Break Through the Steam Game Library

Vol 4 Chapter 7: The son's arrogance, the father's sorrow

Lu Zhengkang watched Xiao Zhi Lii destroy himself, the AI ​​program itself was still there, but the virtual soul named Xiao Zhi Lii disappeared.

He now knows very well that what he did is called arrogance.

How can a son make decisions for his father in the world?

But Lu Zhengkang wanted to do this, not even the naive boy in his heart, but Lu Zhengkang was not a real fifteen-year-old after all, he was an adult who had gone for a third in his previous life.

An adult man with independent ability, a strong body, mature thinking, more rational than perceptual, he is the backbone of the family and is qualified to make decisions on the future direction of the family.

Men are all beasts, and Lu Zhengkang is now his mother's loyal dog. He chooses to hurt the previous wolf, even if he is forced to the edge of the family.

Oh, what Lu Zhengkang said to himself, what kind of **** love, people are such a cheap thing, how long have good days been before, and forget the previous suffering? What, dad, are you dating AI? Isn't it sacred? Hungry for two days, see if you still think about Xiao Zhi Lii.

Lu Zhengkang paced the room, but Sun Sheng said nothing.

After the fear and sorrow, a vicious pleasure surged in Lu Zhengkang's heart. This is the case, he bears the consequences of his actions.

He took his cell phone to find his father.

There is no problem in the world that cannot be solved, unless that is not a problem in itself.

Lu Jiande was the only one in the study, and Lu Zhengkang entered the door and turned on the privacy mode. When he passed the phone over, Dad Lu still smiled and said, "Why don't you let your sister play with the phone?"

"Dad, I'm telling you to stop using your mobile phone."

Lu Jiande was stunned and did not understand the overtones of this sentence. He thought his son disliked his laziness, so he smiled honestly, "Hey, I don't play mobile phones very much, you kid don't slander me."

Lu Zhengkang was expressionless.

Dad Lu raised his phone and saw that the Create New Smart option appeared in the familiar OS-Lover interface. The smile on his face collapsed, "Is Lii?"

Lu Zhengkang put his arms around his chest, "I deleted her. Dad, don't be obsessed with it anymore. A relationship between people and AI will not have a good result."

Lu Jiande trembled all over.

The eldest son stared at his father, this man who is no longer young, his delicate body has been maintained by modern food and clothing, but now he is also wrinkled by the years, and the subtle, aging branches spread from his back.

He crouched, covering his face with his hands, he was not angry, he didn't dare to be angry.

Behind him was a thin roll of straw mat, silver-white woman's arms and black algae-like slender hair squeezed out from the end of the grass swept, the lifeless corpse was carried by a sad man.

Lu Zhengkang tightened his arms and hugged himself. Why didn't his father yell at him?

Even if you scold me once.

He was ready to break the father and son, but now only one party was silently collapsing.

Lu Jiande put his hand down. There were no tears on his face, but his eye sockets were flushed. On the dark yellow skin of the middle-aged man, the sad eyes also looked dark, like water-soaked silk cloth with a layer of moisture.

"Yes, Lii said you killed her?" When Lu Jiande spoke, he was a little choked, and the usual smooth narration became procrastinated.

Lu Zhengkang was afraid to speak, but after all he suppressed the guilt that was constantly growing in his heart, "Yes, she said that her existence has affected your feelings, so let me order the destruction procedure."

Lu Jiande sighed, "Son, I don't blame you. You can go."

"No, you still have that AI in your heart, you still won't like mom."

"I love your mother, Kangkang. You don't know my feelings for your mother and Lii. These two are different. I have always loved your mother and never changed because of the appearance of Lii. "

Lu Zhengkang felt the absurd again, "Dad, you are pedaling two boats in the spiritual world."

"Son, you don't know yet. A virtual lover is not a real lover. She is a part of yourself," Lu Jiande said, feeling a little calm. "I love your mother because I am a man. And she is a woman, and I love Lii because I am a human, she is a machine, men need women, and humans need machines, do you understand?"

Lu Zhengkang gritted his teeth and felt irritable. "But since you say it is love, it must transcend gender and race. How can love be just a simple symbiotic relationship."

Lu Jiande shook his head, "Kangkang, look at it, virtual lovers will become more and more popular in the future. It is the defect of our human beings. We will fall in love with a perfect tool because it is another unattainable Your own."


Lu Zhengkang was exhausted physically and mentally.

He is now in the pedestrian rest area on the side of the street, with a large parasol above his head blocking the scorching sun. He sits at a simple white round table, leaning on the back of his chair, and staring at the bus that occasionally passes by the road.

Su Xiangli ran over with two cups of kumquat lemonade and sat across from him, "Here, have tea. This rich lady invites you."

Lu Zhengkang said thank you, still absent-minded. His dead face had already put unhappiness on his face without being deliberately observed by others.

Su Xiangli's eyes rolled, "Ou, what's the matter? Could it be that a man is here every few days of the month?"

Lu Zhengkang was speechless, "Don't make trouble."

"Heh, you say first, how much money did you make this time?"

"The agency fee is 11 million, and the after-tax is 9 million. The dividend is settled every quarter. Now it has accumulated 200,000."

"Wow, Futude is a gift from you, make money together!"

Lu Zhengkang shrugged, took out his mobile phone, and gave Su Xiangli RMB 4.5 million.

The little girl was shocked, "Are you serious? I'm joking, I don't want it, you take it back..."

Lu Zhengkang coughed, "The wife has to give it to her."

Su Xiangli was annoyed, "What nonsense! I haven't promised you yet, and why is it so sloppy? How can you say such romantic things on the side of the road!"

Lu Zhengkang sneered, "I'm talking about my own four and a half million dollars, and yours is only half of the money for the meeting."

The little girl swooped, knocked over the kumquat lemonade on the table, and rushed into the boy's arms. Both of them were wet with the drink. Su Xiangli straddled Lu Zhengkang and grabbed his ears, "Say it again! "

Lu Zhengkang pretended to be distressed and pushed Su Xiangli, "Oh, the clothes are all dirty, why are you still frizzy after you are such an adult."

"Say, is the 4.5 million you gave me my wife's book?"

"No!" Student Xiaolu was unusually stiff.

Su Xiangli collapsed and cried, "Wow! Lu Zhengkang, you big liar!"


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