Black Ride

Chapter 70: Moving forward

The mutant mouse that was unable to escape by the tail was even more desperate. However, the fire chasing it was no slower than the other two. It was also easily caught up and lit.

In less than three seconds, the three huge mutant mice turned into roasting corpses that could not be screamed. The crimson flame continued to wrap their bodies and simmered. After another two seconds, the three roasting corpses turned into charred charcoal powder, and the word-shaped hillocks were piled in front of the military boots.

Charlotte moved his foot and didn't look at the three piles of charcoal. His fingers in black tactical gloves touched the top of the broken slab supported by the triangular structure. He probed into the dimly lit space, and the blue eyes were like the sea under the darkness in the dark.

"It's here." Charlotte looked out for a long while and retired from the small space. He has a portable folding computer on his right palm, and the computer's screen is an electronic map that is instantly positioned. On an electronic map with a blue-and-white road crossing, there is a red dot that flashes every second.

The red dot is covered above a large black dot, and there is a small line next to the big dot, which is a "base experiment".

On both sides of Charlotte, four fine mercenaries who wore the standard equipment of the Hells Lions Mercenary Corps came together, and they worked together to pick up the two broken slabs that formed the narrow space. Each of these two slabs is at least one ton in weight, and after being opened, the narrow space is instantly shrouded in light.

The original small space was finally exposed to the sunny sunshine. This is a floor covered with sky blue tiles. It is not the area on the street at first glance, but the interior of one building. At the end of the sky blue floor, there is a circular seal with a radius of one meter.

The sealing cap was originally white with a thick layer of dust on the surface. It is made of unknown material and its strength is unknown, but Charlotte clearly understands that even if he launches the second-order "ignition" ability to maximum strength, it will not burn a single shot against the sealing cover.

In fact, the floor of Charlotte and others is the floor of the base laboratory. This area is in the original base laboratory, and the number is A1 laboratory.

In other words, it is the lab used by the eucalyptus name to carry out the most advanced experimental project - the place where McDonald's culture tank used to be. The seal of this unknown material is the lock that unlocks the 32nd bunker fully enclosed fortifications.

Charlotte looked around, and none of the buildings within a radius of 800 meters were intact. There were ruins of ruined walls with varying degrees of damage. Originally, the base experiment was a snow-white, ellipsoid-shaped building with five floors, but now the ellipsoid has disappeared, whether it is a curved bullet-proof glass window or a curved white painted steel bar. The concrete walls have been crushed, cracked, dropped into the dust, and covered with thick dust, losing the original appearance.

The only remaining wall is only about one hundred and sixty centimeters, and there is no one high. It is hard to imagine what kind of force is bombarding the base laboratory of the ellipsoid, and the original five-story building will be shattered to a thin half-floor. In contrast to the central management building that has been destroyed from the 20th floor to the remaining 6 floors and with the outline of the waste building, Charlotte believes that the mutant fauna is more aggressive to the base laboratory.

In addition to finding and transferring McDonald, this action has a proposition. That is a field trip to verify that the sudden emergence of a horrific mutant fauna has nothing to do with McDonald.

The pale blond hair was gently twitched by the burning southerly wind, and Charlotte’s blue eyes sparkled with radiance. He stroked the smooth chin and walked slowly to the front of the sealing cover. He knelt down and used black tactical gloves to remove the thick dust from the sealing cover, revealing the original white color of the sealing cover.

There is a series of serial codes in the center of the sealing cover, which consists of Arabic numerals and English. There is no other information, and there is no gap between the position and the floor of the edge. The average person probably guesses that this is a channel that can be opened by electro-mechanical driving, but few people know that the cutting-edge technology of the dawn era, the energy field cryptography sequence technology developed by Academia Sinica, is used here.

From the right upper pocket of the military uniform, Charlotte took out a clean, white-blue disc with a height of about 2 cm. The white disc is surrounded by fine sequence characters and a blue illuminator, full of science fiction style. Charlotte pointed his left index finger at the center of the blue-and-white disc, and a dark red flame emerged from the fingertips of the tactical glove. The flames leaped into the air and reflected in Charlotte's beautiful eyes.

Hula, the deep red flame separates three slender fire waves, fluttering around the center of the blue disc, and then split into six fire waves, with a regular spiral cross dancing above the blue center, like A flame elf dancing around the bonfire.

For a moment, the blue* field in the center of the disc suddenly illuminates the white dreamy light. The blue illuminators outside the disc emit a fine and regular blue light, which forms a solid star map against the void. The field of energy.

This is the "key" with energy field technology.

Charlotte put the disc key gently in the center of the sealing cover. In the meantime, the sealing cover actually lit up countless blue light particles, and the light emitted by the light particles was transmitted from the plain white surface, and The energy field mapping of the disc key construction is combined.

The gears between the energetic fields are completely in close contact at a certain moment, and everyone present in the field feels that an extremely violent and high-frequency vibration is transmitted from the depths of the The source comes from the underground 80 meters The 32nd bunker. The process of the matter, as Charlotte understands, is the complete closure of the 32nd bunker fortifications. After 15 seconds, the passage of the 32nd bunker and the outside world will open again.

They will then be able to enter the underground laboratory.

After 15 seconds, the vibration gradually subsided. Charlotte took the disc key off the sealing cover, and the energy field connecting the two sides disappeared naturally, such as the starlight that disappeared in the night sky.

Immediately, five meters from the north side of the sealing cover, numerous irregular openings appeared suddenly on the azure floor. The area opened quickly with the opening of the mark, accompanied by the sound of the mechanical mechanism. Finally, a dark gray metal cylinder with a radius of 2 meters and a height of 3 meters rises slowly from the floor and opens the circular mechanical door facing Charlotte.

The interior of the cylinder illuminates a high-brightness, pure white light that seems to guide everyone.

"Li Jiang, a team of four people followed me, the rest of the people stayed patrolling around, killing all the mutant creatures and personality close to them."

The sound of Charlotte is like the snow lotus blooming on the snowy mountain, with a hint of ice. This means that this is an unquestionable military order that must be completed.

Immediately, Charlotte stepped into the cylindrical elevator, and Li Jiang, wearing a black tight-fitting combat uniform, and four heavily armed mercenaries followed Charlotte in.

The book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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