Break Through the Steam Game Library

Vol 4 Chapter 596: Wonderful gift

The spiral arms of the Milky Way Orion, somewhere in the ordinary star system, on the second terrestrial planet surrounding the star, thrive on a strange civilization. Mobile terminal

The evening sun shines into the dark stone forests of the Great Abyss of Uzbekistan. This piece of terrifying terrain is as fragmented as a stubble cake, steep and spreading like a pen. The sun can only shine on the sky from zero to minus three hundred meters above sea level. In the wood area, the terrifying hurricanes near the surface have made the surface of the planet an extinct dead place. Not to mention that there is no grass. A slightly larger sand pile cannot exist. This iron-gray planet is like a cracked mud ball. There is life activity in the cracks.

The Bone·Lin Feiyan carried a long earthworm and jumped on the cliff, he was like a blue smoke in this chaotic world of light and shadow.

The spirits and monsters are naturally half souls, half flesh and blood constitutions, with an average life span of 300 earth years. As they grow older, their spiritualization status will become stronger and stronger.

If an ordinary ghost tribe can complete the spiritualization of the whole body before death, then they will be promoted to the ghost elder and live a second life, usually four thousand years.

If during this period of time, the soul energy of the elders of the spirits is accumulated to the level of sensing natural magic energy, then they will be elementalized, promoted to the descendants of the spirits, and live out the third life, usually six thousand years.

If during this time, the elemental bodies of the ancestors of the spirits gradually condense from a gas-like state to a crystalline state, then they will be promoted to the ancient kings of the spirits and live the fourth life, which is said to be 10,000 to 30,000 years.

According to legend, if the ancient king of the spirit can condense the blood of the elemental body again during his lifetime, he can achieve true immortality, which is the realm that the spirit and the ancestor of the world can only have in the faith.

These have nothing to do with the Big Bone Flying Swallow in the Forest. The entire Uchillian Abyss contains 30 million spirits, and there are only five elders, one of whom is not alive or not.

It is rumored that in ancient times, promotion of spirits was a natural thing, but now, whether you can be promoted depends on luck and blood.

The Feiyan clan in the forest is a branch of the bloodline of the 30 ancestors of the ancient and strange king's court. Logically speaking, the bones should enjoy the beautiful noble life and accept the worship of servants. Now, the declining family background forces him to run for a living.

After going out hunting for three morning and twilight days, I got a mere worm, and the gross weight of the usable parts was less than 400 jin. The bones returned to the Inverted Cone Village, which is an anarchic settlement formed by free spirits. The rule of entering the door is to hand in half of the harvest, so he can only bring two hundred catties of insect meat home, a family of six, He can eat it in five days. He can't rest his feet. After eating the meal, he has to set off again.

The small stone house of the big bone house stands on a high cliff like a square pillar, with its back leaning on the cliff, it looks like a potato is placed on a wooden stake, but such a low stone house is the most in the Great Abyss of Uzbek. In mainstream buildings, a mountain cave sheltered from the wind will have tens of thousands of stone houses facing the cliffs, just like a swarm of bees clinging to gray iron bark. After night falls, the lights are as gorgeous as stars.

In the cramped environment, the bones hugged the baby girl in his arms, waiting for the old grandmother to treat the worm meat into a homely delicacy.

The iron pot hung on the firepit was hissed by the firewood. Cut a piece of wild dog fat in the pot and slowly boil out the fat. The air filled with a smell of fishy oil, put a handful of dry spices, the fire was shining All faces.

The crackling in the pot made people warm up. Father shrank on the bed by the wall. His thin face had protruding cheekbones, and the bloodshot eyes in his eyes were dim. Mother was sitting on the bed, and she was pregnant again. Her abdomen was bulging and looked heavier than her whole body. The second brother stared at the fire in a daze, leaving saliva on the corners of his mouth. The third sister said nothing to help her grandmother. His wrists were white, but his palms were rough and rough. cocoon.

"Brother Bone! Are you at home?" The call of fighting, wind and rain came from the door. The original warm atmosphere of Bone House suddenly became cold and cold. Grandma quickly covered the pot gently, and everyone looked at his father. He is the speaker of the family.

"Please come in, eat a bowl of rice, and then leave." Father muttered, his lungs stuck with phlegm, his voice muddy, and his breath was short, which always made people worry that he would die of suffocation one day.

In this barren era, the spirits who hid in the ground to survive still retain the culture and customs of hospitality. This is such a virtue that is too precious for such a family.

The bones went to open a gap in the door, Doujiao Fengzhongyu stood outside the house. He was a tall and handsome young man. The diamond-shaped gill-shaped spiritual pattern on his neck was glowing with beautiful purple light, and his eyes were dark, very bright and very bright. There is God.

"Quickly come in and sit down." The bones tried to be hospitable and generous, but the crack in the door he opened made people had to turn sideways to squeeze into the house.

Fighting is not here for fun, "Brother Bone, urgent headhunting meeting."

Headhunting, the autonomous system of the free city-states, those respected and productive spirits can participate and make suggestions on the development of the walled city, and the emergency headhunting represents the policy at a critical moment.

The bones only had time to say something to the house, so he had to rush into the deep, dense forest house.

"What's going on, why don't you ring the bell?"

"It's the surface. The whistle guard learned from a wanderer that there were signs of ghost activity on the surface."

Shao Bone was shocked by the news, and almost dropped off the huge wood growing on the cliff.

Dou Jiao said that this headhunting meeting is to gather talented spirits like them to form an expedition team.

On the surface, the unattainable world, the world full of sunshine, there used to be tens of millions of psionic towers, and the spirits rode flying dragons around until the day of the hurricane.

Returning to the surface is a dream of the whole race for the spirits. It has become a religious belief, a political slogan, a prophet’s prophecy, and a children’s ballad, as if it is a huge delirium spreading across the planet. The same, shining bright but unreal light, really because it is so empty, so the spirits who see the dawn, their first reaction is not excitement, but cautious doubt and fear.

In any case, a 32-person team of ghost expeditions decided to take a look at the surface. The preparation time is one night, and it should leave before the sun rises tomorrow.

Shuogu gently embraced each family member. In a dimly lit room, the diamond-shaped tile-like spiritual pattern on his neck glowed with excited rose red.

The third sister asked, "Is there really a world on earth?"


"Are there really spirits on the ground?"

"do not know."

"Will we move to the ground after that? I want to see the Yes."

The bones and their companions climbed the cliffs, branches and plank roads all the way from the cliffs in the southern part of the Uchili Abyss to the ground.

There are not a few communities of spirits that have received news, but when they stepped on the surface, only the red wind mixed with iron-rich gravel caught the eye. The surface was shaped unusually flat, and only a small part of hard rock protruded.

Each of them wears thick iron armor, so as to avoid being worn away by the wind and sand.

This level of wind is unnatural. It is said that the ancestors of the spirits blasphemed nature and were cursed by the world before blowing this apocalyptic hurricane. The ground is a thin layer of sand, and underneath is a cold rock formation. Not to mention planting. Root weeds cannot grow here.

The spirits lined up silently, toward the direction of the rising sun.

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