Born with Protagonist's Face

277. The cultivators racked their brains to think about how to give a fresh and refined compliment i

No wonder Chen Tiansheng felt this way.

In fact, when he returned to the crowd, the treatment in the Hidden Palace was completely different!

In the beginning, although many monks in Hidden Emperor City had also heard rumors of the young headmaster, Liu Sin Hidden Emperor had also heard the legend of Chen Tiansheng.

But in the end, it is only in the ears.

Even when we met, it was probably a feeling in my heart-sighing that the reputation was well-deserved--

It really has the qualifications of exile!

As for what shocked them, it was Chen Tiansheng's immortal-like temperament, handsome and beautiful face.

Therefore, when Chen Tiansheng entered the Hidden Imperial City, the impression he gave to the monks in the Hidden Palace was—

"Wow, so handsome!"

"Wow, the temperament is so fairy!"

"Looking at this person, I have decided that in the future, I will also look like this when I become an immortal!

The list goes on and on!

However, although the cultivators thought so in their hearts, it was only because of their faces.

They are still in a state of deliberation about what they heard about Chen Tiansheng's experience!

These are only those monks in the Hidden Palace who have heard the name of Chen Tiansheng, not to mention those who have not heard of Chen Tiansheng, or even the name of Chen Tiansheng!

However, when Chen Tiansheng entered the dragon vein cloud, it was a spectacular scene recognized by thousands of dragon veins.

In the end, it turned into the dragon veins of heaven and earth recorded in the ancient books of the Hidden Palace.

Wait until Chen Tiansheng is wrapped in the momentum recognized by the dragon veins of heaven and earth, until the dragon veins of the earth turn into a mark between his eyebrows!

Especially to get the affirmation of his own hidden emperor's words!

They are excited!

They are excited!

They... were finally completely conquered by Chen Tiansheng.

This is of course because the unprecedented scene in the hidden palace in front of them had an impact on their vision and even their world view!

It was also because a certain Chen Tiansheng's brain remnant fan in the Hidden Palace had passionately written about Chen Tiansheng's personal experience and publicized it.

Seeing how excited he was, everyone is still fresh in their memory.

Therefore, the impression of Chen Tiansheng has been deified!

It's no wonder that Chen Tiansheng traveled this way, as if flying through the clouds, falling into the honeypot full of praise and adoration from the monks of the Hidden Palace.

Let Chen Tiansheng really catch his head!

Thinking in my heart... It turns out that the monks in the Hidden Palace used to pretend to be reserved!

Especially when a certain cultivator in the Hidden Palace walked in front of Chen Tiansheng, he actually knelt down directly in front of Chen Tiansheng.

It's like worshipping a god, like kneeling down to an immortal Buddha!

Seeing him raise his face and look at Chen Tiansheng's excited expression, Chen Tiansheng realized, in this person's eyes, he saw a scene on his face that even he couldn't help but break his heart——

It turns out... this is the true meaning of licking a dog!

This is the pinnacle of scumbag fans!

Not only Chen Tiansheng felt a little throbbing in his heart.

Speaking of being admired... it's really cool!

Chen Tiansheng thought a little dizzy.

And those monks who have experienced this scene are deeply touched by this.

Or at the moment when the cultivator knelt down and worshipped, they had a complete epiphany——

They looked at Chen Tiansheng with burning eyes, and looked at the monk of the Hidden Palace who was like a believer with admiration.

As they thought, "I wish so too!"

Therefore, in the crowd of cultivators, in the area where the monks in the hidden palace were as pious as believers, Chen Tiansheng's image became taller and taller, and he became the immortal god that cannot be blasphemed!

In a trance, they seemed to see Chen Tiansheng's tall and majestic fairy shadow!

The moment they saw it, their whole person sublimated!

Although Chen Tiansheng was a little caught off guard, he finally felt that he couldn't keep watching like this, and he should do something.

So he helped the man up, his tone was as gentle as possible, and he asked softly, "Such a big gift, don't do it like this, dare to ask Xiongtai's name, it's a natural gift!

Chen Tiansheng lifted the man's hand and could clearly feel the man's trembling palm and excited body.

His whole person is like shaking a sieve!

His face was red and his ears were red, and his nose was so excited that he wanted to breathe fire, but in the end, only two billows of white smoke came out.

His lips parted, his excitement was unbearable, and he blurted out, "Young...master, my name...Liu Donglai!

It looks like a brain-damaged fan recognized by his idol.

I was so excited that I couldn't even find Bei... Fortunately, he was called Donglai, but he was just pulled back by his name from the north to the south!

Chen Tiansheng nodded and smiled, "So it's Brother Donglai!"

"Don't dare, don't dare! 99

Here, Chen Tiansheng and the hidden palace cultivator named Liu Donglai were chatting hotly, and all the cultivators watched with enthusiasm.

At this time, there were also monks who sighed with emotion, "My way is that there are only a handful of people in this world who are not shocked when they see a young head teacher, and those who teach a face with a little face are all surrounded. I hope, then, in this world, there are only Wuji Tianluo Sect’s great elders who are in charge of the code and the great elders who punish them.

"It wasn't until today that I realized that there is a sky outside the sky, there are people outside the people, there are endless crowds around the headmaster, and there are many people who can surpass the two great elders!

"In the past, there was a great elder who explained to the young headmaster, and now there is Donglai to teach the young headmaster to write on the blackboard!"

"Talents come forth in large numbers, all of whom serve the Young Master, the Young Master teaches the resources of immortals and gods, born noble, born holy..."

 …・・For flowers...

"Wow, what a shame, even though I have less headmasters in my heart, compared to everyone else, but I'm not as good!"

The implication is that the cultivator felt that compared to the first elder, when Liu Donglai opened his mouth and knelt down, he sighed to himself, not as good as those people!

These words reached the ears of the cultivators, and countless cultivators suddenly realized, and countless cultivators were shocked.

However, what they think is not to agree with what this person said is better...

On the contrary, it is a maddening thought... This is the ultimate in licking a dog!

This is a word that licks a new level!

Look at that zealous energy, he is about to write a quatrain, an article, and a paragraph for Master Shao!

I almost splashed ink and brushed my hair to make a copy on the spot for the Young Master!

God man!


You are not as good as you are, you are clearly humble, and you are clearly trying to show your face in front of the young headmaster!

It's just... shameless!

If you don't have enough time, aren't we a bunch of scumbags?!

While complaining frantically, the cultivators were also frantically envious, exclaiming in their hearts, "It seems that the immortal cause of guarding (compliment) the little headmaster can't be stopped anytime, anywhere!"

"Not only can't stop, but also wait for every possible way to come up with new tricks.

"In this way, I can show my admiration for the young headmaster, and strive to be able to say a paragraph at any time, and make a major event that is fresh and refined!!"

So, after Liu Donglai knelt down, these monks were completely excited.

The Kyushu cultivator here also came to a sudden realization through the cultivator who opened his mouth and mourned, as if he had found the essence of being able to get in touch with the young headmaster!

They regard the Young Master as a standard in their hearts, and can't wait to rack their brains to pretend to be fresh and refined in front of Chen Tiansheng... um, compliment the Young Master!

What kind of immortals and gods, what saints were born, those are all rotten stalks.

Who doesn't know that the Young Master is synonymous with these?!

They always come out and say, not to mention that the young headmaster can hear calluses, even if they themselves feel that a person like the young headmaster deserves any title in the world!

Here, the cultivators were full of ups and downs, but Chen Tiansheng didn't think about it, but he got into a cloud of dragon veins and attracted so much attention.

In fact, it is not worth mentioning that the cultivators of Kyushu worship the young headmaster.

After Liu Donglai knelt down, in the voices of countless cultivators complimenting Young Master Chen Tiansheng.

The most excited, the most excited and the most... But the monks from the Hidden Palace!

They are truly the first in their lives...

For the first time, I have found an existence that reveres and worships other than heaven and earth!

That's the person in front of me with outstanding talent... Young Master Chen Tiansheng!! Nai.

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