Bizarre Detective Agency

Chapter 1330: Two hundred and sixty-eight. Regret

The story of the   Lennon Islands comes to an end.

  Lili watched from beyond the curtain as the wooden ship faded away against the backdrop of the disintegrating Lennon Islands.

  Lu Li couldn't save them in reality. But at least it can give them a good ending in a false nightmare.

  Recovered from the melancholy mood, Lu Li told the merchants waiting here that the Lennon Islands fantasy had ended. But he will stay here for a day to spy on the pure black dream of tomorrow.

   During this time, Lu Li began to explore this Broken Mountain Island. Perhaps the power of the two-faced **** still affects this place, and there is no strange invasion of this island.

  The eerie fog also only surrounds the place, not shrouds it.

  Thinking that the merchant would appear where there are eyeballs, Lu Li buried an eyeball in the dry forest clearing of the island, and dropped the anchor at the far southeast corner of the land known to mankind.

   There is very little human nature left, "only" less than 100%, but it is enough to make the eyeballs from rooting to maturity to fruiting, from one plant to a dozen plants, forming a cluster of eyeballs.

  Eyes combined with Claire's potion give the Land of Light the ability to cast strange inhabitants.

   "The task of taking care of the eye clumps is left to you."

  Lu Li reminded the businessman Anthony, who was about to leave, to raise a bonfire beside the eyeball bushes.

  The human left behind can keep the eye clumps for a few years, with enough light to solve the problem of plants no longer growing—as long as the light remains.

  The merchant Anthony silently blended into the night.

   The burning fire crackled.

  The illusory soul sits alone by the bonfire, the faint shadows sprinkled lonely behind him.


   Familiar footsteps sounded, and the merchant Anthony went and returned, bearing the crown of thorns of the Swamp Mother.

  Distant made the voice of the Swamp Mother sound after a long time:

   "I taught it a lesson, leave yourself on a desert island."

   "There is no difference between a merchant and a sculpture."

Lu Li threw a piece of dry wood into the bonfire, and when it burned into ashes in the shape of a branch, the mother of the swamp replied gently: "You make the sculpture very sad, it will deliberately make a noise when you are bored to tell you that it is not. alone."

   "Thank you for me."

   Lu Li manipulated another piece of firewood into the fire.

   Ignoring the price paid, the power that the ghost can easily increase is indeed hard to restrain.

   "…Are you going to the other side of the World's Ridgeback Mountains?"

  The Swamp Mother knew that the Lennon Islands incident was over, and took the initiative to ask.

   "Not for now. I'll stay for another day and then go to 'Queen's Island'."

  Lu Li still has some things to confirm, such as whether the record of the pure black stone really exists, and—

   "Contact the Devil's Daughter and ask if "Nightmare" is related to hell."

   "…Okay. So you have a lot of time now? Tell us about what happened in the Lennon Islands"

   It is now approaching noon, and it is conceivable that the members of the afternoon tea gather here in the garden of the mother of the swamps in the bright place where the sun shines at this moment.

   Lu Li recounts the nightmare in the pure black stone from the beginning:


   On the lead-grey sea, countless ships came and went in and out of the harbor. The four chimneys of the Avitannis spewed thick smoke, the whistle sounded, and the flow of the merging ship was about to dock.

  The crowd on the harbour looked up at the boats, Jojo smiled brightly, lay on the fence and waved to the crowd on the harbour with the reserved Aunt Mary and the surrounding passengers.

  Lu Li quietly watched the bustling scene outside the cave.

  After the seventh day of collapse, the pure black nightmare is back on the first day.

  The pure black stone is just a nightmarish dream left.

  Lu Li did not take the pure black stone, nor could he take it, the splitting force protected it.

  Leave the pure black stone here, and let the land of light record the strange nightmare stone of the broken mountain cave. Perhaps one day in the future, the land of light will return to the prosperity of the old days, and people at that time will need this pure black stone when they want to know what happened to the Lennon Islands.

   Finally confirmed that nothing was left behind, Lu Li left the island at the southernmost end of the known land, entered the deep world, and traced back to the source along the fragments of civilization scattered in the deep sea.

   On the third day, Lu Li arrived in the sea where the debris of "Queen's Island" was scattered.

   Lu Li still couldn't recognize the complete city of Temple, and it was even more difficult to distinguish it after it was broken. What Lu Li recognized was the Queen's Harbor, which was completely stripped out of the island.

  Now, an ant colony of amphibious monstrosities is rushing in and out of Queen's Harbor, with rusted ships piling up like walls outside the harbor.

  Luli found other fragments of "Queen's Island" along this area. Although many traces have been erased over time, the shadow of the past can still be seen, at least - the collapse of the Demon Slayer Association is consistent with the nightmare.

   There are no seven little wooden boats floating in the open sea, and there are no people sitting on them.

When    was wandering, a broken lighthouse stood alone on the edge of the broken island, and Lu Li discovered the collapsed forest and the gray and silent Shanin Street.

  Lu Li came to the lighthouse first, the dirt other than rust could only be blood.

   A hand bone was stuck at the top of the vertical ladder. After passing through the trapdoor and the heavy object, Lu Li saw two scattered bones lying on the top floor with the ceiling lifted.

  The searchlights are still screwed to the top of the tower, the holes allow wind and rain to pour into the lighthouse, and debris and dust form simple tombs for them.

   Those two skeletons and the remaining clothes were not the silhouettes that Lu Li was familiar with.

  According to the original trajectory, Jojo and Aunt Mary would not know "run to the heights", nor would they think of escaping from Tandall City.

   He left the lighthouse and passed over the woods, past the fallen woods where some behemoth once inhabited, crushing the trees like the grass.

   As for their results, Lu Li does not need to confirm. But he still came to Shanin Street.

   Like a butcher waving and stepping on the meat with a vengeance, the criss-crossing cracks are all over the earth, and the tidal sea water splashes and splashes between the cracks.

  Shanning Street is far from the center of the spread of cracks, but the vibration and division still turn it into a rubble, the only thing that stands intact is the sloping letterbox standing on the piled slate.

  Lu Li opened the letterbox, and the water poured out of the letterbox along with the paper scraps.

   But not everything was soaked, one parchment letter was still intact.

   Lifted the soaked varnish and took out the wet parchment. The handwriting was blurred by the soaking, but it was recognizable.

  【Dear Anna:

   When you see this letter, we have arrived in the Lennon Islands.

  Everything is fine here. Aunt Mary and I are temporarily staying at Aunt Roseanne's house. She saw you when you were very young and almost took me for you.

  The beach on the island is very beautiful, the port is as prosperous as the former Rodster port, there are many people here, but not as fast-paced as Belfast.

  Aunt Mary wears the necklace you gave her when she was parting all day long...Everyone misses you so much.

  Mr. Lu Li, Miss Mary, are you really not coming? We are all here.

  —Jojo on September 21st, Tambul, Lennon Islands, 14 Shanin Street]

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