Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2736: Gems and jade are not wealth

'Boom~~dong~~bang...' The explosives were being thrown, the mortars were firing, and the grenade launchers were firing.

The gravel of the pyramid in front was flying around, the ground beneath his feet shook, and smoke lingered.

Ten minutes later, the attack was over, and the pyramid was blown out one by one big holes, many of which were empty.

The women and children, including the priestess and a hundred hands, were stunned and their ears buzzed.

Not long after, they laughed, seeing the Tang army bombing the pyramids for the first time.

"The people inside come out, surrender and don't kill." Li Yiyi shouted.

"Someone also fainted, how did they come out? Can you still hear the shouting if you are not dazed?"

Guo Ziyi despised, are you Li Yi really stupid, or are you pretending to be stupid?

"I ran away, there was a secret channel, twenty-six people, ran away, and didn't take anything."

The little robot reported that the airship in the sky saw that the pyramids had secret passages.

"Run well, continue to help with propaganda, go in to find things, there are treasures that are inconvenient to take away, and they have taken away the jars of ashes."

Don't go after Li Yi, just run! There must be a reason for you to choose to stay.

The priestess's men rushed in, they were familiar with the inner structure of the pyramid.

After a while, the person who wanted to learn knowledge ran out and shouted, "There are good things, many, many good things..."

Fei Lin Feiqi followed and started to move things out, piles of corn, pottery, obsidian, and flint.

In the end, the jadeite was pale in color and the water species did not look very good.

When the priestess saw Jade, her eyes widened.

"Hey~~" Li Yi sighed, he thought there was such a good treasure, broken jade from Guatemala?

The jadeite here is the brick material of Burmese jadeite. You have never seen good jadeite from Myanmar, right?

The priestess had never met before. She looked at the pile of stones in front of her and swallowed.

Suddenly remembering something, he turned to greet Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan: "Look, gems, you don't have any good jewelry, use this."

Princess Yongmu: "..."

Princess Yongmu recalled: "Xiao Lan, is the Lantian jade bracelet of my blood phoenix on the boat?"

Xiaolan nodded: "I'm here, and the pendant I made for me that I took out is also there, put it aside."

"Go back and take Randosayi to see our jewelry and give her some."

Princess Yongmu felt that the priestess was very pitiful, so she just broke the jade and was a treasure?

When my family, Li Lang, went to the southwest to treat smallpox, he took a lot from there, in various colors.

Like the white ones are all dragon species, the others are all glass species.

The ice seeds that are a little bit worse are all distributed to the people in Zhuangzi, and they are not needed in the future.

What are these things now? Jadeite was originally worthless in the Tang Dynasty, not to mention a bunch of faces.

The priestess squatted there, picked up this piece and looked at it, stroking the other piece carefully.

"Let our people go to the southwest to bring bad jadeite, it is valuable here, and I am in charge of processing it.

The small pile in front of him can be exchanged for 50,000 catties of corn. After processing and polishing, He Shibi knows? "

Li Yi discovered a business opportunity, and the locals all have a soft spot for brick materials.

"It's priceless! Oh! It's like a sapphire that can be burned with fire. What can a stone do now?"

Princess Yongmu doesn't look down on her. There are too many gems in the house, so she doesn't want to wear them.

"Depending on the specific situation, it is not very easy to dig out bracelets, most of them have many cracks, and jade pendants, or beads on ring faces, earrings, and necklaces are fine."

Li Yi began to think about how to process it. If others like it, it will be more valuable after processing.

The priestess looked at it and realized that the thing was not her own.

She got up and showed an embarrassed expression: "I'll take a look at yours."

At this moment, she revealed that women love beauty, she also wants beautiful things, but unfortunately, she used to replace things with food and weapons.

"The things are not good. When we go back, I will take you to choose the ones. I have a bunch of them there."

Princess Yongmu glanced at the brick material at random, and took the priestess to the side to say what the gems were.


In the past two days, a lot of things were taken away, including the immature corn, which was harvested and shipped back without leaving it to others.

People can't eat such corn. They can feed pigs and horses without making silage.

When others surrender, what should I do if there is not enough food? eat fish.

I was so poor that I had no rice to cook, so I had to eat fish and meat for my meals. There was no problem.

"Retreat, go home!" Following Li Yi's order, the team began to walk back, and the woman and child were sent to the airship first.

The others boarded the airship one after another, but Feiqi Yulin, who was guarding the horse, wanted to bring the horse back, and the airship would feed him on the way.

As soon as they arrived at the camp, Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan took the priestess to the helicopter, and Li Yi landed them on the deck of the aircraft carrier.

"We don't usually come in this room. We see it too much, and it's rather dark. We need to turn on the lights."

Princess Yongmu pushed open the door of a cabin, and the sensor light came on.

The glass showcase has special lighting, all kinds of gemstone jewelry are placed inside, and the lining is silk, satin, velvet...

The priestess's eyes instantly widened, her eyes swept over, and she didn't know which one to look at for a while.

"Look, don't you dazzle your eyes? These are all jadeites. We Datang people don't approve of them. Li Lang has done it, and it looks pretty good."

Princess Yongmu opened a showcase, took out a dragon seed, the bracelet of the dragon stone seed, and put it on the priestess' wrist.

The priestess didn't dare to move her arm, for fear of breaking it. It was jade, how could it look like this?

"This is a diamond necklace hanging on a string. Look, it looks good on your chest, doesn't it?"

Xiao Lan picked up a necklace and put it on the priestess, pulling down the neckline.

Then the rings, earrings, bracelets, and headgear were all put on the priestess, and in an instant the priestess was dressed up as a... nouveau riche.

The priestess was pulled in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass She blushed when she saw herself inside.

"You... you are too rich." The priestess thought for a few seconds before she came up with such a sentence.

In her opinion, the things in this house are worth several city-states.

To buy too many slaves, too much corn to eat.

"Actually, you are very rich, and real wealth is not something outside your body. Your people can fight to the death for you, and they are the most precious.

Gems can be plundered, but loyalty cannot. Therefore, Xiaolan and I are reluctant to wear them, and the people of Zhuangzi in the Li family will not support you because you have these things.

However, my family does have money. Xiaolan and I have opened a Wentian Lanxiang Pavilion. The money we earn every day can be exchanged for other materials, which is enough to support a city-state. "

Princess Yongmu put a ruby ​​patch on her eyebrows, looked in the mirror, shook her head and took it off.

"Your father doesn't want your money?" The priestess asked according to her own considerations, if you have money, the noble's father needs it!

"My father is richer than me, and my family Li Lang earned it.

In the Tang Dynasty, the first richest was the imperial court, and the second richest was the Chaotianxia Fund.

Li Lang's Chuang Tzu of my family ranked third, and his father the fourth.

The royal father spends very little money, while Li Lang spends more money and earns more by spending it. "

Princess Yongmu put a golden step on her head, shook her head, and took it down again.


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