Black Technology Live Room

Chapter 561 Extinction of New Species


The creature in the training cabin opened its eyes, struggled to tear off the film that wrapped it, and stood up somewhat staggeringly.

It stepped on the nutrient solution flowing out of the cultivation cabin, took two steps forward, and then shook its whole body, splashing the nutrient solution adhering to it everywhere.

In the observation room, Zhang Zhai looked at the awakened creature standing up in the laboratory, with a slight smile on his face.

I see, in the laboratory,

This new creature created by himself has a very magical appearance.

Lion head, antlers, tiger eyes, elk body, dragon scales, oxtail...

Its shape is very close to the description of unicorn in ancient mythology.

It's not that this appearance is so magical, it's purely his bad taste, through genetic editing, deliberately set the appearance of this creature to be like this.

"Wow... woof!"

The new creature who just woke up looked a little dazed, took two steps forward, looked around, and yelled twice towards the front.

Hearing the cry of this new unicorn-like creature, Zhang Zhai couldn't help showing a smile.

Lowering his head, Zhang Zhai glanced at the data fed back by the testing equipment in the laboratory.

No surprises, the test data is completely in line with theoretical expectations.

Withdrawing his gaze, Zhang Zhai turned his attention to the laboratory again.

Central area of ​​the laboratory.

The creature became more energetic as it was awakened.

"Wow... woof woof."

It took a few steps forward, jumped out of the container, and began to scurry around the laboratory, running around, making a few barks from time to time.

Looking at the living creatures in the laboratory, Zhang Di inexplicably had an evil idea in his mind.

"I don't know... how does this 'kylin' taste?"

As soon as the idea came up, Zhang Zhai couldn't help but smile to himself.

Shaking his head, he put aside his thoughts of 'grilled unicorn', 'red stewed unicorn' and 'clear unicorn'.

Zhang Zhai withdrew his gaze from the new creature, did not continue to observe, but turned around and walked towards the observation room.

For creatures destined to be extinct, it's better not to invest too much emotion in them.

"A1, destroy the organisms in the laboratory at the highest level, and dispose of the nutrient solution and experimental residues at the same time." Zhang Zhai walked towards the observation room, his smile gradually subsided, and he said in a deep voice.

"Okay, Father." A1 responded instantly.

Zhang Zhai nodded and continued to walk forward.

At the same time, a system notification sounded at the right time.

"'Gene Optimization' has mastered 100% absorption"

Listening to the system prompt, Zhang Zhai glanced at the system interface, the unlocking has been completed, the gene optimization that he has thoroughly mastered, and a slight smile appeared on his face.

So far, he has mastered the mysteries of life, can tamper with biological genes as he likes, and create new creatures from the genetic level.

However, it also opened Pandora's box.

Even if he kept this technology completely secret from the outside world,

It cannot be ruled out that one day this technology will be used on humans.

Even Zhang Zhai himself couldn't guarantee whether he would genetically modify people one day.

Perhaps one day, people themselves will choose to let the genetically modified humans weed out the old humans.

After all, the theoretical lifespan of the 'kylin' that was destroyed just a moment ago can reach three hundred years.

"However, let's talk about it after I die." Zhang Zhai smiled self-deprecatingly, "After all, I am also a member of the old human being who will be eliminated."


After leaving the observation room, Zhang Zhai did not go back to the rest room to rest, but walked into the biological laboratory on the first floor.

After stepping into the laboratory, Zhang Zhai went straight to the workbench and picked up a reagent tube from the workbench.

This test tube contained a reddish-brown, blood-colored reagent.

This is a by-product of Zhang Zhai's genetic research experiment, and it can be regarded as a drug that can be directly administered to humans.

However, this drug cannot completely modify the human genome.

It cannot make people strong and healthy by drinking it, nor can it prolong their life.

The only function is that it can cure prions and at the same time inhibit the inheritance of some hereditary infectious diseases.

Picking up the reddish-brown reagent, Zhang Zhai glanced at it, then put it down again.

"Split the manufacturing method of the prion-1 drug and distribute it to Xihe Science and Technology's pharmaceutical area terminator, and at the same time notify Hua Menglian to be responsible for various matters related to the prion-1 drug," Zhang Zhai paused, looking at the desktop The reagent on the board, "Also, take this reagent as a sample and send it to her as well."

"Okay, father." A1's voice sounded instantly.

Zhang Zhai nodded, glanced at the biology laboratory, and walked out of the laboratory.

"In addition, order the Terminator to destroy all experimental remnants in the biology laboratory."

After speaking, Zhang Zhai quickly stepped out of the laboratory door and walked to the lounge.


Zhaicheng Space Center, top floor.

Professor Hu is in the lounge.

Professor Hu is having a holographic call with Academician Gan.

"...Mr. Zhang seems to be staying in the biological and genetic laboratory a lot recently, and he should be doing research related to it."

At this moment, the business has been finished, and Professor Hu and Academician Gan are chatting with each other.

"It seems that we can look forward to Mr. Zhang's research results again." Academician Gan responded with a smile.

"Yeah, Mr. Zhang never gave us a big surprise." Professor Hu said with some emotion, "For so long, it feels like Mr. Zhang is dragging the entire center of Zhai City forward, and we, too, can Complete some trivial and complicated tasks."

"No." Academician Gan shook his head.

"Why, Academician Gan thinks I'm belittling myself?" Professor Hu asked with a smile.

"I mean, Mr. Zhang is not dragging the Zhaicheng Aerospace Center, but dragging the Zhaicheng Aerospace Center to fly." Academician Gan smiled, feeling a little emotional.

"Yes." Professor Hu nodded in agreement.


"I just don't know what research Mr. Zhang is doing this time. Thinking of the controllable nuclear fusion, grand unified theory, and gravity simulation... I feel a little itchy."

"Biological genetic research... it can't be life-prolonging medicine." Academician Gan joked.

"Extending life? Academician Gan, you really dare to think about it. If you want to prolong your life, you must at least fully analyze the biological genes and master the mysteries of life." Professor Hu shook his head and responded.

"It's hard to say, anti-gravity, controllable nuclear fusion, which is easier than genetic technology, Mr. Zhang also succeeded in conquering it and developed it?" Academician Gan said with a smile on his face, half joking, half serious.

"Academician Gan, don't scare me," Professor Hu joked with a smile, "If it's really a life-prolonging potion, I'll drink two more bottles."

Hearing this, Academician Gan couldn't help but smile.

In the lounge, the two chatted casually, but no one took it seriously.


In the main city area of ​​Zhai City, the headquarters building of Xihe Park, the top floor of the CEO's Office.

The lights in the office were still on, and Hua Menglian was processing various documents at her desk.


Putting a paper document aside, Hua Menglian shook her pantothenic wrist and rubbed her swollen temple with the other hand.

"Mr. Hua, Mr. Zhang Zhai's news, do you need to check it now?" The holographic image of Xihe's headquarters intelligent control system appeared in front of Hua Menglian's desk.

Hua Menglian heard the sound, looked at the holographic image in front of her, and nodded.

In an instant, a holographic screen unfolded in front of her, and the content Zhang Zhai announced to her appeared on it.

"Prion-1?" Hua Menglian looked at the text on the holographic screen and whispered to herself.

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