Book of Gods and Demons

Chapter 473: King's warning

Medland Glory Calendar December 24th, 1379.

Early in the morning, Sherlock took the car and left the Embassy of the Ice Sea Kingdom in the Durham Empire through the back door.

The Hyderabad City Hall is very efficient.

During yesterday's riots, many gas pipes in the streets were detonated and the streets were in a mess. Outside the embassy of the Ice Sea Kingdom, a main road was also blown up.

But when I went out this morning, the gas pipeline that was blown up yesterday has been re-laid. The workers gathered by the city hall are backfilling the road and tamping the roadbed. The sidewalks on both sides of the street are already covered with thick stone slabs. As long as the roadbed is tamped and paved with stone slabs, the road will be repaired.

Looking through the car window, watching the busy workers working overtime on the street, and seeing the results of their busy night of work last night, Sherlock couldn't help rubbing his eyebrows vigorously.

"This kind of organization and efficiency..." Sherlock pursed his lips.

As the sword bearer of the Al organization, Sherlock's identity can be called detached. He also maintains a certain detached mentality. As an outsider, he coldly observes the turmoil between the countries of Medland.

However, after all, he was born in the Kingdom of Ice Sea, and he has a tiny bit of royal blood, and he even has the title of earl.

He still has feelings for the Binghai Kingdom.

Yesterday’s riots in Hyderabad. If such a thing happened in the Kingdom of Ice and Sea, don’t say that workers were organized to repair the road overnight... just talk about hiring workers, soliciting materials, approving construction procedures and so on. No one month is impossible.

As for the Durham Empire, after the turmoil was put down with a strong force yesterday, while dealing with the verbal and written criticisms of hundreds of national ambassadors, the top empire has already begun a comprehensive clean-up and repair work.

This kind of work efficiency is really terrible.

Such execution ability is even more terrifying.

At a glance, we can see the whole world, the conservative, rigid, rigid, and mechanical Durham Empire. They have the obedience and execution power of a machine... Such a country...

Sherlock has a toothache.

If it were not for the ruin of the last emperor Duolun II of the Durham Empire, who had tossed a powerful empire into all sorts of hardships...With the strength of the Durham Empire, the entire Midland Continent would have long been unable to sleep peacefully. Right?

Sherlock's four-wheeled carriage drove through the restored street and came to the corner of the street.

The barricades here did not withdraw, and the imperial soldiers wearing winter coats still strictly checked the identities of passing pedestrians in the barricades.

Sherlock’s carriage was also carefully checked inside and out...Even if the driver who drove Sherlock took out the documents of the Embassy of the Ice Sea Kingdom, it was useless to apply for diplomatic privileges.

Seeing those soldiers with stiff faces and cold eyes, Sherlock shrugged helplessly.

The military expenses and the heavy lifting to support the battlefield of the abyss... such a terrifying astronomical wealth... Now the seemingly peaceful Deren Empire has actually become a volcano that may erupt at any time, right?

At this juncture, no one should provoke them, otherwise they will be crushed to pieces by the maddening empire.

What kind of diplomatic privileges, etc., are still a little effective when they are taken out on weekdays, but now...

Under Sherlock's orders, the driver of the car honestly walked and stopped all the way, coordinating with the inspection of barricades and checkpoints on the street, and drove slowly for more than five hours before arriving in Hyderabad. A manor in the eastern suburbs.

The location of the manor is very good, just by the main road out of the city east of Hyderabad.

Out of the city, walk for more than a mile, turn south into a tree-lined road, and then walk more than three hundred feet, you can see the manor's grandeur, with a huge pillar on the left and right, which is shaped like an obelisk.

The carved hollow door of bronze material is well maintained. Every tiny corner from top to bottom is well-groomed. It is carefully coated with a layer of special grease. There is no trace of rust on the entire door, even There was a faint light faintly.

In the concierge on the left side of the gate, through the large double glass window, you can see a chubby, kind-looking old man. He sat comfortably in the porter, with a fat tabby cat in his arms, and on the table in front of him, there were a few newspapers and a cup of steaming coffee.

Both the old man and the tabby cat look harmless to humans and animals, giving people an extremely warm and leisurely feeling.

Sherlock opened the window and poked his head out.

The old man who seemed to have fallen asleep suddenly opened his eyes with his eyelids drooping in the concierge and nodded towards Sherlock with a smile. He put down the tabby cat in his hand, stood up, opened the glass window, and waved to Sherlock.

"Your Excellency Sherlock, you came a little bit early... However, my personal opinion is that it is a very good habit and a precious virtue to make any appointment a little earlier."

Sherlock smiled slightly: "Your praise makes me feel honored."

The old man nodded with a smile, and patted his fat palm on the table in front of him. Inside the obelisk pillars on both sides of the gate, there was a faint and gentle turning sound of the machine, and the two heavy bronze gates slowly opened inward.

The carriage drove into the gate, and the bronze gate slowly closed behind the carriage.

Behind the gate, there was a neatly maintained landscape forest. It walked a little half a mile along the forest driveway. The eyes suddenly opened up, and a green meadow appeared in front of Sherlock.

The size of the grassland can be more than 30 acres. It is a miracle that there can be such a green grassland in such a cold winter.

But last night there was a heavy snowfall, and there was not the slightest amount of snow and frost on this piece of grass, which shows how magical the manor manager has.

On the south side of this grassland, behind an oval-shaped fountain with a group sculpture of more than two hundred feet in length and a hundred feet in width, is a huge three-story building. Different from the conservative and rigid architectural style of the Durham Empire, this palace-style building covering an area of ​​nearly ten acres has a gorgeous exterior shape, but it is not frivolous.

The carriage stopped, and two young men wearing black tuxedos, white gloves, and black walking sticks greeted them: "Your Excellency Sherlock, your lord is waiting in the study."

Sherlock got out of the carriage and followed the two young men in.

Quietly in the huge building, only the footsteps of the three Sherlockes echoed in the spacious corridor, as if the whole building was empty and there was no one else.

But in fact, on both sides of the corridor, at a distance of tens of feet, there are two young people who are dressed like the young people who lead the way.

Neat and neat tuxedo, snow-white clean white gloves, meticulously groomed hair, clean and tidy, cold face. The left hands of these young people all have a slender cane, a cane made of ebony wood.

Sherlock's gaze swept across these young people. They were like leopards crawling and resting. They were quiet and cold, but there was a powerful force in their bodies, which might burst out at any time.

The walking sticks in their hands... From Sherlock's experience, I can see at a glance that these walking sticks are actually a cane sword. Just unscrew the head of the stick and lightly press the bracket to pull out the long sword hidden inside.

I saw along the way, standing on both sides of the corridor, and in other corners, there were no less than two hundred young people dressed in this way.

A very capable, powerful and well-trained force.

Sherlock squinted, he felt these young and long breaths, and then he cursed in his heart.

The breathing of these young people follows a completely consistent rhythm...

His evaluation of these youths immediately went up several steps... With such a tacit understanding, they were definitely not comparable to ordinary skirmishers.

This is just the guarding force placed on the bright side by the owner of this manor.

God knows in the dark, how much similar force does he have?

"This is the power and strength the'king' possesses..." Sherlock sighed with envy in her heart.

Training such an elite team is not only something that you can do if you have money... There are more rich people in the mainland of Medland. For those super Junkers in the Ruhr City region, they use golden marks to recruit How many desperadoes were there?

But they do not have any family that can have such a terrifying elite!

This is not something you can do with money.

Under the leadership of the two young men, Sherlock walked through a long corridor, passed several huge and beautifully furnished halls, then walked up a huge spiral staircase, and finally came to the third floor of this palace-style mansion~ A rather long corridor, which is different from the corridor below. Standing on both sides of this corridor is a tall maid wearing a black dress.

These maids, like the youth below, stood quietly and silently on both sides of the corridor.

They crossed their hands and hung in front of them naturally.

On their hands, they were clean and did not carry anything.

But Sherlock's gaze swept across their long skirts... well, there is a lot of space under their long skirts, and God knows what life-threatening gadgets they hide under their long skirts.

These beautiful-looking and cold-tempered maids gave Sherlock the feeling that they were much more dangerous than the young people below.

Those young people, if they are qualified fighters.

The maids in front of you can be described as "dead man" and "assassin".

Sherlock could feel the surging, magnificent power contained in those young people, and the feeling of these maids was like icebergs with no emotion at all.

Sherlock couldn't help sighing again.

very good, very powerful.

The personal female guards trained by the Ice Sea Kingdom specifically for the princesses and noble ladies are definitely not as mysterious and dangerous as the maids in front of them.

Therefore, Sherlock once again sighed in his heart: "Your Excellency'King', how scared of death is this?"

At the end of the corridor, there are two heavy dark oak doors.

The young man who led the way walked to the door and gently pulled a gold thread hanging from the side of the door frame.

Through the heavy oak door, Sherlock faintly heard the crisp sound of bells.

The next moment, the door opened silently, and a beautiful young woman opened the door gently: "Your Excellency Sherlock? Please come in..."

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