"Red Dragon, Red Dragon..."

Black Dragon muttered rather annoyed, this guy lay his neck flat, lying on the ground with a shrunken face , The tail drooped weakly, shaking from time to time.

Although the gray centaur clan has already acknowledged allegiance, this does not reduce Caesar's dissatisfaction.


Why these guys are as enthusiastic about the Red Dragon as if they have taken stimulants when they hear about it. When they want to become their dependents, they look aggrieved and wandering about.

Caesar is unbalanced.

Actually, this has nothing to do with him. It is purely an inherent cognition brought by the five-color dragon. The red dragon is the head of the well-deserved dragon. It is synonymous with being strong and fierce. Most of the impressions of people are treacherous, cruel, manipulating people's hearts, and have no impression of their power.

In addition to the powerful appearance of the red dragon, the Nether Darkness Region races who admire strength are more inclined to become members of the red dragon rather than other five-color dragons.

"Mom, don't let me run into the red dragon. I will play ten in the same year." Caesar thought angrily. He was a little irritable and irritable during this period. A period of sleep.


At this time, Luna dragged an iron box with spell to fly over, put it down in front of Black Dragon and opened it: "Come and play with me, It’s been a long time since you played cards with me."

This is a game Caesar found in the memory of previous lives. Inside the iron box, there are sixty cards drawn purely by Luna.

This is Little Brat's only property, and Little Brat is terribly fatal to this baby. During the migration, he never forgot to ask Caesar to help her bring it.

"You go find Gal or Hogg." Black Dragon raised his eyelids and glanced at her, lacking interest: "I'm thinking about things."

"I don't want to talk to them Play—Gal hasn’t figured out the rules yet, Hogg is smelly and always cheating.” Luna’s expression was contemptuous and complained twice.

"Go to fight the lizardmen."

"No, those guys have the same faces as dead people. They don't say a word when they play, and they have no meaning at all."

"Oh, that's it."

Black Dragon responded perfunctorily and stopped talking.

"Caesar ~"

Luna realized that this guy seemed to be in a bad mood, so he put the card away, and a trace of concern appeared on his face: "What's wrong with you? What's the trouble?"

Caesar turned over resentfully, lay his body on his side, propped his head with his right forelimb: "Don't you say I am better than the red dragon of the same year? Those damn guys, in Ming Knowing this fact, I actually prefer to blindly follow the red dragon."

"Is it crazy?"

Black Dragon cursed: "If every tribe It’s as difficult as the gray centaur. Without contract restrictions, even if I can suppress all races in this Nether Darkness Region with the help of military force, I will definitely leave behind dark diseases and trouble sooner or later."

In fact, the issue of the Red Dragon is nothing more than Caesar's temporary imbalance and complaints. This is what really bothers him. Black Dragon is worried that he has been using military force to subdue him, and sooner or later there will be accidents and family rebellion. The bad news.

"Do you think that this problem won't happen to Red Dragon, so it's unbalanced?"

Luna knows it, nodded, as it should be by rights said: "Because red dragons are fierce. You will know when you have seen red dragons. I have seen them in some portraits. Well... they look much fierce than other five-color dragons."

"Although I may not be able to beat you..."

Little Brat looked up and down around the Black Dragon, touched the chin and said, "But the parents are more powerful than you, and more willing to follow. "

"Are you serious?" Caesar asked suddenly lifts the head.

He knew that the race of the Nether Darkness Region of the Red Dragon was more relaxed than the other five-color dragons, but he didn't expect it for this reason. He thought it relied on strength and breath and so on.

He also showed his power to the gray centaur clan, and he can also eject flames, but he did not get the expected acknowledge allegiance.

Who would have thought it was because of this.

"Of course it is true."

Luna is nodded very seriously: "Caesar, I know you are a bit different from other Black Dragons, but Black Dragon looks like a red dragon. There is no way to change the human thing-so come and play with me." Little Brat jumped up again, playing very hard.

"Actually, I have a way..."

Caesar's muscles twitched. Because of this, these gray centaur are more willing to follow the red dragon? ...And even other clans in the Nether Darkness Region?

He feels that his power and wisdom have been insulted, and the world view has been reshaped. He thought that the race of the Nether Darkness Region was cruel and cruel. He would recognize the powerful ruler and choose to pursue a stronger power .

It turns out that this is not the case at all. It's a bit awkward...Damn, these guys...

They actually look at the face!

"Okay, okay."

Black Dragon muttered, the reason for such a simple and asshole actually made him entangled for a long time.

"You figured it out? Can you play with me?"

Looking at Caesar as if resigned, Luna was a little secretly happy for some reason, flapping her wings, Buzz ! Buzz! Buzz! Spin next to Black Dragon.

"No way."

Black Dragon thought for a while, then shook his head: "Go and help me find Gal and Hogg. I'm a little sleepy. I'll explain things later. I'm going to sleep."

The sleep he said is not sleep in the ordinary sense, but hibernation.

In juvenile dragons, they usually sleep for a long time. Although Caesar is much more active than other young dragons, it cannot completely reverse this law. It is estimated that this time it will sleep for at least three months to one month. Years of time.

"You are responsible for opening up another settlement, Hogg."

When the gnoll leader and the current leader of the orc arrive, Caesar begins to explain the funeral: "Centaur the ash Bring the cubs there and raise them all in captivity, but be careful, make sure to keep these cubs alive."

"In the future, the orcs don’t have to hunt, and all will be handled by the gray centaur, Gal."


When Hogg nodded, Caesar turned his gaze to the orcs, and said: "The gray centaur clan has always been strong and weak, but now we have to change this ecology. No matter how strong it is, it is not as important as being obedient. From now on, let the submissives rule the rebels."

"Stone Crow Clan can help the obedient gray centaur and suppress those who rebel."

This In the passage, Black Dragon speaks slowly, because the orcs are not very intelligent and it takes a while to understand.

When Gal nodded to express his complete understanding, Caesar retracted his gaze and added: “You can give those submissives some privileges, let them have rest time, hunt less, or even no hunting, and let them have You can see your child if you have a chance."

"But for those who rebel, we must give them the harshest treatment, but we don’t need to kill them, let these gray centaur destroy their own defense lines."

"How to do these things and the scale, Gal, if you are not sure, you can discuss with Hogg."

Speaking, Black Dragon took a look at the Jackal Chief: "You It shouldn't be let me down."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty."

Hogg bared his teeth and promised, it was inevitable that there would be a little bit of ecstasy in his heart , Because I found that my performance during this period of time was not in vain, and has gradually occupied a dominant position in the Black Dragon family.

"Oh, yes, those war lizardmen don't care, they have other tasks, let them search for the traces of other dragonborn clans."

"apart from this ...... "

Caesar marked a few points on the ground and told them the location of the new nest where he was going to sleep: "If you find any serious problems, you can come here to wake me up when necessary."


When everything was explained, Caesar was nodded satisfied, flapped his wings and left, heading to his new nest in the underground world, ready to fall asleep.

Since the Nether Darkness Region race relies on appearance to judge likes and dislikes and whether to follow...

Also, it just so happens that Caesar has a perfect template in his mind to let these guys see Now, what is the incarnation of power.

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