Bizarre Detective Agency

Chapter 1323: Two hundred and sixty-one. Twins

   Chapter 1323 Two hundred sixty one. Twins

   The dark curtain outside the cave slowly opened, and a lighthouse with faint fluorescent light at the top stood like a reef in the surging dark sea water.

   The filthy waves that kept beating on the lighthouse foundation stones were by no means real waves.

  The surging darkness became more turbulent with the arrival of Lu Li, but it only left filthy traces on the walls of the lighthouse in vain.

   Now is the darkest time of the day—an hour or two before dawn.

   But don’t expect it to be safe during the day. The plague and the infected have no reason to fear the light, which in turn exposes the survivors.

   Amid the mourning of the filthy dead, Lu Li returned to the lighthouse and was relieved by the survivors who were relying on each other in front of the oil lamp.

  Jojo, Aunt Mary, Aunt Roseanne and the survivors are safe and sound.

   The plague did not reach the heights of the lighthouse.

  The breeze blew the relying on them, Jojo frowned slightly, did not wake up, and was woken up by Aunt Mary, who was sleeping lightly next to her.

  The unusual breeze blew on her cheeks, Aunt Mary's pale and chapped lips moved slightly, she looked around the silent lighthouse, and gently shook Qiaoqiao to wake up: "Is Lu Li back?"

  The shy Qiaoqiao saw Lu Li and woke up a little from the chaos: "You're back? Yes, Aunt Mary, Lu Li is back."

   The lighthouse can’t hide its secrets, and the dormant refugee woke up with a whisper and looked at Jojo, who was whispering to himself.

  The strips of cloth wrapped around Jojo's wound made them uneasy, and talking to the air made them more uneasy.

   "Who are you talking to?" the old scholar couldn't help asking her.

   Qiao Qiao looked at Lu Li and understood what Lu Li meant without relying on the note: Tell them.

"That's a friend of mine who was... a legendary exorcist who had just dealt with the evil **** in the Ellen Peninsula, and was given the title of "Ring the Death Knell of the evil god", but even he would inevitably die... He came Come to me, the plague and the infected are what he told me."

  Qiaoqiao exaggerated the facts a little, so that Lu Li gained more trust.

   But not only did she not receive the trust she wanted, but she made the refugees show fear.

   Before the noise spread, a whimpering sound suddenly spread from under the trapdoor under the heavy load to the top floor, suppressing the panicked voices of the refugees.


  Rhythmic percussion echoes through the silent top floor.

  The adults covered the mouths of the children, and the women sobbed silently.

   After a few minutes, the moving sound that made all the refugees fear faded away, and an old man stood up and pointed to Jojo's side, accusing Lu Li in an angry whisper, but he didn't dare to make too much movement: "It's the ghost... it brought them!"

   "You pointed in the wrong direction." Qiaoqiao had to explain: "Lu Li is here to help us, he is an exorcist..."

   "It's the murderer...the monster...with them..."

   But the old man and the other refugees still resisted—not because of the ghost, but because of the… exorcist.

   "Because of prejudice... Lennon Islanders believe it was the exorcists who brought the demons."

  The old scholar interrupted Jojo's defense and greeted the invisible souls around her: "Whether it's truth or ignorance, you saved us, I hope you can forgive their offense."

   "The exorcist brought demons? Why do they think that?" Qiao Qiao asked for Lu Li.

Old scholars told Jojo that prejudice stemmed from the royal family: Lennon Islanders have believed in ancient gods with two faces since they immigrated, so they believe that everything has two sides, such as light and darkness, good and evil, life and death, Like exorcists and demons.

   They are entangled with each other and breed each other.

  Because one exists, the other must also exist.

Although the old scholar is a native of the Lennon Islands, he was rescued by an exorcist when he was young, so he is not as ingrained as other Lennon Islands people.

   So Lu Li didn't find any trace of the exorcist organization in "Queen's Island", maybe it doesn't exist here

  Lu Li wanted to continue his questioning, but the shredded paper didn't have the names of investigators and exorcists, so he could only let Qiaoqiao sprinkle crumpled and shredded papers to piece together broken sentences.

  【God, story, telling, me】

   "Lu Li wants to know the story of that god." Qiaoqiao played the role of a qualified translator.

   So at the top of the lighthouse surrounded by filth, the old scholar slowly spoke of the deity believed by the people of the Lennon Islands.

   Rumor has it that he slept in the deep sea, and when he turned over, he set off a mountain-like tsunami, when he dozed, the archipelago trembled, when he was angry, hurricanes ravaged the ocean, and when he was sad, there were years of torrential rain.

   Ignoring the so-called "Genesis" fictionalized by the clergy, the ancient gods are not for nothing, He did exist and sheltered the Lennon Islands.

  Another old one?

   But from the narrative, Lu Li heard that the "two-faced god" once punished a group of villains, tearing the island they were on to pieces.

   And the reality of the Lennon Islands was destroyed and shattered.

   Lu Li still has some problems, but the word shredded paper cannot fully express his meaning.

   There is a way for Lu Li to deepen his connection with "reality", to speak and even manipulate objects—that is, to accept the breath of the world.

  Lu Li's rationality told him that these are already doomed, and all his efforts are like a fortress built on the beach. But the meager sensibility reminded him not to sit idly by.

  Jojo, Aunt Mary, the survivors here need help.

  What if pure black stones really have the power to change reality?

  In the end, Lu Li took the same path as Anna - after he no longer refused, the thin atmosphere of the inner world infected his soul. As if shaping a body, Lu Li's soul appeared in the sight of everyone in the lighthouse.

   The vast majority of people were terrified, only Jojo and Aunt Mary became reassured and sad.

  Lu Li tried to close the connection with the inner world, but there was still a persistent weak pollution overflowing into the soul.

   An invisible hourglass started timing.

  Lu Li continued to question the "double-sided god" of the old scholar, and asked him about the three major organizations.

  The Night's Watch does not have a presence in the Lennon Islands, but the Demon Slayer Association and the Investigator Base exist. The old scholar told Lu Li a location where he could find the clues he wanted.

   To investigate the truth about the destruction of the archipelago, it is inevitable to contact the exorcist and use this clue. But in addition to that, Lu Li had to help the lighthouse refugees leave.

   Regardless of the countdown to the destruction of the Lennon Islands, or the spreading plague.

   His time is running out.

   "Lu Li... Sir, can you find rescue for us?"

  Lu Li broke away from his thoughts and shook his head: "Without rescue, the entire archipelago is shrouded in crisis, and the only way to survive is to leave the Lennon Islands at sea."

   Small whispers rang out on the top floor, they couldn't fully trust Lu Li, and they were frightened by the movement under the trapdoor.

  Looking out the window, the east was still dark, and it was less than an hour before dawn.

   "Lu Li, what did you and Anna meet..." Aunt Mary asked softly at this moment.

   "...something happened."

   (end of this chapter)

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