
Seeing a huge swarm of bees coming after me from behind, I tongued. I was alarmed. I had no idea this monster's nest was nearby.

Killerby is a giant bee monster. It wouldn't be that strong because I was able to see the name when I was past level 40. Because I always act alone, I didn't think there was a nest nearby and they would call my people. The whole thing or two would have worked it out, but the bees behind it are superbly over thirty. There's no way you can win.

I haven't managed to get caught up using my trained agility, but now I'm running in the opposite direction of the cave. I wonder where we're going. State. No, I don't know what that means.

Scatter the looming tree in front of you and even run forward.

I'm running out of breath. Shit. I can't keep my strength up anymore. Driving speeds are dropping, and it's only a matter of time before they catch up.

What are we gonna do? Prepare to die and fight?

Looking back at the orange-skinned killer bee like it had enlarged the approaching tin bee from behind to confirm it. The sound of deafening feathers and squeaky mouths is approaching.

When I decided to fight and try to pull out the 'bloodstained cherry blossoms' on my back, I realized that the sight in front of me was different than before. The cobblestone ground can be checked a few meters away, not the soil. Maybe it's where the boss monster is. As long as you fight Killerby to ensure you waste your soul shards, you'd still be better off fighting the boss. He stopped pulling out his machete, squeezed his remaining power and ran to the cobblestone place.

Apparently, the prediction was met. The killerbees never approached us from the cobblestone area, and somewhere they were sounding their feathers remorsefully.

Now, suppose we take down the boss and get out of here?

Moving on, I saw something like a temple made of stone. There is a stone gate from which it is covered by darkness and cannot be seen. The atmosphere was very vibrant with the crawl tangled in the walls of the temple.

Through the gate and into the temple. I felt the air change galloping when I was inside. The air is tight and my skin tingles.

Dosin, and I heard something fall behind me. Turning around, the gate is closed. Apparently, the escape route is gone. Tighten your mind, pull out the 'bloodstained cherry blossoms' and look into the space in front of you.

It was sudden.

A roar of such volume that the tympanic membrane seemed to tear rocked the temple. My body shudders. A blue flame appears, and it changes into something huge. A bear. A giant bear covered with blue fur all over its body. Bigger and more powerful than the Bloody Bear. I was totally drunk by my boss. My legs tremble and I can't help my hand, which has' bloodstained cherry blossoms'.


How could I have forgotten such an easy thing?

The boss has set a level where dozens of players can finally win in a bunch. This guy in front of me presupposes a bunch of players on the same level as me to fight. There's no way you can win a solo.

The giant bear stares at me with his eyes when he growls again. You just came alone, you looked like you were mocking me.

"Hih, whoa, whoa, whoa!!!!

The bear slowly approaches. All I could do was scream and run. I haven't used any soul shards since then. But I don't feel like I can beat this guy after he's lived nine times.

He waves a long hand with sharp nails growing and lowers it towards me. That was just so powerful. But I didn't give up living so much as eating lightly there. Look at the attack prediction line in the Disconnect and flip it in the Steps. A bear's hand hits the wall and rocks the temple wide. If you eat that, you'll die instantly...

My teeth are shaking and beeping from earlier. Probably leaking piss if it's real.

The bear stared at us. That alone makes me feel like I'm being poked in the neck with a blade.

I don't want to die. I don't want to die. I don't want to die. I don't want to die.


Jump up in Quadruple Jumps and aim for the bear's head. If we can win, we'll have to aim for a blow to death at the steeple. But the Four-step Jump didn't get me to my head. Change your goals and aim for the heart.

I release a thrust towards my heart screaming. But before it hit me, the bear's hand kicked me out. The feeling of your body moving backwards. Clashed against the walls of the temple. Severe pain strikes my back. My consciousness has become blurred. I painstakingly checked my HP and only a few millimeters remained.

Damn............. I don't want to die. I tried to take the healing pills out of the item box, but my vision blurred and I don't know which one. Even if I could put it out there, I'd have to take it by hand and carry it to my mouth. I can't either way because I don't even have the power to move my hands anymore...

Am I gonna die?

In this place? Alone?

I don't want to die.

I still have something to do.

I want to apologize to people like me who raised people. If I can go back to the real world, I want to study properly, go to college, get a job and make proper money. I want to buy something for my grandmother with that money. Now I'm sure the cold ones will come back like before if I get serious. I want to play games and laugh like I used to with him.

I can see the bear waving up his arms.

I don't want to die.

I'm going back to the real world.

- - Title [???] activation conditions are in place.

- - Activates the title [red crest].

- - I got a rare (rare) skill, The Remainder.

- - Skill Four-step Jump has changed.

- I got a rare (rare) skill, Aerial Walking (Skywalk).

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