Break Through the Steam Game Library

Vol 2 Chapter 371: Promotion, 0 and, Lu Zhengkang broken

Sergera said that if Namdian did not activate, even he could not predict the position of the brass god, but as the flying saucer was floating in space, Lu Zhengkang vaguely heard a call.

Dwemer's ghost was calling him, the inheritor.

The brass **** is stimulating a mysterious signal wave, like a circle of ripples. The closer Lu Zhengkang is, the clearer he can hear.

After repeatedly adjusting the flight direction, Lu Zhengkang finally locked the target range.

The whispers in the ear became clearer and heavier, and countless zero-sum Dumers were chanting, "God!"

There have always been two kinds of people in this world, the sacred and the mundane.

Even the way of CHIM is specially prepared for the sacred nature.

Even if everything is one, there is no difference between humans and gods, but the individual gap cannot be eliminated after all.

Only Dumo, they have to break this barrier and walk the seventh road to godhood.

Enslaving the sacred with the mundane is so great!

Serana looked at Lu Zhengkang, "Is my eyes dazzled? You seem to be shining..."

Shergra murmured, "He? The tower is on him? No, he is not a tower."

"I felt it, let's take a step first, you are waiting for me here."

Lu Zhengkang ordered Leviathan to slow down and hover, and he stepped out of the bridge. An organ partition was opened on the ground, and a colony jumped out of it, like a blue-red river, and then leaped on Lu Zhengkang automatically. Assembled into a 30-foot-tall humanoid mecha, the helmet is a simple sculpture, imitating the bronze figure of Sanxingdui that Lu Zhengkang likes, the overall shape is slender and tall, and the cyan body is covered with red patterns. Those are enchanted circuits. .

Taking the eleven-tone copper umbrella out of the pure land, Lu Zhengkang used the power of tuning technique to penetrate the will deep into the third level. In this dimension, time and space can be seen, like a glass ball with gleaming light on the surface. Rotating, this represents the passage of time, and the overall form represents space. The outer shell of the glass ball is made up of countless small fragments. From one piece to another, the void of annihilation is the bridge between each other.

The rotation direction of the space-time ball is fixed, it can be paused and accelerated, but it cannot be reversed, unless the ball is broken so that it no longer appears as a sphere and becomes a chaotic vortex. This is Dragon Break.

Lu Zhengkang used his constantly diligent summoning spells to lock in the position of Nandian. Numerous attempts at the beginning ended in failure, but now with the guidance of Dumo Ghost, he succeeded once.

The deep purple vortex ball appeared inside the flying saucer. This portal was anchored by time and space fragments. If the flying saucer was still flying, it would leave the portal behind in an instant, unless Lu Zhengkang kept opening the door of annihilation. Generally speaking, to build a stable portal that stands on a moving object, it must have a base so that it can replace the wizard himself and allow the gate of annihilation to adjust its position.

For Lu Zhengkang, all he needed was an instant to jump into the dark purple vortex without looking back.

Serrana gasped suddenly, "I feel bad."

Sergera nodded. "He made it."

"So fast?"

"No, he succeeded in the future, and this success is spreading to the past, and a new world line has appeared!"

"Does this have any consequences?"

"Consequence? In the lightest case, we will disappear in history. In the most serious case, perhaps it is the destruction of Nairn?"


The cloak like a bronze **** stood on the dark gray soil.

"Self-inspection of the life support system... is operating normally. Good luck, Commander." Leviathan's voice came from the helmet, and Lu Zhengkang gently breathed in the air transformed by magical energy.

This is a smooth star with almost no ups and downs. The gravity is many times smaller than Nairn. Lu Zhengkang opens the gravity field so that the colony can keep his feet on the ground.

The atmosphere was thin and there were no clouds, but the wind was strong. Lu Zhengkang lowered his head to observe, and the fine dust was swimming against the ground, flying out a distance, and then flying back, just as if the magnet was attracted.

He didn't want to explore the mystery here, gently shook the copper umbrella, the earth parted a long ditch, the sand and sea lined up huge waves, revealing the grand ruins hidden underground.

A ring of towering brass walls, with a brass giant in the middle, and eight walkways connecting the tower and the wall, like spokes of wheels.

Lu Zhengkang was taken aback. The shape of this building was the platinum tower of the imperial capital.

The circular wall represents the world wheel, and the eight aisles represent the eight stars.

Who built this building?

Could it be an alien?

Lu Zhengkang roughly estimated the scale of the brass city in front of him. It covers an area of ​​more than 300 acres. There are many classic Drummer buildings in the city, a complete steam energy system, tens of thousands of mechanical creatures, and they Be organized, climb on the brass giant and work within him.

What appeared before Lu Zhengkang's eyes was a perfect Dwemer city, which could even be said to be vibrant.

The mechanical ballista standing on the wall noticed the mecha floating in the sky, and started firing crossbow arrows at a distance of six hundred feet. Lu Zhengkang remained indifferent, but flew towards the silent Namdian.

Countless arrows, fireballs, and lightning flew towards Lu Zhengkang, and the air oscillated slowly and shook gently, all of which were silent in front of the protective force field outside the colony.

Lu Zhengkang felt his heart beat violently, just like the disorderly fluctuations of a huge core in a brass tower.

The thirty-foot-high colony in front of Nanodian is like a dead leaf than a mountain. The complete brass tower is nearly a thousand feet high. This is the result of the tireless efforts of countless mechanical creatures.

A strong red light shines in the eyes of the brass giant, and he has recovered!

Lu Zhengkang heard countless cheers in his ears: "Denied! Denied! Denied!"

Deny the world, destroy the world!

The towers in this world have been cut Only the brass towers are left. The support of the world is collapsing, and it is time to usher in the end!

Lu Zhengkang understood that his opportunity was coming soon. The first task of Nanodian's recovery was to crush Nain, and then the dragon **** Alduin would completely swallow time, and the Elder Scrolls world would begin a new cycle.

What Lu Zhengkang had to do was actually consume the wreckage of the world with pure land and replace the **** of the gods.

All will die, but all will be reborn. The Indra net will record the trajectory of all things, and then resurrect them in the Pure Land of Bodhisattva.

This is destined, this is Lu Zhengkang's way to ascend to God!

Nandian's power was passed on through Dumer and was instilled into Lu Zhengkang's thinking. He broke through the third layer and entered the second layer.

Everything was exploding in front of his eyes, the torrent of the universe came, Lu Zhengkang saw the appearance of Orbis, the chaotic world wheel, a ouroboros, spinning, and a golden tower stood in the center, shining brightly, and Above this...

Continue to rise.

Come to the first floor.

There is a huge human head floating in the center of the Pure Land Epiphany, which is the appearance of the **** of the gods.

A weird man with first antlers was standing on the chaotic upper edge of the sea. He turned his head and said to Lu Zhengkang, "Do you remember now? In fact, you are not an outsider in this world, you are the **** of this world! "

Yes, Lu Zhengkang remembered that from the very beginning of his arrival in this world, he had been falling continuously and entered Orbis from the bridge of a human's head.

The man kept talking, and he saw it clearly, but didn't understand it.

Now he knows.

That human head is the God God, what he said is-"Nanwuluyuan Bodhisattva"!

When the torrent came, Lu Zhengkang turned into countless pieces and completely divided.


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