Blood of Mercury

Chapter 82: broken silver

If the second explosion only made Casa realize that the sender was a lunatic, then the third explosion had already made Casa a little afraid of the unknown sender——

Before Kasa could recover from the previous explosion, the ground under his feet began to beat weakly and rapidly.

A strong ominous premonition appeared in Kasa's heart, like a poisonous snake smeared with salty salt swimming through his throat. Salty can't speak, thirsty like a desert traveler.


Kasa closed the secret door immediately, and then tried to call the guard.

But the feeling of dryness and thirst made his mouth move slightly, but no sound came out.

He quickly cleared his throat and shouted loudly, "Come—"

Just the first syllable was spit out from Kasa's mouth, and the tremor under Kasa's feet instantly became crazy, shaking violently, throwing Kasa directly out and hitting the wall, almost biting his tongue.

At the same time, a huge roar sounded outside the window, the sound wave directly shattered the window, and irregular glass fragments were scattered on the ground, and the eyeball of a corpse wearing a child's clothes was even directly penetrated by a spear-like fragment, nailed to the ground. on the ground.

Kasa's call didn't stop at all, it turned into a wailing the moment he exited.

But before he could cry and vent the pain in his heart, he felt terrified that the whole house was tilted slightly.

Burying alive is not something that the immortality of the undead can solve. What's more, in a place like the City of Fortune, as long as he enters the resurrection state, other street managers will not hesitate to take action and **** his territory and wealth in a very short period of time.

They can even use Kasa's wealth to ask a wizard to seal Kasa.

——This is absolutely not allowed.

Blind and foolish people sharpen their ignorance into a sharp blade, and use the sheath of righteousness to raise a blade that is enough to stab the Savior——

For some reason, Kasa suddenly remembered a famous quote from the Truth Society.

Really... I'm just terrified.

"That group of pariahs...that lunatic, how dare..."

Kasa was only halfway through his intermittent words, and he found that the house that had been tilted a little before and then stopped tilting began to tilt again!

Kasa was almost terrified.

He was helpless in the face of this situation.

His occupation is a Soul Overseer - a fragile occupation somewhat similar to a puppet master. He summons ghosts and assembles various undead constructs through the corpses that died in his own hands to suppress the enemy in numbers, and through various Group blessings increase the combat effectiveness of these vulnerable losers against stronger units.

Once Kasa spreads out the legion in a wide area, he can almost rival some small legions. Although he is only silver, he has no ability to spiritualize his body, and he has no resistance in the face of assassins - but in previous battles, the undead body made him fearless.

However, this time is different.

This is not a battlefield, but a city of wealth.

He has reasons that must never fail.

He came here with a lofty mission - not the order given to him by the madmen of the Truth Society who felt good about themselves, but the last hope of the undead, Elcatel, a broken country.

Elkat, the land of fairies, Elkat, the silver in the water, Elkat the disaster-free, the land of blessings, the Nexus of Gaia, the birthplace of human beings...

These glorious names, but now there is only a "land of the dead" that is almost ridiculed.

And the undead seem to have forgotten the glory of the past, their souls have been rotten by endless time, and even those false gods have joined together.

Three hundred years ago, the silver queen of Elcatet foresaw the rebellion of the gods. Before the saints went to Outland, she prayed to the saints for the privilege of immortality. Legion of God.

Even the noble races with golden blood have chosen to escape from this world after the rebellion of the gods, and dare not fight against the holders of authority—even if they cannot hold one ten thousandth of the authority.


Never agree.

That is the glory of the Silver Seed.

Kasa, and his undead compatriots so proudly believed.

The war lasted ten years. Now the dry land there is as smooth as mud, and you can smell the smell of blood just by stepping on it.

It wasn't the remnants of breath, but the influence of the warriors' will.

Although Kasa did not participate in that war at the time, he still felt blood boil when he thought of the soldiers picking up their heads from the pool of blood, holding them in their arms and starting to charge.

——However, the Silver Queen was personally assassinated by the Lord of Shadows, and this war between mortals finally began to become completely unbalanced due to the intervention of outsiders.

Although the Silver Queen Mong Om Shelter did not die directly, for some unknown reason, the Silver Queen who did not undergo a transformation ceremony to break away from the human body quickly grew old and lost the power to charge alongside the warriors.

So Elcate lost the battle.

The price of defeat is undoubtedly terrible, but the undead firmly believe that even if Elcatel is defeated, the innocent and innocent silver spirit will never die.

Such a noble spirit has been inherited for more than a hundred years. After the Queen of Silver was summoned to leave the world by the Instructor of Eternal Sleep, the spiritual pillar of the undead collapsed suddenly and quickly decayed and collapsed.

They began to feel no pleasure, their sense of taste began to gradually lose, their emotions were gradually smoothed out by endless cold thoughts, other desires became more and more indifferent, and only obsessions were continuously deepened.

As a result, sinful feelings began to sprout from the cold heart. Not to mention others, even Casa himself, can't find the blood of the year.

This is not a description, but a real sad word.

He began to join forces with evil, entered the city of wealth on his own initiative, and cooperated with cultists like the Truth Society, killing innocents indiscriminately and desecrating corpses...

He sadly found that he began to gradually become the kind of person he hated the most in the past.

Now, the undead have finally realized that they are a noble race only under the banner of Cang Yin.

Now that the Silver Queen has left, they are no different from a group of abandoned dogs.

Therefore, the noble, unified undead who claim to be insulated from the mortal struggle finally began to split due to infighting.

The reason for the split was a sentence left by the Queen of Silver. About her designated successor to the undead.

"The bird of bad omen! You need to use mercury as blood, the crown of thorns—"

This is the sentence she left behind.

She said that when the dead meet their new king, they will naturally understand who the prophecy refers to.

So, among the dead, there are many factions who go to the new king, those who adapt to reality, those who think the new king can save them, and those who cannot save them. El Carter is in chaos now.

At this moment, someone heard that Farina in the city of wealth received an apocalypse. The content of the apocalypse is this sentence.

The undead were undoubtedly in a commotion. Because of this, many undead went to the city of wealth. In order to avoid the most respected guests of a city of wealth, the undead first drove Farina out of the city of wealth.

After that, it is up to the undead to welcome her back as the new king or to kill her before taking the throne.

At least Kasa never believed in the existence of the new king.

The Queen of Silver is supreme. Rather than tarnishing the color of the Cang Yin flag, it would be better to fold it directly by herself, at least to retain some of the glory of the past.


"I can't die here yet!"

He clenched his teeth tightly, and under the agitated emotions, his gray pupils split open and the faint bright red inner layer was revealed.

The blood that had been missing for hundreds of years gradually ignited in Kasa's heart. At that moment, it seemed that some barrier was broken, and various emotions began to flow from Kasa's heart.

"This is--"

Casa was shocked.

Yes... there is no need to gather under the banner of the new king—no, there is no such thing as a new king at all!

If Her Lady Queen wants a successor, she can tell her loyal subjects directly. It can be seen that that sentence is just a verse of the Queen before her death, and it is definitely not some **** prophecy made by those scholars.

Kasa leaned against the wall, barely stood up, and stumbled towards the basement.

The basement is not very far away. There are stairs when you leave this room, and two floors down to the basement.

That's where he keeps prisoners, uses their marrow to breed ridged worms, and operates the consoles of the Tilance Dam.

He decided to listen to the madman.

Even if tens of thousands of people will be drowned by the flood because of the opening of the dam, it has nothing to do with him.

He must live and tell the people of Elcate this important news.

——Elcatel, will never die because of the broken silver!

So Casa contained hope and opened the door of the basement.

But he didn't see that the chest and abdomen of the walking corpse in his bedroom began to shrink inexplicably—


This is the last chapter of the public edition. It will be on the shelves tomorrow, and if nothing else happens, there should be three chapters updated.

Anyway, please at least make your first order...

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