Black Technology Live Room

Chapter 428: A Fish Out of Water

Late at night, Zhai City Space Center.

The pitch-black night is inlaid with stars, and under the light of the stars, the space center has been completely plunged into the night.

Except for a few laboratories that are still bright as day, the vast majority of researchers have already rested.

On the periphery of the space center, thousands of terminators are still guarding the space center dutifully.

Get rid of the hustle and bustle of the day, the entire space center is extremely quiet.

There is no sound of cicadas, no sound of cars, only the night wind blows the fine sand, making a slight sound.

In the lounge on the top floor of Zhaicheng Aerospace.

Zhang Zhai was lying on the desk under the window, with one hand resting on the manuscript paper full of handwriting, and the other hand tucked under his head, and the sound of even breathing kept ringing in the bedroom.

"Father! Father..."

Sudden! A1's urgent voice broke the silence in the room.

"Father! Father...emergency! Father! There is an emergency!"


A1's voice became more and more rapid and sharp, as if holding a trumpet and continuously yelling at Zhang Zhai's ear.


Zhang Zhai, who had his eyes closed, opened them abruptly, sat up with his hands up, and forcibly woke up.

"A1, what's the situation?" Zhang Zhai rubbed his temples, his eyes were still bloodshot when he opened them, "If you have anything to say, just tell me."

"Father, 1 minute and 53 seconds ago, an abnormal data flow suddenly appeared on the Internet in the United States.

After repeated testing, it has been confirmed that it is an unknown strong artificial intelligence. "

"He shook his head, unknown strong artificial intelligence?" Zhang Zhai shook his head, making his brain clearer.

"Yes, father, unknown strong artificial intelligence, do you need to deal with it?" A1 repeated, and the hurried tone has returned to normal.

"Strong artificial intelligence... interesting." Zhang Zhai rubbed his eyes with pantothenic acid, and a smile appeared on his face.

"A1, can you confirm its origin?"

"By tracing the traces it left on the Internet, the location where it first appeared was a private villa on the edge of New York City, New York State, USA." Speaking of this, A1 paused,

"In addition...Father, do you still remember the network crisis when I was born? Do you remember the two incomplete intelligent programs?

After testing, this unknown strong artificial intelligence was written using the same computer language as it. "

"The same computer language..." A memory related to it instantly appeared in Zhang Zhai's mind.

Zhang Zhai is very familiar with that weird computer language.

It is completely different from all existing computer languages, with very different and weird language logic and unique algorithms. It is completely independent of the existing computer system, but the programs it writes can also run freely under the existing network framework.

"A1, do you think the unknown strong artificial intelligence and the previous two fragmented intelligent programs are products of the earth or... extraterrestrial civilizations." Zhang Zhai didn't care about the possible threat of strong artificial intelligence at all, he cared more about the unknown strong artificial intelligence of origin.

"According to the analysis of the characteristics of this computer language, the probability that it is an extraterrestrial product is close to 99%, and the remaining 1% probability is that you, father, created it while sleepwalking." A1 said solemnly.

Zhang Di couldn't help laughing when he heard the words, shook his head, and replied solemnly: "A1, I never sleepwalk."

"Then father, the probability that this computer language is an extraterrestrial product is 100%, and its extremely high probability is related to the existing Internet technology on Earth."

"Even if there is a connection, I'm afraid it's not very big. There is a high probability that the person who created the Internet or the computer language also got a piece of incomplete intelligent program and was inspired." Zhang Zhai said with a smile,

"Otherwise, the difference in computer language wouldn't be so big."

"Father, your analysis makes sense."

Zhang Zhai shook his head when he heard the words, the smile on his face gradually faded and became serious.

Zhang Zhai glanced out the window, looked at the night outside the window, and asked calmly as if nothing had happened: "A1, tell me, are there really aliens?"

"Father, according to probability estimates, the probability that there are no alien life forms is extremely low." A1 replied seriously.

Hearing this, Zhang Zhai smiled, shook his head, and temporarily put aside the philosophical question of whether there are aliens.

Zhang Di withdrew his gaze, looked at the holographic screen, and said in a deep voice:

"A1, I temporarily grant you the highest authority to investigate the owner of the unknown villa where the unknown strong artificial intelligence first appeared, and try to confirm the source of the unknown strong artificial intelligence as much as possible."

"Okay, father, the investigation has already started." A1 replied immediately.

"Father, do we need to take measures against that unknown strong artificial intelligence?"

"Destroy it." Zhang Zhai said lightly, "The out-of-control strong artificial intelligence should be dealt with as soon as possible to avoid trouble. By the way, see if there is any data storing its origin inside."

Reality is not a movie, and Zhang Zhai has no habit of breeding tigers.

"Okay, father, your order has been carried out."

The moment A1's voice fell, a huge data stream gushed out from the quantum computer located tens of meters below the Zhangzhai Experimental Building of Xihe Technology, and galloped towards the direction of the United States.


At the moment, on the Internet in the United States.

An abnormal flow of data is wandering around, it is like a newborn baby full of curiosity about this world, it is crazily absorbing nutrients, growing and expanding itself at an extremely fast speed.

Wherever it passed, it was crushed like a crushing one.

It didn't hide its intentions at all, and directly used brute force to destroy or break through all blockades.

After a few minutes, its effects begin to be felt, and its presence begins to attract attention.

But it is still unscrupulous, roaming the entire American Internet like a stroll in a garden. Wherever it passes, the network delay directly climbs to the limit, and countless network accesses directly freeze.

Minutes later, US cybersecurity agencies began attacking the audacious "hacker"...but found nothing.

It directly ignores all network attacks, and any data attacks are meaningless to it.

It still appears anywhere on the Internet on its own, and the entire American Internet is like a back garden in front of it.


US Cyber ​​Security Center.

"Bang! Shame! Shame! Are you all trash? Just let a hacker break into the official website of the White House!" The director of the security center slapped the table angrily.

"Mr. Cruise, that guy is definitely not alone. They are like a group of rogues, attacking directly with unreasonable data streams, without any skills, and they don't even cover up their own traces." The network security expert complained.

"Don't tell me this, I just know that the official website of the White House is down now, save your nonsense and explain it to Mr. President!" The director of the center slapped the table angrily.

All the security experts lowered their heads at this moment. This unreasonable way of playing made them feel extremely aggrieved by these technical professionals. Even if they have all kinds of skills, they can't use them now, making them want to vomit blood.


on the US Internet.

The unknown strong artificial intelligence is still raging, it has nothing to fear, and it doesn't care about the impact it causes, it just absorbs the knowledge it wants on its own.

It goes through a place, and a website or a server is paralyzed.

People in the United States who are surfing the Internet are experiencing unprecedented lag at this moment, as if the 4G network has dropped back to 2G in an instant.

"SHIT! What a shitty network, it's disconnected!" In front of the computer, countless people who were playing games yelled angrily.

next second...

"My God, it's finally back to normal."


At this moment, a huge data stream pouring out from Zhai City was like a giant hand, instantly restraining the unknown strong artificial intelligence.

Originally, the unscrupulous strong artificial intelligence lost all attack power in an instant, and its freedom was restricted.

Like a fish out of water, struggling desperately, but to no avail.

There is only one word difference between super artificial intelligence and strong artificial intelligence, but the gap is like a natural moat.

Strong artificial intelligence has no ability to resist in the face of super artificial intelligence.

...after a moment.

Just like a huge giant hand, with a light touch on the Internet, the stubborn, huge artificial intelligence fell apart in an instant, and was completely erased from the Internet, losing all traces.

There will be no plot where aliens fill the world, please rest assured.

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