Break Through the Steam Game Library

Chapter 5: Inheritance of knowledge

   Insects are very small, and their lives are short-lived. Lu Zhengkang, who sleeps after eating every day, and eats as soon as he wakes up, grows up quickly.

Because of his lack of knowledge of entomology, and the fuzzy and artistic treatment of insect traits in the game, Lu Zhengkang did not know very well what his prototype of maintenance insect was, but as the genetic information deep in the gene was released little by little, He also understood that he would not pupate, but would only grow up normally, and the outer shell would grow to a certain size and become fixed and hardened. At that time, it was the innate body size threshold for the maintenance insect.

   Between sleeping and eating, Lu Zhengkang slowly learned the language of insects.

As a very personalized language, Zongyu is not a real communication bridge, but just a set of words that belong to each insect species and each insect. The real message is pheromone, which is reflected by Zongyu. It is the race, character and mood of the speaker.

   The voice of the maintenance bug who has been taking care of Lu Zhengkang is crisp, sweet, short and powerful, reflecting its optimistic and kind character.

   Lu Zhengkang’s voice is calm and gentle, but it’s more concise than those giant bugs in the game, there is no procrastination, no ambiguous syllables, it sounds like a calm brother next door.

  The world of bugs is underground. Timing is a big problem. Lu Zhengkang also asked maintenance bugs about timing. As a result, there was no result.

   There is no time here. The subjective experience of time passing by different insects is very different, so there is no unified time standard. It is said that during the reign of the White King, in order to coordinate the work, they used ethnic characteristics to allocate specific tasks. Do flexible work if you are sensitive to time, and repetitive work if you are not sensitive. It is also a good solution.

   Lu Zhengkang now understands why he can’t find a timing tool when he walks through the entire map in the game.

   After thoroughly learning the insect language, the maintenance insect suddenly became eager and began to urge Lu Zhengkang to learn the insect language. Insect characters are truly unified characters that can be used to record information.

  Wisdom insect species are all higher life in the game. Learning words is the first step in learning knowledge, and knowledge is the cornerstone of civilization and wisdom.

   It is said that for several generations of insects without learning knowledge, they will slowly degenerate into lower creatures.

   Maintenance Worm’s own knowledge was taught by seniors, and now he wants to pass on all these treasures.

  Lu Zhengkang’s sleep was forced to decrease. Fortunately, he learned quickly and made good progress. It is estimated that it will not take long to fully learn this foreign language.

   Maintenance Worm wrote his name to Lu Zhengkang, Nati, this is the name given to him by his elders.

  Nati prepared for a period of time, and took Lu Zhengkang to participate in the assembly of repairing insects. There, there will be respected elders who will name the younger generation of the ethnic group and guide the maintenance experience. Nati hasn't attended the party for a while, and he is eager to find a beautiful maintenance bug girl, live with her, work together, help each other, and then contribute to the reproduction of the ethnic group.

  Nati, who has a reserved and introverted personality, often immerses himself in his own world and often loses his mind. At this time, Lu Zhengkang will go back to bed silently and continue sleeping.

   Insects also have a growth cycle. By analogy, Nati is already a young man, while Lu Zhengkang is still a child.

   It's normal for young people to have some growing troubles, especially for home worms like Nati. Once they want to get into trouble, the whole worm is beautiful and bubbling, and from time to time it will suffer from gains and losses, and make a frightened posture.

  After several observations, Lu Zhengkang lost interest in the little troubles of young Cunati.

   The year-round battles in the Dreamland Battlefield gradually paid off.

The techniques of    fighting are all summing up the battle, and extracting the methods that can effectively subdue the opponent while ensuring one's own safety can be called martial arts.

   This is Lu Zhengyao's own opinion. His current understanding of swordsmanship and his shallow exploration of technology have not yet risen to the height of Tao.

   Lu Zhengkang is very pragmatic, honing his skills honestly.

  In different games, the enemy has a fixed amount of blood and requires repeated attacks to kill. The reality is that as long as you use the right skills, you can do a single kill.

The fighters in the dream arena have no physical limitations, so they can launch an offensive tirelessly. In high-frequency battles, all of Lu Zhengkang's sub-consciousness is used to fighting, turning the battle into instinct, and is not afraid of fighting, even Full of desire.

   Now Lu Zhengkang has the courage of a warrior, he can call himself a swordsman, because he has the courage to face a powerful enemy and draw a sword.

   The first stage of training had results, and Lu Zhengkang began to practice deeper.

The ground of the arena rises a column full of holes, like a forest, a large number of attacking **** are ejected from the holes. There are three kinds of attacking balls. One is a fast ordinary white sphere, which will be injured if hit. One is a slow orange bursting sphere, which will die if hit, and the other is a black slime sphere, which bursts and releases mucus, which affects actions.

  In such a harsh environment, the fighters not only have to attack each other, but also need to judge the attacking ball from all directions at any time, and decide whether to dodge, bounce off, or hold on.

   The second stage of training raised the difficulty to an unreasonable height from the beginning. A large number of fighters were killed by the attacking ball without even reacting, let alone fighting each other.

   There are only a few sub-consciousnesses who are proficient in swordsmanship and can barely protect themselves.

   with total consciousness sitting on the high throne, calmly observing all the fighters, feeling their thoughts, UU reading www. uukanshu. com feels their emotions, anger, worry, and fanaticism. The entire arena is immersed in the frenzy of battle. Only the winner can get away, and the loser will perish forever.


  Lu Zhengkang is awakened by Nati and continues to learn insect characters.

   When he learned that he was hungry, he ate some reptile meat, took a break, and Na asked the door to check the road conditions under his jurisdiction.

  Nati closed the door before leaving.

   Lu Zhengkang was repeatedly asked to stay well, not to disturb the things in the room, it is best to go to sleep.

   How can it not move?

  As soon as Natti went out, Lu Zhengkang jumped off the bed and he began to look through Natti's notes.

   Some maintenance knowledge is recorded in the notes. It is mentioned that the maintenance bug can secrete a solution that can soften the metal for welding.

   Lu Zhengkang does feel this way. There is a sac in the body that is developing, but it has not been completed yet and cannot secrete any solution.

   In addition to notes, Lu Zhengkang knew that Nati had a private diary, which was originally placed on the table in an upright manner. Later, after Lu Zhengkang began to learn the worm writing, Nati secretly collected the diary.

  Diary is said to be a diary, but in fact it should be an event. There is no date in it, only the text.

  Lu Zhengkang didn't bother to look at it. Nati was a straight boy and couldn't hide his mind. If you want to know his happiness and distress, just look at his appearance.

   Before Nati came back, Lu Zhengkang began to exercise.

   is mainly to practice jumping and exercise the strength of the lower limbs. As for the swinging of bone nails, it is still not good. The smallest bone nails are too big for the current Lu Zhengkang.

   repeatedly, jumping boringly.

   Lu Zhengkang understands that this is the first great step.

   It's just too boring.

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