Blue Prison, inside the Z Team's lounge.

The crowd of Team Z gathered around and didn't know what they were doing, and from the center of the crowd there were occasional sounds of arguing.

"It's all to blame on you, dead chestnut head!

It's all to blame that you were broken and we lost the game!

"Shut up! You can go up, Nan no Amida!

Raiichi tugged at Igarashi's collar as if to eat him, while the others tried to separate the two.

"Calm down, stop arguing!"

Long-term words did not have any persuasive effect, and the Z team still had an equaliser when they were 4-3 down.

But who knew that Igarashi, who had the ball, rushed stupidly to the opponent's half with the ball, and was easily snatched away by Team X.

In the final two minutes, the wolves scored another goal to completely bury Team Z's equaliser.

That's why there was this scene, Lei City didn't score a goal in today's game, and he was already holding his stomach, and now someone threw the pot and completely vented his anger on Igarashi's body.

"Damn, if I were a center forward in this game, we would have won!"

Lei Shi said angrily, and Igarashi, who was grabbed by his collar, immediately retorted

, "Don't brag, if it weren't for the new ten, we would only lose worse!"

This sentence poked at Lei City's sensitive point, and in an instant his anger came up again, and he raised his fist to give Igarashi a look.

Fortunately, Orochimaru hugged his fist

, "I think Chestnut Head-kun, that's right.

If Okita-kun hadn't been injured, we might have really won.

"What do you say!"

The most annoying thing about Lei City is that others say that his strength is not as good as others, although Shinten's performance is indeed impeccable, even in the case of physical injury, he still passes the ball brilliantly.

But he wouldn't admit that Xin Shi's strength was stronger than him, at most, it was almost!

"Enough! Have you had enough of arguing, now is not the time to have fun! "

Just when Lei City's tongue was fighting, a roar came, it was a long time ago.

"Have you figured out the current situation, our team has already lost a game!"


The others looked at him suspiciously after hearing Jiuyuan's words, and even Lei Shi unconsciously loosened Igarashi's collar.

Seeing that everyone still didn't understand, Jiu Yuan explained to everyone seriously,

"Listen, this first round of trials is a round-robin match of five teams.

Only the top two teams can win, assuming that all teams are evenly matched

, that is, they also have a 2-2 record, and the points are [6].

If we want the whole team to advance to the next round, we should aim for more than 6

points, and conversely, if any team loses two games, it is impossible to get 7 points.

As long as you lose two games, you are already in danger of being infinitely close to elimination.

Team Z is here now, and if you lose one more game, you're still in the mood for infighting!

Okita's injury doesn't know what the situation is, and if he doesn't play in the next game, we will be in a very passive situation.

Instead of talking about the games you lost in the past, think about how to win next, you don't want to go home in the first round of knockouts! After

saying Jiuyuan's words, the lounge fell into a deathly silence.

Igarashi, early on, Lei Shi and my Orochimaru realized the seriousness of the problem, and their brains were not flexible, and they realized that they seemed to have fallen into a desperate situation.

If, as Long Yuan said, the new ten cannot return before the next game starts, they will most likely lose the next game.

Then that means their football career ends prematurely.

“..... So do you have any good ideas, long ago? Igarashi asked with a solemn face.

Jiu Yuan shook his head and said.

"Nope.... I haven't thought yet..."So

what now?" I don't want to go home and inherit the temple! Seeing

that there was no way to do it, Igarashi completely panicked, holding his small flat head and falling into self-collapse.

"In other words, I still don't understand the point of a game where all eleven people on the team are forwards!

Is it just like the previous game of [Ghost Catching], and the training of egoists who have come up with a lot of hearts.....? "

It was Imamura who spoke, and at a time when there is nothing to do, understanding the intentions of the heart may be the key to breaking the game.

Painting said that the first round of the knockout game was an experiment to create football from 0, and what this sentence means, several people on Team Z have not yet figured out.

"Hee-hee, I guess I know what [0 in football] means."

When everyone was helpless, Bee Le walked out of the bathroom naked.

"Hey! Feed! Feed!

Don't walk the birds, wrap a bath towel! Cheng

Chen saw Bee Le's smooth body, and immediately accused with dissatisfaction.

Bee Le didn't care about the towel that wiped his hair, blocked it in front of his crotch, found an empty seat and sat down.

"From the game just now, I can probably see what the 0 in football means."

After sitting down, Bee Le repeated the sentence again.

"Oh? Kappa head, then you should talk about what is the 0 of football. Lei

Shi, who didn't like to use his brain, immediately asked.

Bee Le leisurely took the water cup that Xin Shi put on the chair and drank it twice, before speaking.

"From the game just now, I found that at the beginning of the game, everyone, including the opponent, just wanted to score for themselves, and the players from both teams were all huddled together to grab the ball.

Do you think that's football?

Everyone shook their heads in cooperation, the football in their minds is not like this, football should be a kind of confrontational, tactical sports competition,

not this primitive and barbaric separate game of snatching the ball.

"It seems that everyone understands what I mean, and I think that may be the 0 state of all the football in Eishin.

But why, later, the situation improved, although it was still chaotic, but at least the two sides could organize effective attack and defense? "

It's a difficult question for the stupid foursome. [Igarashi, my Yamaru, Lei City, Cheng Morning]

While the others were lost in thought, the stupid foursome looked dazed.

It was Igarashi who spoke last, and said eagerly.

"Bee Le, don't sell it, just tell us the answer."

Bee Le smiled, put down the new ten kettle in his hand, and continued.

"The reason why the teams on both sides were able to go from chaos to order was because of the performance of the horse wolf and the new eleven.

Because of the wonderful performance of these two people, the players of both teams will think about giving them the ball.

From both of them, I saw the possibility of scoring goals, so everyone worked together.

From a 0 for grabbing the ball to a 1 for each other.

"So that's it, I see what you mean.

Is the shooter the one who turns 0 into 1, and the others who turn 1 into 10 or even 100?

Imamura said thoughtfully after listening to Beeraku's explanation.

That's why Eishin deliberately made a rule that no matter what the team's ranking, the internal scoring champion can avoid elimination.

It is because of this rule that players are forced to emphasize themselves, abandon concepts such as positional tactics, and only score goals themselves.

A team is born only when a super shooter is born in the team.

This may be the hint that Eixin gives us. After

Jiuyuan figured it out, he then added with the words of Bee Raku and Imamura.

It's a pity that their words are still a little too profound, and the stupid four still haven't figured out what is going on.

Just as they were learning others to pretend to understand, the door to the lounge opened.

New Ten appeared outside the door.

The eyes of the whole team suddenly focused on him, and the reaction of Bee Le was the happiest.

He pounced on it at once, but he forgot that now he only had a towel on him.

With his jumping towel already dropped, Bee Le pounced on Shin Ten's body in a naked gesture.

"New Ten, you're okay.

That's great. Xin

Ten felt the temperature coming from Bee Le's skin, and his heart was a little moved, although he and she didn't know each other very well, but this feeling of someone caring was not bad.

Wait a minute???

Skin temperature???

"Ah!!" A scream came out of Shin Ten's throat,

"You..... You...

Why don't you wear clothes!!! "

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