Black Technology Live Room

Chapter 593 Start Landing

On the ground, Zhaicheng Space Center.

"Start ground crew rotation."

At the front of the command room, Professor Hu's eyes were bloodshot, and Yiyi's spirit could hardly conceal the exhaustion on his face.

When Professor Hu's voice fell.

The ground personnel who had been prepared quickly completed the replacement rotation, and continued to watch the feedback data with high concentration.


The door of the command room on the ground opened, and Academician Gan walked into the command room after a period of rest.

"Professor Hu, go and rest for a while." Walking to the front of the command room, Academician Gan looked at Professor Hu.

Hearing this, Professor Hu shook his head, "It's the last three hours, it's not too late to rest after the manned spacecraft lands."

Academician Gan nodded, without any further persuasion, and continued to preside over the ground work together with Professor Hu.


The rear of the command room.

A group of media reporters gathered, and as time approached the scheduled landing time of the Taibai, the group of reporters became more and more excited.

"...Here is the live broadcast of the manned landing on Venus brought to you by Penguin News. After more than ten days of voyage, there are less than four hours left before the expected landing time. You can clearly see from the pictures sent back from the spacecraft. Now, Venus is already far away..." The Penguin News reporter who had just changed shift said excitedly.

"...According to the news disclosed by Zhaicheng Aerospace, the Taibai ship carrying landing personnel including Zhai Shen and the escorting Fuxi ship will arrive at the position of Venus today. The news channel will witness this historic moment together with you! "

"...After more than ten days, Taibai is about to arrive at Venus. Let us wait and see, the great moment when human beings set foot on Venus for the first time!"

A group of reporters reported impassionedly.

On the Internet, in front of the holographic TV, a crowd of viewers are also gathering.

As time approached, the eyes of countless people focused on Zhaicheng Aerospace.

On the Internet, countless people discussed and exchanged related topics, and the popularity of the Venus manned landing plan was even higher than when the Taibai was launched into space.


In the universe, on the Earth-gold route, Taibai and Fuxi sailed at extreme speed, approaching Venus continuously.

In the spaceship laboratory,

As before, Zhang Zhai used holographic equipment to remotely participate in and assist the experimental research of various research teams on the ground.

"Mr. Zhang, the experimental data is really incomprehensible, and the deviation from the theoretical expectation is too large. It feels like we have entered a dead end."

In front of Zhang Zhai, on the holographic screen, the figure of a researcher appeared.

Zhang Zhai heard the sound and looked at it, signaling him to present the data on the holographic screen.

After scanning the data, Zhang Zhai circled one of the lines.

"There is a problem with this step, let's try again."

"Thank you, Mr. Zhang." The researcher glanced at the data marked by Zhang Zhai, and said a little excitedly, while walking quickly to the side to continue the experiment.

Zhang Zhai nodded and looked away, as if he was leaning over the workbench to conduct relevant research.


"Di Shen, the 2k1254 material is being developed..."

Not long after, the figure of another researcher appeared on the holographic screen.


Time passed as Zhang Zhai assisted and participated in the experimental research of various research teams on the ground.

After explaining to a researcher again, the voice of the spacecraft's intelligent control system sounded next to Zhang Zhai's ear,

"Attention, attention, the spacecraft is about to enter the orbit of Venus, and the crew in the cabin please get ready."

"Attention please."

Hearing the sound, Zhang Zhai didn't stop the movement of his hands at all. After recording a line of data on the manuscript paper, he got up and walked out of the laboratory.


Inside the main cabin of Taibai,

As soon as he stepped into the main cabin, he heard feedback and command voices ringing in his ears.

"...Attention all departments, the Taibai and Fuxi are about to reach the orbit of Venus."

"Notify the crew in the cabin to be in place immediately..."

Hearing the successive feedback sounds, Zhang Zhai quickly walked to the front of the main cabin to fix the seat and sat down again.

"Wow... click."

The protective belt popped out in an instant, binding Zhang Zhai to the fixed seat for protection.

"All the personnel in the cabin are in place, pay attention to all areas, and order Taibai to start slowing down!"

The sound of instructions sounded synchronously in the command room on the ground and in the main cabin through the quantum communication equipment.

In an instant, Taibai and Fuxi, which were constantly approaching Venus at extreme speed, suddenly slowed down.

"The Taibai continues to decelerate, and the Fuxi continues to decelerate."

"The real-time speed is Mach 121.5, and the anti-gravity system is operating normally."

"Real-time speed..."

At the same time as the feedback sounded, the deceleration overload acted on everyone in the cabin.

Zhang Zhai first leaned forward suddenly, and then was pulled back by the protective belt.

Facing the pressure brought by deceleration and overload, Zhang Zhai raised his head and looked at the picture on the front holographic screen.

In the picture of the gold meeting captured by the camera equipment outside the cabin,

Compared with before, Venus at this moment is already close at hand, and the thick atmosphere covering it is already clearly visible. The fluctuating clouds make Venus look mysterious.

In the picture of the earth, due to the distance and phase changes, the blue earth is like the moon at the beginning of the month, showing a tooth shape, but much smaller.

Withdrawing his gaze from the screen, Zhang Zhai moved his gaze down, watching the ever-changing distance and speed values.

"The real-time speed is Mach 65.8, and the energy system is normal."

"The speed of Taibai and Fuxi are synchronized, and the position and distance are in line with the planned interval."

"Attention, Taibai is about to enter the low-earth orbit of Venus."

"Count down ten seconds and get ready!"

Accompanied by the feedback and instructions from the main cabin and the command room on the ground, the Taibai and Fuxi shuttled at extreme speeds, continued to decelerate and approached Venus.

The picture of Venus presented on the holographic screen is also continuously enlarged, and it seems that the next moment will directly contact the spaceship.


When the distance between Venus and the spacecraft exceeds a certain threshold, in the picture presented by the holographic screen, the spacecraft that is constantly approaching Venus looks like it is starting to fall towards Venus.

"Taibai entered the orbit of Venus with a real-time speed of Mach 42.5."

"Fuxi enters the orbit of Venus..."

"Order the spacecraft to start orbiting the golden orbit and continue to slow down!"

The moment the command sounded, Taibai and Fuxi, which were in the orbit of Venus, drew an arc to turn, changed their course, and began to circle Venus.

"The real-time speed is Mach 32.2, and the spacecraft is in a stable orbit around Venus."

"The real-time speed is Mach 23.5, and the spacecraft continues to decelerate..."

Because the atmosphere of Venus is too dense, in order to avoid severe friction between the spacecraft and the atmosphere, the two spacecraft will reduce their speed to a safe threshold at the orbital position of Venus.


With the pictures passing by on the holographic screen, the speed of the two spaceships decreased rapidly.

"The real-time speed of Mach 2 has been reduced to the expected range of the plan."

"The speed of Taibai and Fuxi are synchronizing, and the distance is stable."

"Order Taibai and Fuxi to start the final overall self-inspection before landing, and at the same time confirm the situation of the landing site again."


"The data in the cabin is normal, and the life support system is normal."

"The real-time monitoring of the physical data of the people in the cabin is normal."

"The energy system is normal, the anti-gravity system is normal..."

"The confirmation of the landing field situation is completed, the ground situation meets the expected range of the plan, and the landing can be performed."

Feedback sounded successively in the command room on the ground and the main cabin, and Taibai and Fuxi, which were in the orbit of Venus, were executing orders at the same time.


"Attention all areas, order the Taibai, and the Fuxi to start the landing procedure and start landing."

"The ground command room understands, and the landing procedure has started!"

When the command sounded, Taibai and Fuxi changed course instantly and began to land.

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