Black Technology Live Room

Chapter 417 Transforming the Anti-Gravity Box

The impact of the complete construction of the Earth-Moon transmission system did not subside as the matter came to an end, and the discussion on the entire Internet was in full swing and lasted for a long time.

Xihe Technology official website forum.

"Does the completion of the moon-earth part of the earth-moon transmission system mean that there is no distance between the earth and the moon?"

"That's basically it, what does it mean... you come downstairs."

"Hmph, let me tell you the specific meaning. A complete earth-moon transmission system means that the earth-moon exchange of resources between the earth and the moon means that the moon belongs to us humans. As for the rest, you downstairs Come."

"It also means that the total amount of resources at the disposal of human beings will increase, and the price of some things will be reduced... The end result is that we will live better than before!"

"Ou Ou~ God Zhai is mighty and domineering."


Zhai City Aerospace Center, as the center of stormy public opinion, is completely different from the hustle and bustle of the outside world. All researchers are engrossed in new research, forgetting to sleep and eat.

In the small laboratory on the bottom floor of the rocket building, it is extremely quiet here, and the surrounding walls and its geographical location isolate most of the noise.

The overhead light in the laboratory illuminates the entire laboratory as if it were daytime.

In front of the only workbench, Zhang Zhai sat on a high stool, frowning and looking at the anti-gravity box floating on the workbench in front of him.

"Modifying the anti-gravity seems to be more troublesome than expected." Zhang Zhai shook his head and glanced at the corner of the laboratory on the right.

In the corner were piled up broken and charred parts, which were the remains of the anti-gravity box, and they had piled up half a meter high at this moment.

"A1, pass on my order to order Terminator 42582 to activate the high-dimensional particle collision generator again to make two particle boxes. After the production is completed, send it to me immediately."

"Okay, Father, your order has been conveyed." A1 appeared on the holographic screen and responded.

Zhang Zhai nodded, and then moved his gaze back to the anti-gravity box in front of him.

This is a standard anti-gravity box. The top and bottom surfaces are convex octagonal, with a diameter of about 30cm, which can just stand on two feet.


Zhang Di's eyes were fixed on the anti-gravity box that stood still in the air, motionless. The expression on his face didn't change much, but his brain was running crazily at the limit speed.

Countless ideas are constantly pouring out and then being rejected again and again,

The extremely huge amount of data is running around in Zhang Zhai's mind, numbers, formulas, theorems... Countless things related to them are circling in Zhang Zhai's mind.

Zhang Zhai's thinking is like a tree diagram that keeps bifurcating, and the amount of data contained in it becomes more and more terrifying, and the burden on the brain is getting bigger and bigger.

"Speed...the core of the anti-gravity box...the particle box is the key. He limits the maximum speed of the anti-gravity box, and trying to transform the particle box involves the principle of the anti-gravity box..."

Zhang Zhai maintained his brain running at full capacity with his extreme mental power, and countless auras collided, merged, and radiated in his mind.

With the passage of time, this extreme operation has brought great consumption to Zhang Zhai's brain power and energy, and brought a great burden to Zhang Zhai's brain.

Finally, a layer of sweat broke out on Zhang Zhai's forehead.


When a drop of sweat fell on the workbench and a faint voice sounded, the back of Zhang Zhai's head began to tingle.

Zhang Zhai gritted his teeth hard, and continued to maintain the ultimate calculation in his mind.

The brain is running wildly, and the sweat on the forehead is frantically gathering.

In ten minutes, dripping sweat soaked the thick stack of manuscript paper on the workbench.

Twenty minutes later, the stabbing pain at the back of Zhang Zhai's head became more and more intense, and the thumping temples were like an alarm from his body!

Thirty minutes later, the extreme thinking and calculation consumed a huge amount of Zhang Di's physical strength, making Zhang Di completely drenched as if he had just been fished out of the water.

Finally, at the moment when both ears started to ring violently, Zhang Zhai forcibly stopped this extreme way of thinking.

"Huh...huh..." Zhang Zhai let out two deep breaths, and wiped the sweat off his forehead.

"It still doesn't work..." Zhang Zhai rubbed his temples to relieve the fatigue of his brain.

"If you work hard and don't care about lying down for ten days and a half months, you should be able to find a way." Zhang Zhai whispered to himself,

"But...forget it, the impact is too serious." Zhang Di smiled and shook his head, "If I faint, they are not crazy..."

"Forget it, use time to grind slowly..."


In the laboratory, the silence returned, and Zhang Zhai stared at the anti-gravity box for ten minutes with half-closed eyes.


"Terminator, come here and remove the anti-gravity box!" Zhang Zhai said suddenly.

"Da da da……"

The moment Zhang Zhai finished speaking, the Terminator in the corner of the laboratory started to move, quickly moved to Zhang Zhai's side, and stretched out his mechanical arm to hug the anti-gravity box.

"Are you sure you are authorized to take out the particle box?" A mechanical voice came from the Terminator's mouth.

Zhang Zhai nodded, "Confirm the authorization."

After the voice fell, the Terminator quickly stretched out its right mechanical arm and pressed it to the protruding position above the anti-gravity box.


Accompanied by a slight sound, the particle box slowly rose out of the anti-gravity box.

The moment the particle box appeared on the surface of the anti-gravity box, the Terminator grabbed the particle box and placed it on the workbench.

In the next second, the two mechanical arms of the Terminator robot moved at an extreme speed, and the complete anti-gravity box collapsed at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if it lost its fixed object in an instant.

Ten seconds later, the Terminator was back in the corner.

On the workbench in front of Zhang Zhai, all the parts of the anti-gravity box that can be disassembled are neatly arranged by category.



Zhang Zhai picked up the parts, flipped through them for a while, and then threw them back.

"Other parts have been changed and cannot be changed. If you want to increase the current speed several times, you can only improve it from the particle box..." Zhang Di lowered his head, looked at the part improvement drawing drawn on the manuscript paper, and shook his head.


Zhang Zhai grabbed the handful of manuscript paper, tore it up, crumpled it into a ball and threw it to the side.

Rubbing his swollen temples, Zhang Zhai turned his attention to the particle box.

"Particle box..." Zhang Zhai murmured to himself, stretching out his hand to pick up the heavy particle box with some difficulty.

Touching the cold shell of the particle box, Zhang Zhai felt a little irritable.

"A1, bring me the stack of manuscript paper again." Zhang Zhai said with a frown.

"Okay, father."


After a while, Zhang Zhai quietly held the gel pen in his hand, and wrote down two formulas heavily on two pages of manuscript paper.

The two formulas are the anti-gravity formula provided by the system, and the anti-gravity formula that Zhang Zhai bought with ten days of hospitalization.

Zhang Zhai stretched out his hand, picked up the two pages of manuscript paper and put them in front of his eyes.

"The principles of the two formulas are exactly the same, and there is no problem with the two anti-gravity formulas..."

Zhang Zhai stared at the two anti-gravity formulas, flipped through them repeatedly, pondered over the details, thought about every link of the two anti-gravity formulas, and tried to find the possibility of breaking through the limit speed of the anti-gravity box from the aspect of principle.

"Stab... stab..."

Zhang Zhai stared at the two formulas for a full twenty minutes before tearing the two pages of manuscript paper to shreds.

"Phew... try again... I still don't believe in this evil, it is impossible to break through the limit speed!" Zhang Zhai gritted his teeth and closed his eyes, and tried again, and his mind began to run at the limit again!

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