Black Technology Live Room

Chapter 563 New Transmission Line

"I announce that the construction plan of the Venus node transmission line has been completed." Zhang Zhai stood up and said to everyone.

In an instant, smiles appeared on the faces of all the team leaders in the conference room, and their expressions became slightly excited.

Zhang Zhai glanced at all the team leaders with tired but still piercing eyes. He withdrew his eyes and turned to look at Professor Hu.

"Professor Hu, sort out the plan as soon as possible, and hand it over to the manufacturing area and related teams to start the preparatory work."

"At the same time, continue to improve the Qiming City construction plan."

Professor Hu nodded when he heard the words, and solemnly responded: "Mr. Zhang, don't worry, I will sort out the detailed plan and hand it over to the manufacturing area and related teams later.

As for the Qiming City construction plan, its improvement work has been advancing simultaneously with the new transmission line plan.

Now the new line transmission construction plan has been completed, and the completion progress of the Qiming City construction plan has exceeded 90%.

It should be possible to come up with a detailed design plan and implementation plan for Qiming City before the construction of the new transmission line. "

Zhang Zhai nodded, "Thank you, Professor Hu."

"It's not hard work, it's both a responsibility and an honor." Professor Hu replied with a smile, "Besides, you have solved the most critical problems by Mr. Zhang, and I can also do some trivial things. Son."

"But without you, I can solve some key problems." Zhang Zhai shook his head and replied.

"Mr. Zhang, excessive modesty is pride." Professor Hu smiled and said, "I can have many, but you only have one, Mr. Zhang."

Zhang Zhai smiled slightly when he heard the words, and didn't answer any more. He turned his head to look at the people in charge in the conference room,

"It's getting late. Today's research and discussion will end here. We will continue tomorrow. Everyone, please take a good rest."

As soon as the words fell, all the responsible persons began to leave the meeting room one after another at the request of Zhang Zhai, or went to the cafeteria, or directly returned to the lounge to rest.

Seeing the people in charge gathered in twos and threes, chatting and disappearing from sight, Zhang Zhai looked away.

"Mr. Zhang, you..." Professor Hu hesitated a little, but stopped talking.

In fact, he wanted to ask Zhang Zhai about biological gene research, but after thinking about it, he decided not to ask.

"Mr. Zhang, you should also go to bed earlier."

"Okay." Zhang Zhai nodded with a smile. The genetic technology has been fully mastered, and the relevant experimental research is basically over. It is rare for him to rest early tonight.

Professor Hu nodded, turned around and stepped out of the meeting room.

The conference room where only Zhang Zhai was left suddenly fell silent.

"Father." Professor Hu had just stepped out of the conference room when A1's voice sounded at the right time.

"Professor Hu Runze just asked you about your previous research in the field of biological genes. In his opinion, father, you are unlikely to specifically conduct research on the cure of prions. It is more likely that you are conducting other more meaningful and effective research. Revolutionary, subversive gene research, and prion-1 is just an accessory in the research.

So he is also a little curious about what you are researching, and he is also a little confused about why the bigger results are being concealed. He wants to ask you.

The reason why he didn't ask in the end was because he thought that since you kept it a secret, there must be some reasons that are not suitable for making it public, so he suppressed his curiosity and didn't ask. "

Listening to A1's words, Zhang Zhai smiled slightly and didn't say much.

After scanning the quiet conference room, Zhang Zhai also walked towards the lounge.


Outside Zhai City Space Center.

The 'prion-1' press conference scheduled to be held this afternoon has already come to an end.

At this moment, news about this on the Internet is overwhelming, filling any corner of the Internet.

Many people were also discussing while watching the news.

In Xihe's official website forum, countless posts are being refreshed rapidly and increasing.

"After such a long time, Xihe Technology has finally released a new drug again. If I don't release pharmaceutical products, I almost forget that the medicine that cures cancer is also produced by Xihe Technology."

"Thanks to God Di, after cancer, another incurable disease was conquered by God Di!"

"I would like to ask, prion-1 inhibits the heredity of some genetic diseases, which part is referred to here."

"It feels a bit strange. Why did God Zhai suddenly conduct research on prions? Could it be that he researched them casually while doing research? However, it is a good thing."

"The one who asked about the efficacy of prion inhibition can be found in the introduction of 'prion-1' on the homepage of the official website. But I glanced for you, except for the genetic infectious disease named after you or your parents, the rest are basically They are all within the inhibition range of 'prion-1'."


Many people are discussing, and the outside world is once again noisy and lively because of the release of 'prion-1'.

However, it has no effect on Zhai City Space Center and Zhang Zhai.

As time goes by,

Zhaicheng Aerospace is intensively and methodically advancing the implementation of various plans and preliminary preparations, and each research team and manufacturing team are also fulfilling their respective tasks.


In Moon Palace City.

The sixth batch of Yinghuo immigrants, a total of 2,000 people, carried the Zhaicheng and Fuxi away from Yuegong City, and accelerated towards Yinghuo City on Mars.

At the same time, the Yanhuang, Zhurong and Changxi carrying the fifth batch of Yinghuo immigrants also arrived on Mars.

The Yinghuo immigration plan is basically carried out alternately by two batches of spaceships.

Limited by the distance from Mars and the number of immigrants, the Yinghuo immigration plan is much longer than the previous Moon Palace immigration plan.

On the ground, the lounge on the top floor of Zhaicheng Aerospace Center.

Zhang Zhai and Academician Gan are having a holographic call.

Seeing the Zhaicheng and Fuxi gradually disappearing into the starry sky in the picture, Zhang Zhai looked away and looked at Academician Gan.

"Academician Gan, Chief Engineer Yu, how is the manufacturing progress of the node transmission device required for the construction of the new transmission line?"

"Mr. Zhang, according to your previous request, the manufacture of the node transmission device is one step ahead. Before the construction plan is completed, the manufacturing areas of the Yuegong City and Yinghuo City have already started the manufacture of the node transmission device components." Mr. Yu responded after hearing the sound,

"So far, the manufacturing area of ​​Yuegong City has manufactured 56 parts required for node transmission devices. Due to the small number of manufacturing personnel in Yinghuo City, the manufacturing progress is a little slower. The existing stock is 41 parts required for node transmission devices.

Estimated based on the current trend, it should be possible to complete the manufacturing of all node transmission device components five days before the start of the plan, that is, within ten days. "

Zhang Zhai nodded upon hearing this.

According to the plan, the node transmission device required for the construction of the transmission line this time will be completed using the resources of the moon and Mars, and the manufacturing areas of the moon palace city and Yinghuo city will carry out the manufacture of the node transmission device components.

Finally, the assembly work of the node transmission device is completed by the ground manufacturing area,

Starting from the ground, construct the node transmission line between the Earth and Venus.

Finally, Venus, the earth, Mars, the moon, and the earth as the central hub will be linked.

"During this period of time, the manufacturing tasks are relatively tight. Is there any difficulty in the manufacturing area?"

"There are difficulties, but we can overcome them." Chief Engineer Yu replied decisively.

This is the most frequently answered answer in the manufacturing area, which contains the efforts and sweat of all manufacturing personnel.

Zhang Zhai nodded when he heard the words, and after a few words of encouragement, he ended the call.


In the lounge, after finishing the holographic call, Zhang Zhai looked at the holographic screen and said in a deep voice.

"A1, order the Suiren on Mars to return to Earth immediately, notify the ground command room, and the Yinghuo branch, pay attention to coordination and cooperation, and do a good job in ground monitoring."

"At the same time, an announcement was made that Zhaicheng Aerospace will start the construction of a new transmission line in fifteen days."

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