Blood of Mercury

Chapter 58: tree of suffering

Sitting on the high wall, he tossed his right hand vigorously, and Roland threw the uncorked wine bottle in his hand far away.

Only a bang was heard, the wine bottle shattered at the entrance of the alley, and footsteps were heard within a few seconds.

Roland kicked off the boots worth one and a half gold coins on his feet at will, relaxed his body, and fell back naturally with his bare feet.

After falling off the high wall, he was lightly picked up by a pure white mistletoe.

"Well, thank you."

Roland turned around and thanked a huge oak tree with a smile on his face.

The oak rustled the branches, responding as if wise.

But Roland knew that this tree was really wise.

Two vines extended from Roland's cuffs, and with the help of the vines, Roland landed firmly on the ground.

He raised his head, and the first thing that caught his eye was such a twisted and holy plant.

The lower half of a middle-aged man's body dissolves in the earth, and until the waist part turns into blood-red sturdy vines buried deep in the earth, pumping slowly like blood vessels according to a strange rhythm; The back is embedded in a huge oak tree, and the hands are turned into large white mistletoe from the shoulders, wrapped around the oak.

His expression was calm and serene, and he maintained this almost bizarre symbiotic relationship.

Roland bowed slightly respectfully.

"Roland White Oak pays tribute to the father of Gaia, to the tree of suffering."

"No need to be polite."

A generous voice sounded in Roland's heart.

Roland saluted again and stood up straight.

The Druid in front of him—no, strictly speaking, it is no longer human.

The tree of suffering, Akama, was once the great druid who was closest to the sage. He touched the origin ten years ago, and belongs to the strongest group among all the druids with the holy name of white oak.

In various battles, the Druid of the White Quartz acted as a diffuser. After all, although the vines of the white mistletoe druid are powerful, they are not even worse than the shapeshifting druids who specialize in combat.

The real power of the Druid of the White Quartz is the huge vines that he transformed his body into after the alienation of the silver-level soul. This gigantic vine can not only provide the White Oak Druid with a steady stream of vitality, but also cooperate with the avatars of the Golden Oak Druids to further strengthen the power of their avatars.

For example, after a silver-tier Golden Oak Druid transforms into a pure golden oak tree, within a considerable range, he can passively provide several auras such as triple health recovery, triple natural energy recovery, and pure mind to allies, and It can spread the single-body blessing magic spells such as the power of the golden oak and the eagle's vision into a range blessing.

The only downside is that compared to the number of Golden Oak Druids, the range of blessings is still too small.

In a mere range of 80 to 120 yards, even a positional battle would not be able to cover too many people.

Once the position is too concentrated, whether it is the bombing of the alchemist, the prayer of divine grace of the priests, or the ritual witchcraft of the wizard, it will cause huge casualties to the Druid army.

In order to avoid this situation, the white mistletoe druid needs to spread the aura of the pure golden oak.

After a silver-level white mistletoe druid turns on his incarnation, his vines can have the lowest level of combat effectiveness within five hundred yards. If you completely abandon the aggressiveness of the vines, and even abandon the touch-style magic of the white mistletoe Druid, just as an external mount support for spreading the golden oak aura, it can spread to a thousand in one or two directions. Three hundred yards.

The support distance of 500 yards to 1,300 yards is basically enough for the Golden Oak Druid to support the front line in a relatively safe place.

The Crucifixion Tree - at that time he was also called the Crown of the White Queer - as one of the very few druids of the White Quartz who had awakened to the origin, his [Fusion] origin even allowed him and his wife Lim - a The Golden Oak Druids of the golden rank cooperate to transmit the golden oak halo within a range of 3,000 yards, and at the same time, they can also manipulate their vines to form a shield or turn them into sharp swords for support from the ground.

In the battle of Mount Balan, only three Druids were able to fight because of Banza's calculations. However, the three of them supported by the crown of white mistletoe from afar The blood-sucking vines with a series of gains, such as Madness, Crazy Growth, Wild Feast, Burning Savings, and Resistance Weapons.

After that battle, Akama's jade-white avatar was dyed a terrifying bright red with excess blood. Excessive nutrients made him advance from awakening origin to origin deepening without any preparation.

Because he entered the dream state to concentrate on digesting the blood of a city of people, the origin that suddenly grew but was not controlled suddenly ran wild, and directly swallowed the soul of Lim, who had not released his incarnation and continued to provide him with support, and the souls of the two were distorted. fused together.

After that, the tree of suffering Akama-Rim became an uncontrollable monster, and after killing hundreds of druids who tried to touch this twisted posture for them, the church of druids finally Decided to abandon them and declared them traitorous druids.

But at this moment, Akama-Lim woke up.

The tree of suffering, who deeply repents of his sins but is homeless, can only go to the city of wealth, find a place to take root, and quietly wait for the disaster that only he can resist to come one day, and it will once again Expand your vines and save your former comrades.

Looking at the white-gold oak tree that was visible to the naked eye, Roland took a deep breath, felt the increasing concentration of natural energy in his body, and showed a faint smile.

Not even looking at the panel, Roland knew that in addition to the state of "Holy Name Resonance", Roland had also been given a bunch of buffs.

If Roland remembers correctly, the first time this dual-soul druid, who had appeared as high as level 59, officially appeared in front of the world, it should have been after the revival of the plague. Druid power.

Roland will never forget the overwhelming pure white vines.

It is no exaggeration to use the sky to block the sun. The coverage of the vines is close to half of Caral, and each attack of each vine can absorb the life force equal to the damage and supply it to itself, almost immortal Caral's patron saint.

——until it was infected with bloodstain syndrome.

Although it will not appear as a boss for the first time until a year later, but before that, it has another identity.

That is the Druid's professional mentor.

Druids' nature makes them disgust and stay away from the city of wealth, but after all, the city of wealth is one of the towns that can be born, so Druids born here can't be left without magical skills to learn, right?

The area where the Tree of Suffering is located is a restricted area, and all occupations except the Druids cannot enter. Once entered, they will be desperately attacked by the Tree of Suffering.

But if a Druid enters here and takes a nap, he will randomly get information about a few divine arts that can be learned.

If it is a white mistletoe druid or a golden oak druid, you can also get the state of "Holy Name Resonance" You can quickly learn the divine art recorded in the holy name at an extremely fast speed.

Whether before its awakening or after becoming a boss, many Druid players have tried to talk to it, and Roland is naturally one of them. But the time that the Tree of Suffering was really active was too short, and Roland only tried out a key word that could trigger the conversation—the one Roland said to it before.

Once the dialogue with the Tree of Suffering is completed, it is regarded as a friend, and within a certain range, you can enjoy the aura buff brought by the Tree of Suffering.

Although the current tree of suffering has not developed white oak, nor has it actively used buffing magic, it is enough for Roland to get considerable strengthening in the entire city of wealth just by virtue of its halo buff as the Golden Oak Druid of the Hall of Truth. . In this way, it can play a certain role in his later plans or whatever.

All Roland needs now is to have a good night's sleep and pray that he can learn a few useful magical techniques—

Just when Roland had this thought, a strong and fiery rose fragrance surrounded Roland layer by layer, the moonlight suddenly turned golden and bronze, and an irresistible drowsiness hit his mind like an ocean wave.

In just a few breaths, Roland fell into a deep sleep. A large number of white vines with human body temperature slowly gathered, and rolled Roland into a ball as if covered with a quilt, and retracted it into the crown of the Tree of Suffering.

If Roland opened his character list at this time, he would be able to see an inconspicuous "watched" in dozens of states, and he would be more vigilant.

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