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Chapter 115 Testimonials on the shelves (ordinary people's ordinary shelves)'s finally on the shelves.

How should I put it... There seems to be thousands of words in my heart that I want to express, but for a while, it seems that all of them are held in my heart, and I can't say it.

For more than two months, I have been looking forward to this day in my heart, but when this day actually arrives, I am full of emotions.

The half-juan is not a genius like the pig's feet in the book, and it does not have the power to break free from the world.

I am just a mortal, and I have to walk on eggshells every day and be careful.

Tossing and turning every day, thinking about the plot, looking at the collection in the background, everyone's comments, sometimes even because of a comment, I stay up all night.

People often ask, why do you write novels?

Every time someone asks this question, I can't speak.

If I say what I think in my heart and say it is for my dream, I don’t know how many people will laugh at me coldly, dismiss me, and laugh at my innocence.

If it's for money... I don't even have the face to mention it myself.


It seems that the more I talk, the more messy I am, sorry, everyone, I have a lot of things in my mind, and I don't know which one to say first.


Today is finally going to be on the shelves. I was so excited last night that I didn’t sleep all night. I woke up early this morning to type and set three alarm clocks. None of them woke me up. I almost missed the time.

If there are no accidents today, five chapters will be updated. I hope everyone will subscribe and enjoy the meal.

I believe that since you have read this, you still like this book to a certain extent. I hope you will give a first order, and if you have the conditions, it will be even better to give a full order.

I don't want to say too many hypocritical things, so as not to make everyone sad.

Finally, thank you for your continuous support. I hope that after the release, everyone can continue to support the half-volume, and the half-volume will also bring you better stories. The following stories are still exciting.


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