Black Technology Live Room

Chapter 480 Bigger New Spaceship


Hearing the cheers from the whole city of Zhai, a smile appeared on Zhang Zhai's face.

After letting Zhai Cheng's cheers boil for a while, Zhang Zhai looked away and said in a low voice,

"Let Yanhuang come back."

"The command room understands that a return order has been issued to Yanhuang."

"The Yanhuang has changed its course and started to return."

In space, Yanhuang changed its trajectory instantly and began to return to the ground.

"Speed ​​44.5 Mach, anti-gravity system is operating normally."

"The energy system is operating normally at 2% load."


"With a load of 2%, it's overkill to use it on an existing level of anti-gravity spacecraft." Academician Gan said with emotion.

Zhang Di just smiled when he heard the sound.

Small fusion devices have never been used only on existing anti-gravity spacecraft.

"Then let's build a bigger spaceship. The material problem can be solved with the solution that was used on the Moon Palace before. Increase the number of anti-gravity boxes and change the layout of the anti-gravity system." Zhang Zhai said calmly with a faint smile on his face.

Academician Gan was taken aback when he heard the words, and then couldn't help repeating, "Build a bigger spaceship?"

"Yes, build a larger spaceship." Zhang Zhai nodded, put away his smile, looked at Academician Gan and said seriously,

"As we begin to explore and open up other planets, we do need an anti-gravity spacecraft with a larger load and a larger cabin space due to distance and other reasons.

Now that the most important energy problem has been solved, let's start building a larger spaceship. "

Academician Gan was silent for a while, then nodded, "Mr. Zhang, I agree with your idea, but let's call the team leaders to discuss it."

Zhang Zhai nodded, "Notify the team leaders to wait for me in the comprehensive meeting room on the fourth floor in one hour."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Di didn't say anything more, and turned to look at Chen Zhenguo, the person in charge of the manufacturing area.

"Mr. Chen, the small fusion device has been successfully developed, and the next task in the manufacturing area may be relatively heavy."

"Produce the large-scale controllable nuclear fusion reactor purchased by the government, build a new spacecraft with a life support system, and transform the Yanhuang. Now you need to continue to manufacture small fusion devices. At the same time, after the completion of this batch of Moon Palace immigration, the Houyi, After the return of Fuxi and Zhaicheng, you still need to reinstall the energy systems of these three spacecraft, and there may even be more arduous tasks in the future."

"For these, are there any difficulties in making the area?"

Hearing this, Chen Zhenguo didn't speak directly. He turned on the holographic screen and looked at it for a while, gritted his teeth and said, "There are difficulties, but we can overcome them. Mr. Zhang, don't worry, all the manufacturing tasks and the manufacturing area will definitely be completed within the scheduled time." .”

"However..." After speaking, Chen Zhenguo's tone became a little hesitant, "Mr. Zhang, can you broadcast more intelligent robots to assist the manufacturing area to complete the manufacturing tasks."

"How much do you need?"

"Around ten thousand."

"Yes. I will authorize the production of another 20,000 Terminator and send them to the manufacturing area." Zhang Zhai said, looking at his holographic screen.

On the holographic screen, A1 understood Zhang Zhai's meaning in an instant, conveyed Zhang Zhai's order, and started producing terminators.

"Thank you Mr. Zhang."


Zhang Zhai chatted with Academician Gan, Professor Hu, and Chief Engineer Chen, and the time passed.

Finally, the Yanhuang, which left the earth, returned to the ground again. When the Yanhuang landed steadily on the ground, the entire Zhaicheng Space Center burst into loud cheers again.

The nearly one-hour round trip of the Yanhuang fully proved the stability of the small fusion device.

Zhang Di looked at Yanhuang in front of him and smiled,

Waiting for the cheers to subside, Zhang Zhai turned to Mr. Chen,

"I'll leave it to you, Mr. Chen."

After Chen Zhenguo nodded, he chatted casually for a few more words.

Zhang Zhai and Professor Hu turned around and walked towards the meeting room.


In the conference room, a group of team leaders are already waiting.

A few of them chatted casually together, or a dozen of them discussed academic issues intensely.

The entire meeting room seemed a bit noisy.


Zhang Zhai led Professor Hu and Academician Gan through the door, and the meeting room was instantly quiet.

Seeing this, Zhang Di couldn't help smiling knowingly.

Walking to the front of the conference table, Zhang Zhai looked at everyone.

Without further ado, let's start the discussion directly.

"Everyone is summoned to discuss and study whether we need to build a larger anti-gravity spacecraft to deal with further interstellar spaceships in the next period of time when the small fusion device is successfully researched and the energy supply problem is solved. Sailing, and more distant interstellar exploration and development.”

After Zhang Zhai's voice fell, the meeting room was silent for a while, and then noisy voices rang out.

Discussion research meeting officially started.


time passed slowly,

There is almost no surprise. All experts agree that in order to cope with longer-distance interstellar voyages, Zhaicheng Space Center does need to build a larger anti-gravity spacecraft.

However, there are disagreements and big differences about how big this anti-gravity spacecraft should be built.

The controversy is mainly divided into two directions, conservatives and radicals.

Conservatives believe that at this stage, the construction of a new spacecraft that is about ten times the size of the existing spacecraft will be sufficient to meet the needs of interstellar navigation and transportation for a period of time in the future.

Radicals, however, believe that judging from the current development trend of Zhaicheng Space Center, they should take a longer-term view and directly load up the small fusion device, build a new spacecraft fifty times the size of the existing spacecraft, or even Fusion devices can be added to build larger spaceships or starships.

"Fuck your fucking shit, build fifty times that, have you considered the cost?"

A team leader stares and spits at another leader in front of him.

"Cost issue? It is true that building fifty times more spaceships now requires more funds, but if ten times the spaceships are not enough, wouldn't it cost more to build fifty times more spaceships."

"If, if, thanks to you, Lao Xu is still a scientific researcher, how can there be so many ifs, let's use the data to speak!

Besides, even if 50 times more spaceships are built in the future, wouldn't the previous 10 times the spaceships be unusable? What is more cost? "

"It depends on the data, right? This is the estimate I made just now. Take it and see for yourself!" A team leader next to him interrupted and handed over the manuscript paper in his hand.

The team leader took it over, picked it up and took a look,

"Can this estimate count? You calculated that the direct cost is 50 times lower, but you didn't even take into account the impact of Zhaicheng Aerospace's future technological progress on cost reduction, and the cost impact brought about by the gradual abundance of resources. In my opinion, ten times the first is more appropriate..."


Zhang Zhai sat at the front of the conference room, listening to the constant debates and opinions of all parties.

Finally, Zhang Zhai got up and signaled to everyone to discuss it tentatively.

"30 times, the new spaceship is built to be thirty times the size of the existing spaceship."

As soon as Zhang Zhai made a decision, everyone naturally stopped arguing.

Straight through on the size class of the new spaceship.

Time passed slowly...

The debate in the conference room paused for a moment from time to time, and then resumed.

One by one important key issues were debated and discussed.


The time approached evening from the afternoon, when the lights in the conference room turned on automatically, the discussions in the conference room were still ringing.

"...Does the new spacecraft need to be equipped with a life support system?" A person in charge got up and asked a question.

Without waiting for everyone to discuss, Zhang Zhai said directly,

"The new spacecraft will not be equipped with a life support system for the time being. Let's wait until it needs to undertake the transportation of personnel, and then remodel it."

Zhang Zhai had already spoken out, and everyone naturally had no objections.


"Do you have any comments? If not, the manufacturing plan for the new spaceship will be approved." Zhang Zhai looked at the crowd and said.

The meeting room was quiet for a while, and then all the people in charge nodded one after another.

Just when Zhang Zhai was about to announce the end of the discussion meeting, academician Gan beside him suddenly said,

"Mr. Zhang, I have a proposal."

Hearing the sound, Zhang Zhai turned his head to look at Academician Gan, beckoning him to continue.

"I suggest handing over the manufacturing of the new spaceship to Moon Palace City. After the immigration is completed, the production personnel in Moon Palace City should be sufficient to complete the construction of the new spaceship, and at the same time, be able to share part of the pressure on the manufacturing area."

After the words fell, all the people in charge also seconded one after another.

Zhang Zhai thought for a while, then nodded,

"Okay, then Moon Palace will be responsible for the manufacturing of the new spaceship. You will be responsible for the design of the new spaceship. All research departments will come up with the design plan and manufacturing plan for the new spaceship as soon as possible. Start the construction of the new spaceship."

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