Bleach: Stir Up the Situation

Chapter 62: Good or bad

   One week later, in Xishan District, 68th District, Dongliuhun Street, the **** of death came here again in less than a year.

   Hongjiang walked on the only main road in the Xishan area with a ghost who had turned into a prajna mask, looking around, followed by a woman with short lavender hair, who is not Toru Toru Yuon of the fourth division.

  Xi Mountain is very safe and desolate at the same time. The surrounding houses are rarely tidy, and most of the tiles on the roof are missing.

In fact, this is considered good. If the two of you go around these houses on the street, you will find that behind them are messy thatched houses, or even sheds built with a few broken wooden boards. The so-called only main road is not because of this. Only one was designed, but other main roads were blocked by these'illegal buildings'.

   Of course, the two are not here for dating or hiking with friends. In fact, they are not even friends now, they can only say they know each other.

   Originally, the ten fugitives arrested did not include Hongjiang, but he was worried that he had no excuse to ask Yamamoto for a Quincy. The ready-made credit is here. Is there any reason to let it go?

   It is rare for Hirue to be so active, and Yamamoto is also happy to see that he is so concerned about Seireitei. Although the first team has never been involved in such operations, it is not a big deal to add another person in the past, so in the end, Yamamoto waved his hand, and Hiroshi joined the search as the fifth auxiliary member.

   "Deputy Captain Diezuka, would we be too perfunctory like this?" Yutoru Torue asked timidly.

   Like Hongjiang, Toru Toru Yongyin also asked for it on the initiative. Her temperament was too cowardly before, and she has realized this after the experience of killing the original one hundred years ago.

   Toru Toruyuki joined the fourth division in order to save more people. Hong Jiang's words at that time also made her understand that if you want to save people, you must be brave, at least you can't let yourself be the reason for the loss of others.

   Now she is changing a little bit. Maybe her temperament is still a bit weak, but at least she dared to say her own opinion, and it was Hongjiang who left a little shadow on her. This is already a challenge for her.

Indeed, Hongjiang’s appearance is like visiting for sightseeing. Xishan District itself is large, coupled with a large number of residents, houses are messy, and there is a high possibility of someone hiding here. Even if you don’t go in and see, at least you have to ask. Ask the residents if any strangers have come here recently?

   "I want to catch those people more than you, so you can put a hundred hearts on it." Hongjiang replied casually, and continued to walk around the street with Hu Che Yongyin.

Seeing this, Toru Toru Yuon stopped asking more questions. In her eyes, Hongjiang was not Minister Jiro, who was nicknamed as the "deputy captain who does not participate in the battle". She even felt that the newly promoted deputy captain was currently The most terrifying deputy captain in Seireitei.

   If Hong Jiang could hear the voice of Toruyong Yin at this time, he would probably not help laughing. You know, compared to him who is pretending to be dude, the bird is the real master of acting.

Tomorrow morning I understood the 卍jie. Yamamoto also told him about the 卍jie that the sparrow was comprehending in just a month, and because he tested the sparrow’s 卍jie forever, he left a scar on his head forever. Few people in Lingting can do this.

Such a person, who usually does not participate in any battles, did not perform satisfactorily in the limited number of discussions with other captains. The genius pretended to be stupid for thousands of years. At this level of professionalism, Hong Jiang had to give his thumb. Praise it for an old drama!

   However, Hong Jiang's mask can only see spiritual power, not the human heart. Even if he could see it, he would not say these things to Toru Toru Yuon.

   "Are you tired from walking? Let's go to the next room to rest for a while, and ask for a glass of water by the way." Hong Jiang stopped walking as he walked, and turned back to Hu Che Yuon.

   "Tired?" Toru Toru Yongyin was a little puzzled. Although the two had been walking for no less than an hour, they shouted tired just like this. I'm afraid that the soul world would have been occupied by Xuanyi.

   "Don't be so serious~" Hongjiang patted Yongyin on the shoulder and said with a smile: "It's okay to be lazy occasionally to steal!"

  As soon as he finished speaking, Hongjiang walked to the thatched hut on the left and knocked on the door.

   "Is there anyone? Can you give me a glass of water if it is convenient?" Hongjiang shouted, and when he saw no response, he opened the door by himself, "If there is no one, I will come in by myself~"

But as soon as I opened the door, a little girl who looked only fourteen or five years old with a dirty face and short orange hair ran over with a pottery cup. She was frightened when she saw the Prajna mask on Hongjiang’s face. After a jump, if it weren't for Hongjiang's quick eyes and quick hands, this glass of water might not be able to drink.

   "Dead! Grim Reaper, this is the water you want~"

   "Didn't I drink this already?" Hong Jiang teased, tilted his head up and drank the water, then returned the cup to the little girl and asked, "Is it the only one you are at home?"

   "Cough!" There was a heavy cough from the inner room. The little girl looked back and replied intermittently: "Also, there are my father, and, younger brother."

"Oh? It sounds like your parents are not in good health. After drinking your water, I should also express something." Honghong patted the little **** the head and shouted outside the door: "Yongyin, get ready treatment!"

   "No need, Lord Grim Reaper!"

   The little girl shook her hand quickly and replied, but the death **** with a terrible mask in front of her was gone, and she flew directly out of the door. Another female **** of death happened to appear and put her firmly into her arms.


   There was a scream in the room, and the little girl heard it began to struggle desperately, turned her head and kept muttering: "Silver, you can't have anything, you can't have anything!"

   "Silver? Is this kid's name?"

   Hongjiang's figure reappeared at the door. He was walking with a bleeding middle-aged man with a yellow-gray hair in his right hand, and a little boy with big eyes blinking.

   Hongjiang can only see spiritual power through the mask of a ghost, and most of the civilians in Liuhun Street have no spiritual power, so it is actually very quick to search for prisoners with a ghost.

He just saw three people in this room with spiritual powers through the Jiagui, two of them are weaker, they are only children from the outline, and the remaining one is an adult, much stronger than these two little ghosts. .

   But saying that it is strong is not much stronger, and it is barely able to reach the level of spiritual power. It is definitely not the fugitives he was looking for.

At first, Hong Jiang didn’t think there was anything. It’s no surprise that occasionally meeting two civilians with spiritual powers. As they approached, the adult’s hand was actually pinched on the necks of the two little ghosts. This meant nothing more. Got it.

   In broad daylight, the sky is bright, and it's fine if you don't see it, but under his nose, there are people who intend to go wrong? This is too much to take death seriously! However, it was an honor for this gangster to let a deputy captain take action.

   "Silver!" The little girl saw the little boy in Hongjiang's hands, jumped from Yongyin's arms, and shouted happily.

   The boy named Yin smiled and replied, UU read "Don't worry, I'm fine."

   "You are really okay, but isn't it dependent on me?" Hong Jiang dropped the person on his left hand and held Yin with both hands and said seriously, "Should you not say thank you to me?"

   "Thanks,,, Thanks,,,"

   "Go!" Hong Jiang smiled and put the silver on the ground, "Let's play with your sister!"

   "Thank you Lord Grim Reaper!" The little girl thanked her loudly, and after bowing to Hongjiang, she pulled Yin and ran away.

   "Deputy Captain Diezuka, this person is not the one we are looking for."

"I know, I sneaked in from outside the 70th district. This kind of person is really starving." Hong Jiang looked at the people on the ground with disgust in his eyes, "Give him treatment, but don't let him stand up again. I want him to have a tooth but can't bite anyone!"

   After simply stopping the opponent's injury and using spiritual power to amputate the opponent's legs, Hongjiang and Tortoru Yuon left Yushan District.

   Just now they received Guidao’s voice, "A trace of a fugitive criminal was found in the outskirts of the sixty-nine district in front of me, request assistance."

   The poor Xishan District has not changed because of their arrival, but there are two little guys, but because Hongjiang has new expectations for the future.

   "Silver, shall we be death?"

   "Didn't you have been injured by the **** of death before, so you resisted them?"

   "It's different, just like the Grim Reaper just now, he is very good! We can also become a Reaper like him, so as to protect more people!"

   "Well, it's your birthday anyway. Whatever you say." The little boy named Yin smiled and said, "Let's be the **** of death, Luanju~"

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