Break Through the Steam Game Library

Vol 8 Chapter 19: Panan's buttocks...

Panan Palmer is a temperamental beauty with character.

It’s not convenient for me to speak, so guess how I talked to her?

Let me explain in advance that even the act of editing information can cause vision loss. This curse, or some kind of game, is preventing me from expressing it to the outside world in a way of punishment. This incident happened to me so suddenly, it made me suspect that the plot was really engulfing me like a glacier, and the anomaly that appeared in me was a sign of this danger coming. Maybe in a few days, I will be deaf as soon as I wake up, or lose my sense of taste or something. It feels uncomfortable, like an obedient doll occupying my body.

So I asked Johnny to send messages for me. I installed an edge module on my nervous system. Johnny can use this part of the idle function to edit messages and send emails. This is a reasonable use of the loopholes. The advantage is that I will not become blind, but the disadvantage is that I can’t see the content edited by Johnny. He could dictate it to me, but he would never do it, he just kept trying to make me act as a duo.

"I like this girl." Johnny smiled like a gangster playing rock and roll, in fact he is a gangster, "Okay, the news is over."

I didn't ask him beforehand that the content of the edited email was my fault, but Panan stared at me with the eyes of the paratroopers and designated Johnny as the fault.

"That old **** Roger called you? Huh? I don't believe she has such a kind heart, but I am very simple in life and affairs. You can get things done for me first, and I'll help you."

Johnny continued to talk to her. The picture may be a little weird. The Cyberman’s eyes were blue when he sent the message. Panan took care of self-checking and repairing the car, while still busy talking. I can only guess Johnny’s words from her mouth. What happened.

To my surprise, Johnny’s eloquence was quite good, and he quickly reached an agreement with Panan.

Taking advantage of the gap between them, I took a good look at the beauty in front of me. She was repairing the car, so she turned her back to me, leaned under the hood, and glanced sideways at me from time to time.

First of all, I personally prefer a girl with fine skin and tender meat, but she has a good butt.

Secondly, I personally don't like smoky makeup, but she has a nice butt.

Furthermore, I personally prefer loose and soft short hair, but she has a nice butt.

In the end, she has a nice buttock.

What? Johnny helped me ask if she could give Jihui.

"Don't dream, she looks straight." Johnny was lying on the roof of the Colby 210 camper in Panan, basking in the sun. The wind at Coronado Farm was dry and dull, and it was close to the badlands. If you look to the east, you can see large saline-alkali soils, bald mountains with uninterrupted horizons, dry yellow shrubs, and abandoned factory buildings where robbers are entrenched. The City of Night is like a greenhouse. There are a lot of vegetation in it for insects to multiply and inhabit, for the pigs and dogs to eat and wear. But walking a few kilometers from the city center, you can see the dilapidated and barren nature of this planet. It has become an alien wasteland, and wild animals are almost extinct in such a vast land. Anyone who thinks about his mental health will not want to live in the suburbs for a long time. Phanan is a rebel in the tribe of wanderers. She has lived in the evil land since she was a child. The harsh environment gave her a strong body, beautiful and energetic skin and a fierce temperament as poisonous sun. Oh, I like her, even if not. In order to make the plot, I am also willing to help her, this is the responsibility of a player, have you seen it, friends, take it!

"Grass, I am so ridiculous, why is your inner monologue so funny!"


That’s how it happened. According to Rogge’s information, Panan’s car and the goods she transported were lost by the last two or five cooperators. The things and people are all in the Stony Ridge Mountain. I will do it. All that is to follow Panan to rush in, bang bang, bang, bang, bang, kill people, pick up the goods, and just drive away.

Of course, this is to streamline the process, in fact, the operation steps will be more complicated than this.

To be honest, it's a bad idea to let Johnny speak for me. It's like an itch. I also want to talk to this beauty in person. Maybe she will fall in love with me? The world's malice towards dumb people is so terrible, it almost makes people feel like they have been expelled from society. Not speaking means alienation, submission, weakness and stupidity. There must be a language system before someone can be human.

"What are you thinking about?"

Divergent thinking, can't it? If you have a good chat with your sister, I can only have an eye addiction.

"Oh my God, if you weren't staring at someone so hungry, would I go to please her in such a low voice?"

Tell me about the content of your email, right?

"You don't believe in my strength? Wait and see, it won't be long before I can make this wild horse embrace you."

Phanan drove and had to take some guys with him before going for revenge. I didn't shame my new star revolver anymore. I honestly followed her back to the Adekado camp, where she was counted as her hometown, with friends and logistics.

She asked me, "Why are you robbing that idiot?"

After a while, she nodded again, "Everyone has troubles, I understand that, I hate that old **** Roger, can't she tell me directly that Nash 25 did it?"

"Of course I have to ask, especially why she arranged Nash for me, especially not to say that he is a messenger."

I can’t help such a one-man show, "It’s Don’t complain, it’s so simple, you don’t even need to spend a lot of time, go back to your tribe and get me a stick. Then I will lead you to Stoneridge Mountain, and you don’t need to do anything, you can give me the rest."

Phanan cursed, "What are you crazy! We only have two people who have to stand up against so many bastards. Who do you think you are? Rambo?"

"It's 2077. Who doesn't know that the fastest killer this year is not a gun?"

"What do you mean?"

I simply closed my eyes and couldn't see it anyway, "As long as you know that the city of Night has always been a good person."

"That's what you said, you don't need a gun to kill, a good person?" Panan followed my **** and picked up the head.

I kicked the man who looked like a dead dog on the ground. The scan of the prosthetic eye showed that this man was the twenty-fifth boy Nash. I turned to Panannunu and motioned to her.

"Thanks, you're so reliable." Panan's tone was as soft as possible. With a bang, Nash's brain was like a split melon. Coolant, cerebrospinal fluid, and blood splashed on our trouser legs. This is also a fortune. Friendship.

"Seriously, I've never seen a hacker as smart as you."


"I'm complimenting you, but it's true, it's a bit scary. They didn't notice us at all, and just fell one by one, just like, like the wind of death blowing over here."

I'm busy collecting heads, it's an extra experience point.

"Do you have to kill them all? First faint the people, and then kill them with one shot, great kind person, you are so gentle!"

Johnny was happy. "This chick is so choking."

What can I do, apart from the plot, who can be my enemy in Night City? Of course, if the legendary hacker Batmos is resurrected, he should be a little better than me. In short, as a player, I am the strongest person to provoke.

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