"This should be Theron Desert, my lord."

The orcs stood up and Orkhash said, "I went to the great valley of Mostel, in Flying Ape Accompanied by Race, I climbed to the summit and overlooked the Gobi Desert from above."

Speaking, Orkhash raised his head, looked around for a week, and then pointed in a direction: "Look, there is still a vague view. To the outline of the great valley."

The sight of the dragon is much wider than that of the orc. Caesar looks along the direction of the orc, piercing the vast sand and dust. Orkhash can only blur the distinguished outline, Black Dragon can see quite clearly.

At the end of the eye, the winding and steep gorge is majestic and magnificent. This is the only view you can see in Desert. It is the settlement of Flying Ape Race and a natural pass fortress, which traverses the north. The only way for all countries to go to the wild plains and the green capital.

"The old wizard can't control the location of the teleportation?"

The skin on Caesar's frontal bone is wrinkled: "How come we are here."

Before this, they had discussed with each other and were going to the unknown West to avoid the forces of humans and the green capital.

As a result, the old wizard finally sent them to the south.

Theron Desert is desolate and dead. The resources are even scarcer than the wild plains. It is not an ideal habitat at all, and this place borders the northern countries. The human cavalry can arrive here in only half a day. .

"Old Patriarch should want us to seek help from Flying Ape Race. The relationship between the clan and the flying ape tribe has always been very good."

Orkhash answered.

"No way." Black Dragon shook his head dullly. This was simply a wrong decision.

The situation was urgent at the time. I am afraid that Sif will not have time to think carefully. Roy and Sylvia will immediately start a search in this large area. Theron Desert and Mostel great valley can't avoid their eyes at all.

Even if the gods descend from the sky, let them escape the hunts of Green Dragon and Roy, and take root here, what can be done with just a flying ape clan?

This area is extremely scarce in terms of resources and population, and there is no room for upward development.

"We have to go west." Caesar said, "Let’s set off now."

After that, Black Dragon recognized the direction, spread its huge wings, and was about to fly into the sky. .

"Please wait, Lord Altrenzo."

Gal stopped him, took two steps forward, and took out a roll of parchment from the lining of the heavy armor: "patriarch said, if We finally came to Theron Desert, so we will help him to give this to you."

Caesar looked back at the parchment, paused.

Sif left to me?

He vaguely remembered that this was what Sif gave Gal after drawing up the evacuation plan. At that time, the old wizard was still telling Gal about something, mutter incantations in his mouth.

It's just that Caesar was thinking about other things at the time, so he didn't heed to ask.

Gal will continue to approach, but Black Dragon's tail claws have already come to him and have taken the sheepskin scroll.

"This is... a map?"

Caesar squinted. Although the sheepskin is old and slightly damaged, the pictures above are quite precise and detailed. This is a freshly completed one. A hand-drawn map with annotations in orc language that Black Dragon cannot understand.

Sif actually left a map for himself?

Furthermore, according to Gal, the old wizards seem to know that they might come to Theron Desert.

However, if according to their previous arrangements, the migration destination is in the West, this was discussed with Sif, and the old wizard did not raise any objections.

If it weren't for the Green Dragon to appear, they would be impossible to come to this place.

So, Sif had prepared all this at that time?

The old orcs predicted that they might encounter irresistible danger and needed to escape by teleporting spells. Even their own deaths and sending them to Theron Desert have been arranged.


"Old wizard."

Caesar sighed, I don’t know what to say, with Sif’s wisdom, if not limited by racial talent Under the shackles, achievements will never stop with the archmage. Logically speaking, Legendary can't limit the pace of this elder.

Black Dragon glanced at the parchment Zhang, and couldn't help showing a smile. The map handed to him was annotated with an orc language that dragons did not understand and disdain to learn.

Caesar remembered how he had scolded the old beast traitor for swindling the first time I met, choked and said softly: "Look, I didn't leave them behind."

Black Dragon Pass the parchment back to Gal and ask him to translate.


Gal pointed to the first comment, first read it in authentic orc language, and then translated it into the lingua franca: "The boundless wilderness."


"laruahama. The remaining city ruins."

"Sakalakama, the immortal statue."

At this time, a female orc took the call and held it in her hand Also holding a roll of parchment, it seems that the same content is written on it: "Farepelasa, burning flames."

"Hidden gate." Another orc answered. It seems that Sif is trying to prevent accidents. , And gave several copies to different ethnic groups.

"Connected world." The orc translation is complete.

Black Dragon squinted, retrieved the map in Gal’s hand, and connected the previously translated annotations one by one: "The ruins of the wild city, the flames of the statue, the gate connects the world."

" Are there any town ruins around here?" He asked, wanting to verify the map so as not to go on an errand for nothing.

The orcs looked at each other in blank dismay. Most of them have lived in the wild plains in their entire lives. They had never traveled to explore the outside world and knew very little about Theron Desert.

"It seems...yes."

Orkhash spoke again. This guy is illiterate, so he has been silent before. Now he finally has a chance to speak. His lips move slightly. Hesitatingly said: "I heard Flying Ape Race mentioned that the Theron Desert did once have a city, but it was abandoned a thousand years ago, and now it has been covered by yellow sand."

"Your Majesty. "

At this time, the Jackal leader Hogg interjected and came to Caesar: "The orc's statement is wrong. The city still exists."

When he said this, Hogg glanced at Gal and Orkhash, paused one word after another, before continuing to state: "The place is not buried by yellow sand. It is close to the Southwest direction. It is very eye-catching, and there are undead."

"Undead?" Black Dragon turned his gaze to look at him, Hogg's half-kneeling position was farther forward than Gal, closer to him.

"Just some low-level undead, ignorant skeletons."

Hogg can't help showing his fangs: "Jackals can crush them with no difficulty."

"Anything else special?"

Caesar asked, it seems that Hogg had been to Theron Desert, and went deep into the abandoned city... These days, even the Jackals have some stories.

"No, that's an ordinary abandoned city, Your Majesty." Hogg responded.

"Let's go then."

Black Dragon flapped its wings and jumped into the sky, wanting to see what Sif left him: "Let's set off."

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