After Eixin Shinhachi finished speaking, there was only silence in the dressing room.

The one who won joins the national team and everyone watches.

And those who lose will never have football in their lives again.

Shin Ten recalled when he was in the Football Association building, he said that he wanted one of the 300 people who joined the blue prison to stand on top of 299 corpses.

Become the number one shooter in the world.

It turned out that his words meant this, and now it seems that he did.

Interesting, so much fun.

"If everyone has no opinion, then now I announce that the time for [Ghost Catch] is up

, the prescribed time is 136 seconds, handball is prohibited in this game, the person who touches the ball is [Ghost], and that's all the rules!"

At the end of 136 seconds, the person who becomes [Ghost] will get out of the blue prison!

The game begins! Seeing

that everyone had been silent, Eri Shinba announced the start of the game.

With his words, a vent in the ceiling suddenly opened and a football fell.

It fell on Igarashi Kurimon's head.

The picture heart on the large screen disappears, and is replaced by a cartoon portrait of Yume Igarashi.

Next to his avatar is also marked his ranking, 300.

"Huh?!!! And that's where it begins.

Igarashi Kurime didn't react a little, and looked around nervously.

Others reacted no better, some complaining, others wary.

After 5 seconds, Igarashi Kurime finally eased up, stepped on the ball on the soles of his feet, and said.

"Everyone, let me say it first, no matter who is eliminated, there is no complaint."

"Wait a minute, Igarashi, do you really think that what Eishin Shinhachi said is true, about the national team, no matter how he thinks he is bluffing."

A plain-looking chestnut-haired boy said at this time.

"I don't know." Igarashi breathed a sigh of relief, "But if what that guy said is true, I will go back to the monastery and become a monk for the rest of my life."

I'm going to give it a go anyway! Saying

that, Igarashi took the ball and rushed towards Jieshi, he had just memorized everyone's rankings.

Persimmon is about to pick a soft pinch, and his target is Jie Shiyi, who is ranked 299th.

Seeing Igarashi Kurime coming towards him with a ball, Jie Shiyi was a little panicked.

Quickly hid in a crowded place, intending to use others as shields.

But others are not easy to mess with, and a fierce-looking teenager directly pushed Jie Shiyi out.

"Hey, don't squeeze over!

This situation should disperse! "

Jie Shiyi was pushed and stumbled and almost fell.

As soon as Igarashi saw the opportunity coming, he passed the ball to Kiseichi with a push from the arch of his foot.

"Don't pass it on to me!"

Jiesei rolled one by one and dodged Igarashi's ball in an extremely embarrassing position.

The ball hit the wall and bounced back to Igarashi's feet.

"Abominable! I didn't expect you to be able to hide, forget who it is, who is hit by the ball is considered his bad luck!

Igarashi raised his leg and pumped the ball at the ball, shooting a powerful volley at the wall where no one was.

The ball hit the wall, and a rebound bounced towards the god of the country, but after the rebound, the ball speed was obviously insufficient.

The god of the country easily dodged the ball, which slowly rolled forward and stopped in the center of the room.

Since this ball did not touch anyone, the [Ghost] at this time was still Igarashi!

"Ah! Yes! I can't kick people at all, and I'll be eliminated if I continue like this!

Igarashi rushed over to retrieve the soccer ball, standing in the center of the room, picking his next target.

But those who can be selected in the blue prison are the trump cards of various universities, and no one is vegetarian.

Just as Igarashi was helpless, he heard a snoring.


Igarashi looked at it, isn't this the head of Kappa who has been sleeping since entering the room!

Unexpectedly, at this time, they were still sleeping.

"Hahaha, this guy, don't blame me! It's about my future! "

Igarashi rushed to Kappa Head with the ball, and now he is only 1M away from Kappa Head.

Soon he will become the new [ghost! Bang!

Just as Igarashi approached Kappa's head, Kappa Tou, who was clearly still asleep just now, stood upside down with both hands and dodged the ball at Igarashi's feet.

Then he kicked Igarashi in the face.

"Ugh!" Igarashi covered his face and crouched down, blood flowing from his fingertips.

The kick on Kappa's head just now kicked out his nosebleed.

"It hurts!!! Hey, you guy fouled. Igarashi crouched on the ground and pointed at Kappa's head and shouted accusations.

"Hmm..... Ah~~~"

In the face of Igarashi's accusation, Kappa straightened up and yawned, rubbed his eyes, and peeled off the eye feces stuck to the corners of his eyes.

Strangely asked.

"Just said that there are no rules other than banning handball, right?"

"It is forbidden to use that kind of forced means, and it is necessary to compete in a dignified and upright manner."

The god of the country, who had a sense of justice, came over at this time and taught the kappa head.

"Even if there are no rules, you can't hurt..."

Before the national myth was finished, he suffered a heavy blow from football on the right side of his face.

"Oh roar, found a chance, Amitabha!"

It turned out that just Igarashi took advantage of the kung fu of the national god to educate Kappa and sneaked up on him.

The god of the country, who was hit by the ball, replaced Igarashi as the new [Oni].

The TV screen was also replaced with a cartoon portrait of the god of the country [291].

"Bastard, you're dead! Chestnut head. "

What the god of the country is most uncomfortable with is this petty theft, his brain is as simple as his muscles.

No matter what you do, whether you play football or be a person, you have to be upright.

Picking up the football and placing it at his feet, Kunigami aimed at Igarashi.

The left leg is slightly bent, and the instep of the right foot is pumped in the center of the football.

The moment the instep touches the football, the ball shoots over like Igarashi like a cannonball!

"Hey! Doesn't it say that you can't take revenge! When

Igarashi saw the ball shooting towards him again, he panicked all of a sudden, and quickly pulled Jie Shiyi next to him in front of him.

"What are you doing! Let me go!

Vomit!!! "

As soon as Jiesei could break free of Igarashi, he was hit in the stomach by this ball shot by the god of the country.

The force of this ball was so strong that he felt like he was about to spit out the tonkatsu he ate yesterday!

"Huh!? Sorry, I didn't mean to kick you.

Kunigami said apologetically when he saw that the football had not been played in Igarashi.

Although the national god did not mean it, the rules are the rules, and Jie Shiichi, who was hit by the ball, replaced the national god.

Become the third [Ghost] in the Ghost Catching Game!

The cartoon portrait on the screen changes again, reminding everyone that the current [ghost] is Jie Shiyi [299].

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