Blooming America

Chapter 210: Three D's outlook

Prospects for Chapter o d

Sam Walton, the founder of Wal-Mart, one of the world's top 500 companies.

Of course, he at this moment is not as great as the future.

"Is this your plan?"

Old Walton took a report that the programmers gave him.

"Yes, we made this according to the needs of the city."

The advertisement they gave to Old Walton was about the function of the program.

The programmers naturally know that the other party may not know the computer well, so try to use popular language to tell the old Walton the functions that the software will contain.

"Our system can be fully automated."

One of the programmers added another sentence.

Since Catherine left, she immediately mobilized a group of programmers to discuss with the people at Wal-Mart about the system.

In addition to these programmers, there are surveying staff from American Telecom who came to survey the lines of Wal-Mart chain stores.

"Excuse me, can we add some functions to it?"

Old Walton asked.

"Please speak."

The programmers said politely.

"I hope that a statistical report can be added to this. Not only our products, but I also need some other data..."

The programmer didn't quite understand: "Do you mean... the product is designed independently?"

The other party shook his head.

"I mean, for example, housewives buy a product in my store. Generally speaking, they will throw the shopping list in the trash can. We have special personnel to return to recycle these items and use these to understand the family. The needs of housewives. But some products are not available in our business premises. We will choose whether to restock according to the needs of housewives..."

The programmers discussed with each other.

Old Walton's request has exceeded their original expectations.

However, they dare not violate the requirements of the big capitalist Catherine.

"In this way, we can't use magnetic core storage. How about changing to tape? That's what IBm does. And the storage performance of tape is better."

The technicians are discussing.

Indeed, in the century, magnetic tape will still exist as a storage medium because of its strong stability.

The technicians discussed it, then looked at Old Walton.

"Sir, there is no problem at all, but in this case, we may need to modify the plan. This will greatly increase storage requirements. I suggest that you can store your information in the form of tape. But this will cause the computer to record data. Speed ​​slows down."

Old Walton asked suspiciously: "Will it slow down?"

"Not too much."

Old Walton nodded.

Catherine's system will not increase management costs, but will greatly reduce it.

Peter Drucker, the father of modern management, was quite admired after seeing Catherine's computer project.

Catherine, this is empathy, thinking about what the customer thinks. What they need is to reduce costs, reduce expenses, and increase their sales, so that management becomes smoother.

Following this line of thought, Catherine's estate became like this.

At the headquarters of aRk, Catherine's system is also working on a graphics operating system.

This system is called "Stargate System", x-strgte, or ps for short.

The Stargate system will become Catherine's new generation operating system.

Currently, this system has a simple interface.

However, this interface is not like future ins or other operating systems, but somewhat similar to the control interface of certain games on the "future".

The bottom surface is blue, then the words are white, and there is a mouse.

This is the version that runs on low-end machines.

After all, not everyone can have so much money to buy memory.

Catherine's will use bit addressing and support up to mB of memory.

However, according to estimates, due to cost, the mainstream memory is between 8kB and 5kB. In this case, the minimum requirements for the dazzling operating software produced by Catherine is obviously impossible to install on such a low-level computer.

Therefore, the graphical interface at this time should be "castrated".

First, Catherine canceled the desktop system. After entering the system, it was an interface similar to the explorer, except that the blue pattern had a background, which looked very good, and the operation was also foolish, as long as one Just a mouse can do it.

This system also provides some convenient applications, such as TxT programs, and small games similar to cards and minesweeper.

These casual games are also essential.

Of course, this is the game she can provide.

Catherine’s x system actually refers to nux, not ins. Ins is not open source, so it is very difficult for Catherine to understand this system, but the nux system is completely free and open source. difficult.

The programmer is making the system fiercely, and on the other side, Catherine is also busy.

Things in Hong Kong must not be forgotten. Catherine immediately deployed it, and the manpower in Hong Kong suddenly doubled.

But Bruce in Hong Kong made a call in astonishment.

"Kate, what are you doing? Why are all the employees transferred to Hong Kong? Don't you know that it's already messed up here?"

Bruce couldn't wait to say as soon as the phone was connected.

"Sorry, Mr. Edson, I will transfer you right away..."


Bruce was a little embarrassed. This call has not yet been received by Catherine, and he is still on the reception desk.

"Hey, Dad, what's the matter, call here at this time." Catherine's voice finally came over.

"Kate, why do you keep bringing umbrella employees to Hong Kong? What are you doing?"

Catherine's voice was not hurried or slow: "This is for our umbrella business and reputation."

"Career? Fame? Kate, what are you talking about?"

"Dad, don't you think Hong Kong is messy?"

Bruce was silent.

Indeed, this time I came to Hong Kong because of some problems.

"Kate, do you want to..."

"Yes, we just want to strengthen our influence in Hong Kong at this time"

Catherine's voice was very excited.

"Dad, something big will happen in Hong Kong soon, and it is at least very beneficial to us."

"How do you know that something big will happen in Hong Kong?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Bruce immediately realized that there really seemed to be a serious event in Hong Kong.

The situation is getting more and more chaotic, especially the Great Revolution that spread from the Big Six. It has made the situation more and more volatile... Obviously, big events will happen soon, either today or tomorrow.

"Dad, you came back earlier, Hong Kong is too dangerous."

Catherine said with concern.

"No... Kate, this is indeed a business opportunity. We can make the umbrella have a good reputation in Hong Kong. Then, we can expand to all of Southeast Asia."

Bruce was very excited.

"I will go back in May, Kate, don't tell your mother about the situation in Hong Kong."

"Uh..." Catherine didn't expect that because of her own words, the other party decided to stay in Hong Kong instead. She was a little bit dumbfounded.

"But Dad, it's too dangerous over there... At least, the security guards around you must double."

"Okay, okay, I know, I just need to handle this, you don't need to deal with it."

Bruce hung up.

And at this time, he thought of the man named Lin Shenhe... Maybe, that Chinese could be the breakthrough point of his plan this time?

On the other side, Catherine scratched her head.

I finally started a big plan, just like that... was snatched away...

She sighed, then shrugged again. She took out her manuscript and faxed it to DreamWorks.

These are the remaining scripts of his own "X File".

Next, Catherine returned to Inte1, and then checked netbsp; the emergence of the 6-digit system also meant the arrival of the d era.

The d technology has always been Catherine's dream...Of course, this technology is used in movies, because the picture is really bad.

In history, there have been d games, such as "German Headquarters", "Class Noah's Ark" and other games.

With the execution efficiency of the age, the hardware requirements of the program of the century can be compressed to at least one-fifth; and the execution efficiency of the age can also be compressed to one-third.

This is because in these years, the computer hardware is too backward to satisfy the imaginative programmers.

Programmers racked their brains, using all available methods, as far as possible to make those backward hardware able to run their own programs.

As a result, two powerful creatures were born, namely "program ape in the" and "artist in the 80s".

You can run d games. This shows from the side that, in fact, it is not that difficult for a 6-bit system to run d programs.

Catherine named her cpu "", also based on her expectations for the future.

It's just... Catherine hasn't really tried the D program on a 6-bit machine. It's simple in theory, but there are many problems when it comes to doing it.

Therefore, Catherine also opened a gpu.

Some things, technically speaking, are indeed enough, but because people nowadays do not have the same vision as Catherine, they have been sealed in dust for a long time.

Take memory, for example. In history, memory has passed the development of cpu for a period of time, which caused developers and researchers to lose interest in it. As a result, memory has not been obtained for a long period of time. What a breakthrough research.

Of course, after Catherine spent tens of millions of lavishly, her current funds can only be used for maintenance. It is unrealistic to increase investment or something...

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