BOSS’s Guide To Seeking Death

Chapter 39: Secondary zombie

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Nie Yi always remembers the appearance of Qi Jingchen in his last life. ### 卡蒂诺 手机 读 ###

At that time, Qi Jingchen didn't have a few or two pieces of flesh on his body, which was really no different from a skeleton, and he did so because he had been cut off from his body.

When he saw Qi Jingchen like that for the first time, he couldn't help feeling distressed. When he later learned about Qi Jingchen's encounter, he even hated those who hurt Qi Jingchen.

He happened to be one of the people who hurt Qi Jingchen. At the beginning, the small safe area took out the so-called elixir to exchange supplies. When he attracted the psionicist, he was determined to obtain the "elixir". Later, his power rioted and was almost Lost his life, but also Qi Jingchen saved him with his blood ...

"We are all powers, we can follow you out!" Just as Nie Yi was silent, one of the four standing men suddenly said.

Standing four people, three men and one woman, the one who spoke was the man who looked like the leader, and his face was full of joy of being rescued.

"What did you do?" Zhang Zihai asked coldly, and Qi Yaoyao and others behind him could not help vomiting.

They have killed a lot of zombies, and have seen many people scratched and bitten by zombies and eaten clean, but they have never been as sick as they are now.

No matter how the zombies are, they are no longer sane, and they naturally treat humans as food, but in front of them ... these people are humans!

"We just want to live." The man who spoke before was stunned, his face helpless: "We can't help it, and if it weren't for these people, we wouldn't have been trapped here, if not for us, these People have long since died. "

After this man had spoken, all three of his companions looked exactly like this, but the three who were **** did not respond at all.

"You eat human flesh?" Nie Yi asked suddenly.

"Isn't this world a man-eating man?" Said the woman among the three.

"Since you equate yourself with those zombies ... then ..." Nie Yi put down Qi Jingchen, snatched the iron rod from Zhang Zihai's hand, and rushed towards the four people.

The iron rod on his hand was severely smashed, and before the first person could respond, he had smashed his head. This scene shocked everyone, and the companion of the man who was killed He threw a fireball at Nie Yi, but the fireball flew towards the man instead, and finally landed on his own face ...

After a while, all four were dead.

"Take those three people, let's go out." Nie Yi said, while throwing several water **** at himself, until he was clean, he picked up Qi Jingchen again, and by the way took Qi Jingchen's Wash your shoes too.

Nie Yi took the lead. When he left the kitchen first and walked out for a while, he suddenly stopped, and then threw a fireball backwards.

In order to have a liquefied gas tank in the hotel's kitchen, the fireball thrown by Nie Yi happened to hit the liquefied gas tank ...

As they walked out of the hotel door, they heard an explosion coming from behind.

This will undoubtedly cause a fire, but if you look at the amazing number of zombies around, it will make people think that it is good to burn all of them ...

They ended up choosing a neighborhood not far away.

The residents in this neighborhood probably ran away for the first time. There were very few zombies. They found one of the clean houses and lived in it. Then they had the time to pay attention to the three people who came down.

These three men, two women and one man, are very young, and there are many bruises on their bodies. They were all blank before, as if they didn't care about everything around them. At this time, they looked slightly better, especially It was one of the older women who suddenly cried out with a "wow", and then the whole person got a little bit alive.

Shao Zhenglan and Qi Yaoyao took a few cans of Babao porridge, opened the can and gave her a can: "Eat something."

The man ate it mechanically, stuffing spoonful of eight-treasure porridge into his mouth with a spoonful and spoonful, eating and crying, and after eating, her mood was finally better: "Thank you ..."

"No thanks, what's the matter with you?" Shao Zhenglan asked, sometimes speaking of things, I felt a lot better ...

The man froze for a while, finally crying and speaking out the ins and outs.

This woman is a teacher, and the other pair of boys and girls who are still hugging are her students.

During the summer vacation, there was an English competition in City B. She brought her students to participate in the competition and lived in another hotel.

At the beginning of the last days, people in the army came to the rescue nearby, and they followed the army, but because most of them had no cars, in the end almost every car was crowded and overloaded.

This was nothing at all, and more and more zombies were encountered along the way, so that the army could not protect them ...

Their car and several other cars landed last. Two of them accidentally crashed into the zombies and broke down. The other cars also had some problems ... Fortunately, they had four powers before they finally escaped. Then, a total of a dozen people hid in the previous hotel together and chose the kitchen.

There is a lot of drinking water in the kitchen of the hotel. The water is enough, but the food has been searched and not much left. I am afraid that so many of them will eat up the food within two days ... Those who are capable are naturally unwilling, indicating that only they can eat the food.

There was a conflict between the two parties, and then the two men who stood up and argued with the psionicists were killed ...

Things came to an end, but the food was soon gone ...

When they were hungry and dying, they heard the power-speakers talking—these power-bearers couldn't bear it anymore, and planned to eat human flesh ...

They did eat, even forcing them, alive, to eat, apparently treating them as reserve food.

In fact, at the beginning, those psionic powers were also somewhat uncomfortable when eating human flesh, but they said to each other such as "Those zombies are also humans, and now they are all humans", "We just want "Live it", "Eating human flesh has never been less since ancient times" and so on, and after going back and forth, it seems as if you have brainwashed yourself and do n’t take human flesh seriously.

After they had eaten the body, they killed one person, then the second, the third ...

The three of them will be kept. On the one hand, the two students are young, and on the other hand, the female teacher is somewhat attractive.

The female teacher talked in a mess, and she cried aloud later, but it was enough to let these people know the ins and outs of the matter.

In fact, such things are not uncommon to say.

In ancient times, there were things like Yi Yi eating in the barren years. It is even more normal to have such things in the last days ... but this is not acceptable to everyone.

"How do those people ..." Qi Yaoya whispered, even if she was hungry again, she would never do such a thing, preferring to be starved to death.

"A group of beasts!" Zhang Zihai said, those beasts even wanted to join them ... It was ridiculous!

Nie Yi has not spoken. He sat with Qi Jingchen for a long time, suddenly stood up, and then took Qi Jingchen into the bedroom.

The atmosphere in the original room has always been very dignified. After Nie Yi did this, everyone was stunned.

At this time, does Nie Yi still have the mood to live overnight?

Nie Yi, who has been considered to go to overnight life, has actually been unable to live in "nightlife". After entering the room, she only looked at Qi Jingchen: "After you, don't hurt yourself anymore?"

"What?" Qi Jingchen asked back.

"I don't want you to kiss me anymore." Nie Yi said, and then held Qi Jingchen tightly.

Nie Yi's heartbeat was fast, and both hands were a little trembling ... Qi Jingchen didn't know what to do.

He was really desperate at first, and the pain was even more unacceptable than killing him directly, but over time, he actually didn't think much about it.

The two previous "pro" Nie Yi, he just felt that Nie Yi needed it, did it, and did not feel uncomfortable, but Nie Yi obviously did not think so ...

Qi Jingchen was very rare not to dismiss Nie Yi and hold himself too tightly, and instead lay down in Nie Yi's arms obediently for one night.

The next day, Nie Yi took the team to kill a lot of zombies, found a lot of supplies, and rescued several people at the same time, but these times to save people are not as disgusting as yesterday. What happened when one of the children was saved also moved them a little.

They heard an old man calling for help, and rushed up to find that there was only an old lady and a two or three year old child in the house.

The old lady is not young, she ca n’t escape with such a small child. Fortunately, she is used to cooking at home, she has food at home, and she likes to make a lot of buns and buns in the refrigerator. The children survived together.

But now, she is not very good anymore. The skin of her whole body has been pulled down and she is still ill.

After Nie Yi and others went in, she kept kneeling on the ground and hoeing her head, asked them to take care of the child, and put the household registration book into the child's arms to give the child a chance to find his parents. Then he wanted to jump out of the window.

She felt that an old lady like her might only become a burden, and she wanted to die ...

Of course, it ’s impossible for Nie Yi to watch her die. Several of the people they rescued had little action, and an old lady was nothing, but even if they went to move supplies next, Someone also needs to look at the truck.

On the third day, Nie Yi rushed to the safe area.

The female teacher had already taken it easy at this time, and her two students looked a lot better. Although the old lady was older, she held the child to avoid bothering them, so they went back on the way back. No trouble.

But this is not to say that there must be no trouble ...

Their car drove halfway, and suddenly heard a fierce gunshot in front, and even bombs were used depending on the situation!

"Nie Shao, let's go to the front?" Zhang Zihai said. After three days, he looked calmer.

"Let's go." Nie Yi nodded, looking at the situation over there, it must be that the people in the safety zone were in trouble. At this time, they had no reason to die.

After the truck turned a corner, we saw several military jeep vehicles. These vehicles were all torn and worn. Most of the soldiers on the top were very embarrassed, and at a glance they knew that the situation was very bad.

"I'll stop them, you guys go!" Someone shouted, but there were more and more zombies around, making it impossible for several cars to run out quickly.

"His uncle! The bomb is gone!" Someone shouted again.

"There is a car!" Just then, those people found Nie Yi's car, but instead of calling for help, they said, "Run away! Run away!"

Seeing his comrades in arms, how could Zhang Zihai and others run away? They raised their guns and fired. After Shao Zhenglan jumped to the ground, he used the power for the first time, using earthen walls to help them stop some zombies and relieve their pressure.

"People with power!" They were obviously a little surprised, but they quickly said, "We caught some weird zombies. Those zombies will spray black mist to attract the surrounding zombies. We were sprayed with those black mist a few times. After that, it will become a zombie. Hurry up and report back to the base! "

After the shouting man spoke, he paused and said, "Also, General Li's son is here. Can you take Li Shao back? We will help you stop the zombies."

Those people were talking and fighting the zombies, and at this time, the abilities on Nie Yi's side had already got out of the car and started to help.

Nie Yi had been standing on the truck, using a gun and fire abilities to conduct a long-range attack, but his face changed immediately after hearing the man's words.

Zombies that spray black mist? Secondary zombie?

Just like the level of human powers, zombies also have levels. Zombies that ran around before were all first-level zombies, but if any zombies spray black fog, it means that it has upgraded and became two. Zombie.

The second-level zombies sprayed black mist, and they were found all over the world in the last days, and ordinary people breathed a few more breaths and they became zombies.

Of course, the psionicist has a certain resistance to this. Generally, the psionicist is injured by the first-level zombies. If it is only a small wound, it will not change the zombies. The same is true after they contact the black mist emitted by the second-level zombies Does not turn into a zombie.

Nie Yi remembered that at this time in his last life, there were no secondary zombies, but now he has ...

Is the appearance of the second-level zombies earlier, or has he not paid attention to this in his lifetime?

No matter what the situation is, Nie Yi knows that he must go and see now.

Qi Jingchen didn't want to live anymore. If the speed of zombies' evolution really accelerated ... What else would he have to make Qi Jingchen sure to live and fight against this world?

The dark mist of the secondary zombies is a disaster for humans, but for ordinary zombies, it attracts them very, very much, and it will make them very excited and more agile.

It is for this reason that this unit will be where it is today, and those zombies wearing the same costumes around them are enough to let others know how many comrades they have lost.

Nie Yi hugged Qi Jingchen firmly with one hand, but did not use a fireball with the other hand. Instead, he threw out a fire dragon, and then repelled all the zombies around him.

He was cold, but his pace was not slow, and the zombies around him would soon be burned off his head.

After walking for a while, Nie Yi saw three black foggy zombies, and those two zombies were indeed secondary zombies!

Nie Yi's face changed, and the fire dragon on his hand became bigger. At this moment, the three black mist-spraying zombies all came over and then subconsciously backed away a little.

In the jeep, a young man in his twenties was watching the situation outside, and Nie Yi, who was still able to stroll in the zombies, attracted all his attention: "That man is amazing ..."

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