Break Through the Steam Game Library

Chapter 64: Fierce battle

   Hollow Knight’s bone nail is about to hit the target, and the situation is critical.

   The little knight jumped up suddenly, swung his sword and slashed, and the two pure bone nails clashed suddenly.

   One is like a moving train, rolling forward, the other is like Yang Xu in the spring breeze, floating.

   With the help of the little knight, he gently avoided the spikes.

   The hollow knight rushing forward suddenly disappeared, and once again appeared in the air. Behind the little knight, the bone nails fell like a knife, and the opponent was sure to be cut in two.

   The little knight had not moved yet, Lu Zhengkang appeared to the side and blocked the Hollow Knight's attack with his pure bone nails.

   The three are top fighters, and any flaws will not be let go. The little knight twisted and slashed in the air, hitting the hollow knight, leaving a long and narrow wound on his black void body.

   When the hollow knight's body fell, Lu Zhengkang's porous cylindrical mask suddenly brightened, and the fierce soul energy gushed out and turned into a sky full of sword energy, instantly like summer lotus blooming.

   These sword auras all have spirituality in them, avoiding the little knight and not hurting him at all, but for the hollow knight, it is the harsh frost and snow, and the big sword light wrapped him in frantically.

Not long after, the golden light in the hollow knight’s eyes flickered, and the power of the radiant light soared and shattered the surrounding sword energy, and his chest and abdomen were swollen with yellow swelling. He was held in the air by this force, and then uncontrollably turned towards the two little knights. Initiate a collision.

After Lu Zhengkang used his sword qi, he was a little dizzy. Not to mention that the soul energy cost of this trick is huge. The spirituality of that sword qi is particularly rare. It really needs to overdraft the black egg in his dream. , In exchange for this outbreak.

  His footsteps are a little vacant, and he looks embarrassed when avoiding the Hollow Knight's smash.

   The little knight took the opportunity to slam the Hollow Knight, seeming to be about to defeat him in a moment.

   The pure container's stubborn will fought back, the weird and profane swelling on his body retracted, and the Hollow Knight himself was a little exhausted, kneeling on the ground.

   However, the scary thing is that the injuries on his body are healing quickly. Lu Zhengkang and the little knight only had time to make a sword, the wound healed instantly, and the previous results were completely useless.

   The Hollow Knight got up again, the radiant light inside his body hissing.

   The spikes waved, and the speed increased nearly twice.

   The strength of the pure container is constantly restored!

   Lu Zhengkang admired: "What a good opponent!" Turning his head and saying to the little knight, "I'll fight him first, you pay attention to the rhythm."

   Before the words fell, he took the initiative to greet him, slashing with the pouring sword power of the hollow knight, and for a while, the bones and nails clashed, clanging and clanging, as heavy as a hammer and iron, as dense as a curtain of rain.

   The hollow knight saw a long battle, and then retreated, then disappeared, leaving a shadow on the spot.

   His movement depends entirely on explosions, but he has a speed close to Lu Zhengkang's teleportation, and the output value of the void matter is breathtaking.

   Fortunately, Lu Zhengkang is also a container now, with a quick response, otherwise he can only use his intuition and experience to cope with such an attack speed.




  Left side!

   The hollow knight turned into a black cloud covering Lu Zhengkang, and his bone nails were the thunders that smashed into Lu Zhengkang's body.

   Lu Zhengkang lowered his heart, spotted every sword path, and carefully understood the sword skills of the hollow knight.

   Perhaps because of the radiant light in the body, the Hollow Knight’s tricks have not changed much, and every move is very real, relying on endless physical strength to maintain the advantage.

   Against such an opponent, he can only violently crush, which is what Lu Zhengkang likes.


   The sword-qi wheel formed an aperture, which expanded, forcing the Hollow Knight to retreat continuously.

   seemed to realize that the two Lu Zhengkang were not easy to provoke, the Hollow Knight jumped aside, arched his back slightly, turned his wrist slightly, and the slender bone nails swam in the air like a fish.

  The atmosphere is a little slow.

   Then, the situation suddenly changed.

   Seeing the Hollow Knight, he used a soft posture that was extremely inconsistent with his current chaotic state, and swung a sword at Lu Zhengkang from a distance.

   There is no movement.

   Only a second.

   Lu Zhengkang was suddenly surprised.

   He teleported away suddenly, but he was still half a beat slow.

   The faintly yellow light blade cut through Lu Zhengkang's chest like a thin warm jade.

   This is the first time he has been injured in a battle.

This is very fatal. Lu Zhengkang only felt that his strength was halfway out of the wound, and a distorted light ran wildly in the condensed body of the void, causing severe pain, not to mention, even making his mind a little blurred, his vision Lost and out of focus.

   The hollow knight continued to swing his sword, and the invisible light blade appeared out of thin air, fast and slow, like a ghost like a demon, chasing Lu Zhengkang exhausted.

   The little knight hurriedly stepped forward to attract the firepower, giving Lu Zhengkang a respite.

   Lu Zhengkang stood in the distance to gather soul energy to repair his injuries, staring at the battle.

The hollow knight is still swinging his sword unhurriedly. The little knight can use his shadow charge to advance a certain distance. Then before the shadow matter recondenses, he is forced to retreat step by step by the dim yellow sword light. Hollow knight.

   If the pure container of strength has not yet returned to its peak, it is so powerful, then how terrifying is the radiation?

   can really defeat him?

   Still, all efforts are useless?

   Lu Zhengkang healed the injury, held the nail in both hands, and put it around his waist.

   The tip of the bone nail pointed at the Hollow Knight motionlessly.

   Must interrupt him to swing the sword.

   gather gas.

carry on. U U Reading

   reached the limit.

Beyond the limits!

   The perforated mask spouted with a cold, bony-white air current, making a sharp whimper.

   cry like a hundred ghost night.



   The air was squeezed by the rapidly expanding energy and exploded.

   A white sun came to the world.

   One time.

   Light deprives sight, loud noise deprives hearing, tingling deprives touch, scorching heat deprives sense of smell, and airflow makes people confused up and down, turning left and right.

   This unconventional sword attack sent the three of them flying.

   They were rolling in the air waves, sometimes frustrated, sometimes vacated, just like beans in boiling soup.

   A large number of magic lines float on the surface of the main hall to prevent the structure from being destroyed.

   a long time.

   The dust settled.

   Lu Zhengkang stood up, panting.

   The little knight sat on the ground in a daze.

   And the hollow knight?

   The hollow knight who took the blow head-on.

   The whole body is still intact.

   The yellowish cyst retracted into the body.

   The radiant light screamed again.

   The pure container holds the bone nail upside down and lifts it high.

   He is still so strong, like the mountains on the horizon, out of reach.

   makes people feel hopeless.

   Lu Zhengkang barely lifted his sword.

   The little knight is waiting.

next moment.

   Long nails into the body.

   But it penetrated the body of a pure container.

  The black blood shoots out, transforming into tiny empty particles in the air, dissolving the invisible.

  He is self-harm.

   jabbed himself frantically with bone nails.

   The sound of blood spurting.

   is like the elegy of a knight.

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