BJ Swordmaster

Chapter 37 Understanding (1)

The two-week schedule was a time to accomplish a lot for Henry.

Thanks to Russo, I didn't attend regular classes.

Instead, he competed with Austin at Russo's fume, which allowed him to raise his two additional weapons proficiency to level 10.

A spear and an ax.

It was the second most common weapon after the sword, and Austin's confidence was not fiction.

[The gap with the opponent is overwhelming!]

[Bonus is given for your singing skills!]

Thanks to Austin's outstanding skills, Henry's growth also continued quickly.

What's your next weapon?

It was a blunt weapon.

Some articles used weapons such as Morning Star.

Even if it wasn't an article.

Unusual weapons require considerable proficiency, but they could force an "unexpected" situation on their opponents if they could handle it well.


* Current proficiency: Level 7 33%

A spear, an ax, and a blunt instrument.

A total of four weapons, including a sword already mastered, were mastered.

It wasn't just him.

[Subscriber: 338]

The number of subscribers also increased steadily increased.

Henry didn't forget what was more important.

In the midst of tight training, they used [broadcasting microphones], or asked Austin and Russo for understanding and securing time.

It was true that the quality of the content was a little low.

There were a lot of repetitions.

Henry, however, grabbed viewers' expectations by mentioning the "test" when he was about to forget.

What about new viewers?

Needless to say, Henry's appearance alone left the channel feeling fresh.

'The video's been increased a lot. These managers, they were more capable than I expected.’

Video editing expert Fireworks solo.

Illustrator Poporize.

The two managers who were chosen early in the broadcast consistently produced achievements that far exceeded Henry's expectations.

Now I understand the meaning of that job.’

When I first heard it, I didn't understand what was going on. I thought it was in the magic realm anyway.

But when he heard their role correctly, Henry just admired it.

First of all, with a brush of fire brush.

It was the video editing expert who cut the "video" created by magic or overlaid it with something.

No matter how much you don't know about magic, you know it. It's almost impossible to influence the magic of others.'

That's what it is to explain intuitively, for example.

The process of another wizard intercepting the fireball and then overlaying it with a blue flame.

It's not something that anyone can tell it's going to be extremely difficult.

However, the flame sol was possible, which gave Henry's image a sense of liveliness.

And illustrator Poporizang not only played a role as a chat window manager, but also pulled out "intuitive" pictures one after another.

'It worked unexpectedly. If you look at the other wizards' reactions.’

There were many places where paintings were used.

There were humorous pictures in the thumbnail of each video, and sometimes there were videos of "pictures" between uploaded videos.

'Actually, it's like a free gift. It went up even though I didn't do anything.’

At first, I thought other wizards would see it.

However, it was more popular than other videos thanks to the comic Henry's "character" and an interesting story.

Thanks to

The amount of views received over the past two weeks has reached 500,000 won.

It's less than sponsorship, but it's encouraging.’

So far there is an overwhelming amount of funding.

However, the settlement money was consistently occurring, and the amount was not small.

Even if it stays like this, the standards will remain to be met before graduating from the academy.

Furthermore, as the two managers are steadily growing, there will be a moment when the settlement money exceeds the sponsorship as they said.

[Registered Video: 17]

I've got about a hundred videos of this...… No, when I was about two hundred. It's still a long way off.’

Training steadily, building events, being swept away by events that have already happened.

It's only a matter of time if you don't miss the given content like that.

And Russo's training.

In his daily appearance, Henry said to his friend, whom he faced every day.

"Let's use blunt force today."

"Another blunt instrument? I can't help it. Today... I'm going to use a very terrible weapon. Heavy withdrawal! Every sharp thorn stuck in it...….”

"Morning Star. Yesterday was that, too.”

"I have to do this to feel like I'm doing something new. It's a very important thing, Henry. Every day has to be new to live."

"Wow, morning star. I'm already feeling numb.”

"Yes! That's what it is! Haha, be prepared!"

Boom, boom, boom boom.

Austin started swinging Morning Star in a circle.

a sharp sound of a perforation just by listening to it

It was clear that if he was properly hit, he would have worn armor and crumpled things.

"That's the beauty of Morning Star. It's a big enough advantage to crush all the disadvantages of being difficult to control, too heavy to consume physical strength, or too much space.”

Austin knew not only how to handle weapons but also their strengths and weaknesses.

"The knights generally wear heavy armor, and from the moment they are shot by this Morning Star, they are not protective gear, they are a chest-stressing obstacle."

"What if I wear a mana?"”

"Morning Star must be surrounded by mana. If the armor is overwhelming, I'll stop it, but by that time, the type of weapon won't be a problem."

On the contrary, Austin explained that even if the mana of the armor is superior to some extent, Morning Star can penetrate it.

No matter how much you put on Mana, you can't ignore the basic mass.

"And if you're using Morning Star as a pet, you're probably one of the best people in the area of [focus], aren't you?”

On a reasonable basis, a reasonable explanation.

Henry nodded as if he knew well.

'I honestly know everything.'

At a time when there was nothing to do anyway, Henry had all the strengths and weaknesses of all the weapons in his head.

But in the first place, it wasn't Henry, it was just for the wizards to hear.

What Austin will explain anyway.

It was a waste of time for Henry to use the microphone himself.

"Anyway, Henry. The most important thing in dealing with Morning Star is...… Are you an instructor?"

At that time, the alarm filled the mist.


It was Russo who opened the door and came in.

"Mr. Instructor.

"I'm here to deliver this."

A pretty urgent look. It was probably running all the way here.

What was in his hand was obviously an envelope.

"A letter from Earl Camilton, Henry."

"……Oh, thank you."

Viscount Camilton.

Henry's father has finally contacted him.

A paper letter like this.

Henry accepted the letter from Russo in a strange mood.

Dear Henry, Royal Knights Academy of Ballaran.]

An antique handwriting was written on the envelope.

Although it was a poor ink, it showed the sender's dignity.

"I feel sorry for you.’

Most aristocrats used to send magic messages or send people when they contacted.

It was much faster, I was able to communicate accurately, and it was good to show off my prowess.

"If you need a reply, I'll send it out this evening. If you have the chief instructor's seal stamped on it, you can send it safely, quite quickly."

"Thank you."

"I'll leave you to finish what you're doing."

Russo left in a hurry again. I came all the way here to give this to you even though I was busy.

"Oh, Henry? Do you want me to stay out of it?”

"That's a good idea. It'll be just a minute."

"Take your time—there's nothing urgent."

Austin has gone as far away as I can. There, he grabbed the Morning Star and began to wield it brilliantly.

Henry opened the envelope.

There's only one letter.

Even the content was only a couple of sentences.

First of all, congratulations, Henry. Also, thank you for letting me help. Try to stick to your role there.]

It was a part of what Camilton was like.

He was always like this.

He may have jumped for joy where no one saw him, but he never shows it.

It was based on the idea that Henry must be agitated if he is agitated.

"This is a letter from my father. It's quite short, and, well, it's a message that's conveyed enough."

Henry showed the contents to the viewers.

There was no sensitive content, and there was also something I wanted to brag about what my father was like.

[So simple]

Don't you resent the fall of the family? It would have been a lot easier if I was fine.

[That's why I can't help but look at him] I'll see you in the house and keep my shoulders straight.

"It's not your fault that you failed. But I'm proud of the fact that you didn't fall apart."

The Duke of Camilton did not lack his ability as a knight.

It's just that he couldn't get in the aristocracy'

It's true that it's a bit of a shame, but it's never been a reason for resentment.

"He did his best for me. Even now...… He's a man who holds out. I respect my father."

Otherwise, he would not have thought of inheriting his family.

You wouldn't have survived three years.

"It's too early to be satisfied. There's some time until the test, and the same will happen after that."

There's a long way to go.

It is possible to inherit the family already, but how can you be satisfied with this opportunity?

"Austin! Let's do it again!"

It would have been fine without a reply.

As Lord Camilton said, Henry's role now was to confront Austin with a weapon.


It's been a week again.

The number of subscribers reached 400, and 21 videos were uploaded. He also achieved level 10 with blunt force proficiency, and now the weapon containing Austin was a "do" weapon with only one blade.

"As I feel, Henry, your pace of growth is absolutely preposterous. Do you know how much time I spent learning these things in my family?"

"You can't know."

"It took about a month for each type. It was a terrible time."

"Isn't that fast, too?"

A month is definitely a fast pace to get to this stage.

I had to take at least half a year to attend the academy.

Austin shook his head.

"It's time to learn the least skills. It doesn't make sense that this skill was completed then, does it? I didn't just play at the academy."


"No, it's Austin who is constantly trying even when others don't see it.….”

The endless chatter began again.

Henry acted as if he were listening for a moment, but interrupted and asked questions.

"Is the decision the same?"

"Of course. Soon after tomorrow's test, Austin Rodrick will be in class B. How am I supposed to wait here when you're gone?”

The examination is tomorrow.

Henry asked a question to be asked, and Austin brought up a set answer.

One more step from there.

Henry brought up the question he had ever had.


I was asking the fundamental reason.

Austin's dream was to be a wandering knight, and the setting was a great place called the Duke of Rodrick.

If you want to, you can freely wander around after graduation.

When I first met Henry.

He said as if he was glad to have a friend, but he didn't care whether it was true or not.

"Why am I following you so much?"

"Even by changing the plan you've been thinking about and implementing. It's not a big problem as soon as you come up, but I'm sure it'll be annoying. It's the kind you hate the most."

Austin was a human being who had to avoid that kind of 'trouble'. He even gave up the opportunity to succeed the peacock.

And for that reason, Austin spoke as if it were too simple.

"It's funny. Do you need any other reason than that?”

BJ Swordmaster

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