it doesn't matter if there is a second time. Anyway, the abnormal weather in South Asia is a well-known thing.

Alan Wilson certainly knows the possible consequences. If he doesn't have the ability to make a fart to make the earth's climate change, there will be climate fluctuations in many countries around the world next year, and food shortages will occur in many places. The more famous is the 1946 famine in the Soviet Union, but in fact India also had a famine that same year.

At this time, it was proposed to transport grain from British India. Next year's famine may expand, but it can't be controlled so much. Alan Wilson doesn't believe that there are people who use next year's natural disasters to find this year's aftermath.

"Call Harret in and send a telegram to the Governor's Office of India." Leo Emery, Minister of Indian Affairs, called the Secretary of the Indian Affairs Department in and said, "It's something from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in short, Marshal Montgomery's. The British-occupied area needs food to stabilize the social order as soon as possible, and as you know the current local situation, if it affects the quality of life of its citizens, it may have a negative impact at this time of the election.”

"Yes, Minister!" Hallett added after listening to the words of Leo Emery, Minister of Indian Affairs, standing there, "For personal reasons, I have not heard the election just now. I will notify India immediately. Governor's Palace!"

"Is there no difficulty?" asked Leo Emery, who was more afraid of causing chaos in British India.

"No problem, the 100,000 civil servants in British India are always busy working for imperial decision-making." Hallett patted his chest and assured.

What could be wrong? For civil servants, doing nothing is certainly a pursuit. But doing nothing also proves that there is no chance to make money. For imperial tasks like this, the officials of British India, not only have no disgust, but will go to work full of energy, because the benefits contained in them will make everyone not indifferent.

The Governor-General of British India in New Delhi, Governor Wavell took a telegram from the Minister of Indian Affairs in and scratched his head a little, "The war in Southeast Asia is not over yet, London also expects British India to send some food, Helping the mainland to stabilize the situation in Europe as soon as possible seems to be putting too much pressure on British India."

"Governor, I don't think so." Sir Barron smiled and said with relief, "British India is undoubtedly extremely important to the British Empire, and without British India, the prosperity of the British Empire would not be so prosperous. Success. But at the moment we serve the overall situation, and it is indeed the most important thing to restore stability to the mainland and Europe as soon as possible, and the Secretary of Indian Affairs is right.”

"I'm just worried that the pressure on British India is too great." Governor Wavell said a little embarrassedly, "By the way, this is a telegram from that small commissioner. I don't know how the output of Punjab will be this year. Face Punjab. The gatherings of various religions in the province are a little worried, there are many peaceful believers in the area, whether it will cause religious conflicts.”

Sir Barron took the telegram from Governor Wavell and looked at the concern about the three major religions in Punjab mixing together. The corners of his mouth twitched. How could this be so similar to Wilson's report telegram in Bengal province during the Bengal famine?

"No problem, Governor!" Sir Barron put away the telegram. "We will be sure to supply enough food."

The sun went down, and the busy day of the Governor's Palace was over. Pamela Mountbatten was waiting in front of the Governor's Palace. After a while, Sir Barron got off work and saw Pamela Mountbatten who was waiting.

"Uncle Barron!" Pamela Mountbatten greeted very cleverly, "Do you have my telegram?"

"It depends on whose telegram you want!" Sir Barron sold it for a while, and then took out a telegram and handed it over. "Then, as a girl, you should pay attention to your ladylike demeanor."

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