The end of the rain!

After listening to Dou Yuxin's words, I looked at her and Ling Tian's horrible expression. Even if she didn't know what the end of the rain was, it was not a good thing to think about it. c


The door of the ward was knocked open, and only Dong Wuyu entered the ward. At this time, the huge body was particularly flexible.

"The end of the world... the end of the rain is coming."

Trembling lips, Dong Wu’s mouth licked these words.


There was a scream of screams downstairs, which was especially loud at this moment.

Immediately afterwards, gunshots were heard, and the rules for not allowing shots at the Nanshan base were also broken at this moment.

Suddenly, Lin Feng remembered it.

The world was experiencing an end of the rain three years ago. After the end of the rain, all the people who were drenched by the red rain became zombies.

Of course, there are some exceptions. Some people may be different from others because of their own immunity, and they did not become zombies after the end of the rain. In addition, some people have not become zombies after the end of the rain, but also become practitioners for various reasons.

The last time the last rain happened to be the day three years ago, and even the time coincided.

It was because of the end of the rain that the world was changed, and 80% of the world’s people became zombies. People live in dire straits and become embarrassed.

For the end of the rain, how come, three years have passed, and no researcher has explained it to this day. The suddenness of the last days of the rain came unexpectedly.

No one thought that the same days three years later, the end of the rain will come again, even the time is the same, all this is unusually strange.

Lin Feng is now in the ward and has not been affected by the end of the rain. But the people outside are different. The end of the rain is extremely sudden, that is, an instant. Many people outside were too late to escape, and were drenched by the last days. I am afraid that the call just now shows this.

The last days of the rain outside the window only lasted for a minute, but only this minute, the change to humans will be enormous.

After three years of end, the entire city has become a large and small base. In the past three years, people have been building bases to resist the attack of zombies. This has the tall walls of the major bases to prevent the entry of zombies.

But at this moment, those walls have lost the role of protecting the base. After the baptism of the end of the rain, a large number of zombies will be produced again. What people have done before will be lost. The whole world will once again experience the end of the world, and everything in this world will change. ?

Ling Tian's ward is on the second floor of the emergency center. At this time, there are screams from the downstairs and the collision of objects. Many people ran up the stairs toward the second floor, and their expressions panicked.


The iconic roar representing the zombies was remembered on the first floor of the emergency center. Someone became a zombie and rushed into the lobby of the emergency center.

"what should we do?"

At this moment, there are four people in the Lingtian ward, and Dong Wu at the door is nervously asking Ling Tian.

Lin Feng is understandable and is the main heart of the four people. The second and last days are coming again. How to deal with it at the moment is the most crucial thing at the moment.

"Since it is here, hiding can't hide."

Taking the black iron bayonet from the end of the world table, Lin Feng stared at the end of the corridor and frowned.

"Yu Xin, you are responsible for watching Lingtian, we rushed out."

There are many people in the hospital, and it is dangerous to stay here. Lin Feng still wants to go out from the hospital and go back to renting a house. After all, it is more spacious, and it is safer for a few people on their own side, relative to the hospital. If it is not, Lin Feng even thought about withdrawing from the Nanshan base.

After listening to Lin Feng’s words, Dong Wu and Dou Yuxin both nodded, and each took out an automatic rifle from the end of the world.

Although Ling Tian’s body is currently weak, he can still go. After a few days of treatment, he is now in recovery. However, in the face of the current situation, Ling Tian had to be discharged in advance.

Lin Feng walked out of the ward, Dou Yuxin and Ling Tian walked behind Lin Feng, and Dong Wu walked behind the last face. After leaving the ward, several people walked up the stairs.

People continually fled from the first floor of the emergency center to the second floor, and the corridor was noisy for a while.

Suddenly, Lin Feng saw a zombie appear at the end of the corridor, apparently from the stairs to the second floor.


The gunshots in Dong Wu’s hands rang and accurately hit the eyebrows of the zombies. The ugly zombies fell down, and Dong Wu’s shooting method was unquestionable.

After coming to the stairs quickly, after cleaning up three zombies, three men and two women, Lin Feng and his team arrived at the first floor lobby of the emergency center.

The hall was a mess, the original information cabinet was smashed, and the medical records and materials were scattered. More than a dozen zombies chased people in the hall who had not had time to escape to the second floor. Some people were bitten by zombies and screamed and fell to the ground.

Gunshots continued to sound and some people in the hall held guns. The living conditions at the Nanshan base are still quite good, and there are many people with guns. After seeing the end of the rain, many people reacted and took guns to deal with the zombies that had just formed.

Fortunately, although there are many people in the hospital, they are not as dense. Dong Wu and Dou Yuxin constantly shot and killed the zombies. The people became very good at the zombies. They can be identified from the appearance and the way they walk. Therefore, there will be no accidental injury to normal people.

After a while, the hall finally calmed down. But there are still a lot of zombies gathered outside the gate of the emergency center, and the zombies outside are trying to enter the hall through the revolving door.

Fortunately, these are ordinary zombies, and there are no high-level zombies. However, the zombies took advantage of the number, and they kept flapping the revolving door of the emergency hall, and one or two zombies entered the emergency room from the side door on the side of the revolving door.

Watching Dong Wu and Dou Yuxin continue to shoot the zombies that rushed in, Lin Feng began to think about the route of escape.

Although these zombies are a piece of cake for Lin Feng, a 5th-level practitioner. But this is not a game, Lin Feng must carefully consider the next action. Only in this way can you guarantee the absolute safety of your side, and any slight mistake can have serious consequences.

A burst of gunshots came from outside the lobby of the emergency center. The zombies at the gate were only falling down. After a few seconds, the zombies at the door were all killed.

"Lord, let's save you!"

At this time, Lin Feng’s money manager who had encountered outside was rushed in from the emergency center gate, and there were more than a dozen people behind him. Everyone has a gun in his hand, and obviously the zombies at the door are killed by them.

After entering the hall, the money manager shouted and shouted at Lin Feng.

Seeing the money manager, Lin Feng’s eyes flashed through the black line. users please visit

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