Compared with the amazing green capital of Legion, Caesar is surrounded by only two clans-the orcs and the jackals, which seems a bit too shabby.

No way, Caesar thought.

How can I fight this? The fighting level of the two sides is not at the same level at all. According to the current situation, even if he can stop the Green Dragon, he will be tortured by the endless strange Legion.

Until now, he didn’t know the reason why his opponent Roy would let go of the blockade. The prisoner at the time wanted to confess the original words-"The reason why Roy would let the jackals and kobolds Going to the Dulu Basin, I want to drag the Black Dragon to wait for the arrival of the ally Sylvia".

In fact, Black Dragon had already anticipated the danger before then. However, greed was the most terrifying original sin. In order to subdue the Jackal clan, he delayed a lot of time and did not immediately evacuate. Into such a consequence.

Of course, this is just Caesar’s wishful thinking. Roy’s arrangement is unknown to him. In fact, it doesn’t matter if he retreats sooner or later. The young nobles made up their minds to send the army back then. Buried here to force Green Dragon to come.

As long as the two sides fight, there must be this result. This is a dead end and cannot be cracked at all.

But after thinking about it, the reason is only because Caesar is not strong enough.

Roy has power, capital, and support. All these are enough to support the young nobleman who can still win the final victory after several failures; on the other hand, Caesar, he only has to lose once, that is the blood. No return.

The reflection of the past flashed in my heart, Caesar shook his head, came back to his senses-now is not the time to consider these, he has more urgent real problems that need to be solved.

Black Dragon is looking all around, looking for weaknesses in the enclosed environment of the "pond fish cage bird", trying to find loopholes, and then leading the remaining family members to escape.

In the face of absolute power, I still have to counsel.

However, as he looked around all around, he inadvertently found that the orcs had all raised their weapons, and the fire of war was burning in their eyes. Even the children were holding them and picking them from the ground. The short blade breaks the spear, ready to fight to the death.

The jackals are no exception. Under the leadership of Hogg, one by one makes a low wolf roar.

On the opposite side, the wild beasts of Legion in the green city also showed their fangs.

These stupid guys are really going to die... Black Dragon thought, he has chosen a suitable position, ready to break through.

"Let's go."

However, just before Caesar was about to make a move, he suddenly froze for a moment-his line was snatched by someone, which was not what he said.

At this moment, the old wizard Sif, who has been very inexistent since the last time he attacked the army camp, said abruptly. He stood up and staggered to the front of Caesar, blocking Black Dragon. , The bone stick that hadn't been shining for a long time began to bloom again.


next moment, the old wizard showed the same power as the Green Dragon came, his thin hair fluttered wildly, and the mana tide seemed to be boiling. The angry waves rippled with grey ripples.

For an instant, the situation whistled.

"What's the matter?" Caesar was surprised.

This is not a power that a wizard can possess at all. In his verification device, the old orc's value is constantly rising, and finally reached a point almost comparable to Sylvia.

"Elemental Ignite."

Compared with Caesar's puzzlement, Green Dragon, who is also a spellcaster, is very familiar with it. Seeing through the truth at a glance, this damn orc actually ignited himself The tide of the elements has gained a great magic force far beyond the past in a short period of time.

This is a forbidden spell that even Sylvia has only heard of but failed to master. As a forbidden spell, all casters of Aradia cannot bear its cost.

Element ignition is irreversible spell.

This also means that the terrifying spell will not stop from the moment it is cast until the caster’s elemental tide is burned clean as the end. During the whole process, this terrifying spell will not stop.

It means the end of the caster.

"It's pitiful." Green Dragon smacked, not too surprised.

Even using such a terrifying spell, the sad orc wizard can barely reach the point where he can match himself. It is idiotic to rely on this little ability to fight the great Mother of Poisons.

What's more, how long can it last depending on the power gained from burning.

Thirty seconds? Or one minute?

Sylvia looked down on it all.


The word fell, the old wizard's bone staff moved horizontally, the majestic mana distorted space, and the Void Transmission Gate that had just disappeared...appeared again.

But this time Transmission Gate is located on the side of Black Dragon.

"Boss!" Gal shouted.


Sif did not look back, repeating his own words.

His voice is as hoarse as ever, without any passionate ambitions, no bitterness and deep enmity, as plain as a calm lake.

Ignoring the environmental impact, Sif’s tone is the same as when he is in a peaceful and harmonious clan, and when he talks with his clan, Caesar and Luna.

The kind of husky stability is exactly the same.

"Burning Storm (Dragon Language)."

Of course it is not that simple. The moment Sylvia saw the appearance of the Void Transmission Gate, Sylvia knew what the other party was thinking. Impossible Let them escape smoothly, and Dragon Language magic will soon be surging.

As the most prestigious magical creature in the mainland, the Dragon Language magic of the dragon is the best in the world. This time Sylvia is not trying to squeeze the Black Dragon power, but to block the opponent's full strength attack.

The roaring ember-burning storm eclipses Heaven and Earth and casts a dark red color on the entire battlefield.

However, it was blocked.

The mana barrier constructed by the old wizard can resist all the meteorites and flames made by the Green Dragon. The elemental ignition brings incomparable and great magic force, allowing the old orcs to compete against the Green Dragon in a short time. capital.

Gal was silent, took a deep look at the old wizard, and took the lead in leading Stone Crow Clan into the Transmission Gate.

They love the old leader so much, but they also know that Sif's decision cannot be changed. At this time, if they are indecisive, they will only betray the old wizard's hard work.

"The Stars Fall (Dragon Language)."

"The Wind Blade Rage (Dragon Language)."

The enemy is not stupid, Sylvia really started Strength, to shred the defense of the old wizard, when such an elderly Green Dragon tried his best, the scene was extremely terrifying.

At the same time, the green capital Legion also launched a full charge. The roar of ogre and the neigh of two-footed wyvern spread all over the battlefield.

The rushing attack was blocked again. Caesar saw that Sif's body was burning with an illusory blue flame. Starting from the arm, the flesh began to peel off.

His elemental tide has almost dried up, leaving only life.

"Sorry, we were unable to fulfill the contract, Sir Altrenzo." After all the orcs left, Sif turned his head and laughed at the Black Dragon.

Before Caesar could reply in the future, he saw that the old wizard's bone staff, which seemed to have long since weathered and shattered, finally shattered. The illusory blue flames on his body surged and his silhouette blurred.

But even so, the fast and weak Sif could not stop the powerful Dragon Language magic, and the elemental shield was defeated.

"Please be kind to those children."

He said to Black Dragon, the old orc squatted his body, and his flesh and blood were all stripped away in an instant. At the same moment when the elemental shield was broken, he tried his best. Push the Void Transmission Gate with all its strength, and disappear with the Black Dragon and the Jackal.

At the last moment, Caesar saw that before the endless spell attack, Sif had died, his body was burned into a piece of bone, and then turned into a spell storm coming one after another ash.

Even the tattered robe was not able to remain in the end.

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