Black Technology Live Room

Chapter 662 Mercury Manned Landing

the next day.

Qiming branch, in the lounge on the top floor.

Zhang Zhai woke up from his sleep, and the moment he opened his eyes, he was completely awake, and he turned over and got out of bed.

"Father, Academician Gan informs you that the Mercury manned landing spacecraft is about to reach Mercury's orbit."

As soon as Zhang Zhai's feet touched the ground, the voice of A1 sounded at the right time.

Hearing this, Zhang Zhai paused slightly, nodded, and then continued to walk towards the bathroom.


Zhang Zhai, who simply finished washing, stepped out of the lounge and walked straight to the temporary command room.


Temporary command room,

As the countdown to the expected landing gradually passed on the front holographic screen, the atmosphere in the temporary command room gradually became tense.

At the back of the command room, a group of media reporters couldn't help but lower their voices.

"...Here is the live broadcast of the manned landing on Mercury brought to you by the news channel and a number of new media. According to the information disclosed by the Qiming Branch of Zhaicheng Aerospace, there are less than two days left before the manned spacecraft arrives at Mercury. In a few hours, the historic moment when humans set foot on Mercury for the first time is coming, let us wait and see!"

"...After a long voyage in the past few months, the Gonggong carrying the Mercury landing personnel and the Cangjie carrying the escort mission are about to reach the orbit of Mercury. This will be the beginning of human beings setting foot on Mercury and immigrating to Mercury. It is the beginning of the Mercury immigration era. prelude!"

"...The Mercury manned landing plan of Zhaicheng Aerospace is the first manned landing plan of human civilization on Mercury. It will provide the foundation and make preparations for the Mercury immigration plan that will be launched by Zhaicheng Aerospace Center..."

While the media kept their voices down and continued to report,


The door of the temporary command room opened and closed automatically, and Zhang Zhai stepped into the temporary command room.

Noticing the appearance of Zhang Zhai's figure, all the media pointed their cameras at Zhang Zhai, becoming more and more excited.

"...Zhai Shen has appeared in the temporary command room, and the Mercury manned landing plan has officially entered the final stage..."

"...This is Citizen's Daily... Zhai Shen appeared in..."

Without staying behind the temporary command room, Zhang Zhai walked straight to the front side of the temporary command room as a group of media reporters continued to report.


"Mr. Zhang...Mr. Zhang, Academician Gan..."

Academician Gan and others who were watching the front holographic screen turned their heads and looked at Zhang Zhai.

After Zhang Zhai nodded to everyone, he looked forward to the holographic screen.

The holographic screen has been divided into two pictures, the left side is the real-time picture of the temporary command room of the Moon Palace Branch, and the right side is the real-time picture inside and outside the Gonggong cabin.

After glancing at the two real-time images, Zhang Zhai moved his gaze down to various real-time data on the lower side of the screen.

The data shows that at this moment, it is less than half an hour before Gonggong reaches the orbit of Mercury.

Looking away, Zhang Zhai didn't give any instructions.

The Moon Palace Division will be mainly responsible for the Mercury manned landing plan, and the rest of the divisions are only auxiliary. Zhang Zhai stepped into the temporary command room at this moment, but it is just to witness with everyone.

"Academician Gan, how is the situation in Chenyao City?" Zhang Zhai turned his head and communicated with Academician Gan,

"All the data in Chenyao City are in the normal range, and the initially formed ecological cycle system is also very stable, enough for Mercury landing personnel to enter." Academician Gan responded after hearing the sound,


As time passed, Zhang Zhai exchanged various matters with Academician Gan and others, while paying attention to the situation of Gonggong and Cangjie from time to time.


At the moment when the estimated arrival time in the orbit of Mercury crossed the threshold of the last hour,

From the temporary command room of the Moon Palace Branch, the voice of the command issued by the person in charge of the implementation of the Mercury manned landing plan was heard in each branch and the spacecraft through quantum communication equipment.

"The one-hour countdown to the Mercury landing is ready, the final overall inspection of the spacecraft before landing is started, and the spacecraft is ordered to slow down at the same time."


Zhang Zhai, Academician Gan and others stopped communicating and turned their attention to the picture on the front holographic screen.

at the same time,

In the universe, Gonggong and Cangjie started to slow down after receiving the voice of command.

In the cabin of the spacecraft, deceleration overload occurs,

A group of researchers who had already been in the main cabin of the Gonggong were firmly fixed on the fixed seats by the protective straps, preventing the deceleration overload from being photographed on the bulkhead.

Immediately afterwards,

Feedback began to sound in various divisions and the main cabin of the spacecraft,

"The Gonggong has started to decelerate continuously, and the Cangjie is continuing to decelerate..."

"The energy system of Gonggong is normal, the anti-gravity system is normal, the life support system is normal, and the real-time speed is Mach 126.8..."

"The real-time speed is Mach 111.3, and the intelligent control system of the Cangjie is operating normally,"

"The real-time monitoring of the physical data of the people in the cabin is normal..."

Accompanied by feedback and command sounds, Gonggong, which is less than an hour away from Mercury in the universe, continued to decelerate and approached the position of Mercury.


Qiming Branch, temporary command room,

Listening to the feedback from the Moon Palace branch, Zhang Zhai's eyes stayed on the screen outside the Gonggong and the real-time data of the spacecraft.

The distance-related value and speed value are constantly shrinking, and the overload data has always maintained a relatively stable state.

In the picture captured and sent back by the camera equipment outside the cabin of the Gonggong, Mercury has already occupied more than half of the whole picture, and it is constantly expanding, approaching the Gonggong.

"The overall detection of the Gonggong number is completed, all systems are running normally, and the Cangjie number..."

Feedback sounds and command sounds resounded one after another,

The last hour before the Gonggong landed also passed quickly,

in the universe,

Gonggong and Cangjie responded to the instructions, continued to reduce their speed, and shortened the final distance to Mercury.


Under the tense anticipation of countless people, the ground personnel of the Moon Palace Branch were tense and focused,

Another command voice sounded in each branch and spaceship,

"Attention, the spacecraft has entered the orbit of Mercury, order the spacecraft to change its course and start sailing around the water."

"The Moon Palace branch understands that the Gonggong and Cangjie have already begun to execute."

Accompanied by the sound of feedback and instructions, the two spaceships that arrived at the orbital position of Mercury suddenly changed their attitudes, began to sail around the water, and continued to decelerate.

"The Gonggong is continuously decelerating, its real-time speed is Mach 23.6, and the Cangjie is continuously decelerating..."

"Command, confirm the landing site situation again!"

Accompanied by the sound of instructions and feedback,

The pictures captured by Gonggong’s external camera equipment also changed accordingly. First, when the spaceship entered the orbit of Mercury, the whole picture broke through the critical distance, as if the spaceship was falling towards the surface of Mercury.

Immediately afterwards, after the attitude of the spacecraft changed, the spacecraft began to be parallel to the ground, and the scene on the surface of Mercury began to flash across the screen.

"The situation at the landing site has been determined and meets the planned and expected landing conditions."

"The spaceship has decelerated to a predetermined threshold..."

"Order, start the manned spacecraft landing procedure, start landing!"

The command sound came from the Moon Palace branch, and was instantly transmitted to all places through the quantum communication equipment.

Mercury's orbital position, Gonggong and Cangjie, which were sailing around the water, immediately responded to the order, changed course suddenly, lowered the altitude at the same time, and headed towards the scheduled landing site, the interstellar port of Chenyao City.

"The relative height and speed of the Gonggong continued to decrease, and the Cangjie..."

"The relative altitude is 180km, and the real-time speed is Mach 11.5."

"The relative altitude is 120km, the real-time speed is Mach 10, and the distance to the landing site is 800km."

As the feedback sounded one after another, the altitude and speed values ​​of the two spacecraft that undertook the Mercury manned landing plan decreased rapidly. At the same time, they quickly passed over Mercury, approaching Chenyao City in the north pole area of ​​Mercury.

"Command, the intelligent control system of Chenyao City takes over the control of the spaceship, and at the same time opens the external hatch on the top of the berthing room of the interstellar port."

In the Qiming branch, at the front of the temporary command room, Zhang Zhai watched the real-time changing data and issued the only command during the entire landing process of the spacecraft.

In an instant, the intelligent control system of Chenyao City, which received the command, began to respond.

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