"Oh huh."

Luna found Caesar under the canopy of green leaves.

All around is full of big green cedars and old elm trees, Black Dragon is lying halfway, with his neck flat on the ground, his sharp claws scratching on the ground, writing incomprehensible handwriting.

"It grows so fast." Luna couldn't help but think of it as Caesar's beautiful bright black scales gradually turned into dark gray for camouflage.

She felt that she shouldn't interrupt his thinking. Whenever Caesar fell silent, she would become very serious, even a little scary, so the forest spirit choked back when it came to her mouth and waited quietly.

Xu Feng blew the treetops, rustling, Luna's thoughts also became mixed.

It seems that Caesar · Altrenzo has entered adolescence. That is the beginning of sexual maturity. Will he start looking for a spouse?

I will definitely.

She saw Caesar's horns, sharp fangs, and a strong body...In the eyes of dragons, this guy is definitely the best choice for co-breeding offspring. There will be many female dragons who like it. he. forest spirit suddenly became a little angry for some reason.

At this time, Caesar finally got up slowly, shaking off the dirt on his body.


When Caesar saw her standing there, he said: "Stone Crow Clan is gradually on track. I am thinking about the next arrangement."

He didn't need to explain to Little Brat originally, but Caesar would like to say more. Although forest spirit was forcibly taken by him, it has become one of the few creatures that Black Dragon can communicate with.

"There is one thing, I think I should tell you."

Luna shook her head, indicating that she didn't care about waiting a little: "A lot of new people appeared near Stone Crow Clan. Humans."

"It's normal."

Caesar stretched out his paws and let Little Brat sit in his palms: "The dry season is coming, and many people think of causing a sensation in the market last year. The syrup that can get rid of the Balrog curse, came to Stone Crow Clan to investigate, trying to catch some clues."

He sneered in his heart, whether in Earth or Aradia, it is indispensable to get on the table. A thief who attempts to reap without sowing.

"It's different."

Little Luna shook his head expressionlessly: "I have seen those peepers before, but this time is different."

"Caesar." She increased her tone: "Do you think ordinary peepers will be in groups of three or five and carry standard weapons around the tribe?"

"Standard weapons?"

Black Dragon stunned, then looked down at Little Brat in his paws, and looked straight into her eyes: "Are you sure?"

"If there is no problem with my eyes."

Luna expressed 100% confirmation: "I don't know when this group of humans began to appear on the edge of the tribal territory one after another; they wear uniform light armor, and their short swords are painted with patterns that I don't recognize."

"Also, I saw almost everyone carrying something on their backs, wrapped in cloth, and looking at the shape, I guess it might be a crossbow."

Luna said more seriously: "They have a quiver in their leggings."

Caesar completely stopped crawling into the lair. After hearing Luna's description, his expression became serious and he muttered: "Scout."

In Aradia, this kind of person should be called thieves, but most professional thieves don’t play hand crossbows. They have better bows and arrows to choose from. Bows of the same pound size can shoot at normal speed. It is three to four times that of a hand crossbow.

The only advantage of the hand crossbow over the bow and arrow is that it can maintain the aim, and can always follow the command of the commander to trigger the crossbow to maintain unity. If you want to do this with a bow, sometimes the battle negotiations are deadlocked for too long, and the shooters will be exhausted.

Only the army can assemble the hand crossbow.

These people are investigators sent by the army.

"Do the orcs know?"

Caesar is a little uneasy. This is not a playhouse. The appearance of the investigator is actually a signal, which means that certain forces in humans have I plan to attack them.

Damn, this is just on track, can't you give me more time?

"I know, but during this time there have been a lot of human beings. They don't seem to take seriously. The news link is broken at Gal, and even Sif has not been notified." As a longevity species of wisdom, Luna I was also aware of the seriousness of the matter and spoke quickly.

"Then I will trouble you to run again."

Caesar held up Little Brat in her hand, and let her flap her wings and fly: "Go and inform Sif of the news, ask him Come to my lair to discuss. In addition, tell the soldiers to pick up their weapons and prepare for battle."

"Okay." Luna answered.


When Sif entered the black dragon's lair accompanied by the orc Great Commander Gal, he couldn’t help being amazed by the other’s living habits. Caesar’s lair was not as recorded in the books. Dirty and filthy, but extremely dry, neat and tidy.

"Your Excellency Caesar, your place amazes the orcs." The old wizard complimented.

"Thanks to our son of the forest."

Caesar glanced at Luna who was sitting in the small stone house. Instead of continuing the topic, he asked Gal instead. Said: "Have the soldiers started preparing?"

"The children are already impatient."

Sif replied for Gal, wrinkling his forehead: "But please forgive the orcs for being slow, I have some doubts, is the fact as serious as forest spirit said?"

"I am afraid it is even worse than this."

Caesar's solemn nodded: "Weak races occupy rich resources It’s a disaster, and it’s coveted. I guessed that there would be such a day long ago, but didn’t expect it to come so soon."

Without waiting for Sif to take over, Caesar went on to say: "Please let me I remind you that after you go back, you should remind women and children to prepare to leave. Stone Crow Clan may need to move at any time."

Caesar never sends hope to the weak and weak of the enemy. Stupid, he must be prepared to retreat in advance, cutting off one's means of retreat and stake all on one throw speaking of which is nice and imposing manner, but when the matter comes, people will know this kind of putting eggs in a basket How unreliable is his behavior.

The other party is impossible. I don’t know that Stone Crow Clan has an archmage, but in this case, I still want to do something with the orcs. I’m afraid I have a good grasp of it.

In this regard, Caesar had to be cautious. While preparing for the battle, he had to leave a way out.

Listening to him, Sif's face also became serious. He knew Caesar and knew that this Black Dragon would not aimlessly.

"I see." The old leader nodded heavily.

"We will never allow those little guys to threaten the tribe. We are waiting here. As long as they dare to come, the orcs will give them a fiercely blow." Great Commander Gal banged his fists together , The words seemed to be swearing, sonorous and powerful.


However, Black Dragon sighed and shook the head to him, as if he did not agree with Gal's statement.

This straightforward orc became anxious at once: "My lord, we have armor and weapons. Please rest assured that the orc will definitely fulfill its promise to you!"

"I Say, no."

Caesar repeats his own words in an aggravated tone, then stands up half-sitting, staring at Gal and saying, "Waiting will only lead to destruction."

" You should take the initiative and weaken the enemy's power as much as possible."

Black Dragon finally showed its fangs: "Go, go now. Take your weapons, and clean up the humans outside like garbage. Clean, don’t leave a living mouth."

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