Bizarre Detective Agency

Chapter 1250: One hundred and eighty-eight. Bewitched

   Chapter 1250 One hundred and eighty eight. Bewitched

   The Wailing Cave in the depths of the rift, the pure soul of the food is supposed to be fighting against the banshee circling the cave.

  Screaming Banshee looks like a slender woman with disheveled hair, but only from a distance. As they fall from the sky, their fern-like hairs are lifted, revealing beak-like faces and strange claws that stick to their wings.

   Some have secondary sexual characteristics, some do not. Apparently the Screaming Banshee is a collective term for males and females.

   The screeching banshee, falling from the dunes, seems to obliterate the surface's illusion of the beauty and danger of the "harpie". In the legend, the banshee is only female, and likes to catch men back to their dens to mate, reproduce and eat.

The death of the same kind makes the screaming banshees in the lair fly up, attacking around Luli, they can harvest low-level demons like wheat, but the screams of low-level demons only make Luli feel noisy, they turn into arrows and shoot at Luli like flying to a bonfire of insects.

   These screeching banshees, which high-level demons are reluctant to provoke, have no essential difference between Lu Li and inferior demons. The power of the dreamer has been verified, even if the Swamp Mother and the Twisted Shadow want to invade the halo, it will take time, and Lu Li is not immobile.

   Perhaps only the Demon Lord and the Demon Lord can make him hesitate.

   When less than half of the circling screaming banshee was left, Lu Li gradually rose, stagnating above the dunes and below the holes. The light beam that fell into the cave smudged the dream into a dim yellow, and the figure was draped in the afterglow-like shimmer, casting a long and narrow shadow.

   Fewer and fewer companions made the screaming banshee start to want to escape, but it was too late, Lu Li, who blocked the hole, did not intend to let any one escape. It has nothing to do with worrying about the burden of attracting the screaming banshee, but every harvest of a banshee means nearly 0.2 of the harvest of humanity.

   Like an eagle attacking a migratory bird, where Lu Li passed by, the screaming banshee was planted. The speed and screeching they feed on did nothing to him.

   The last screaming banshee committed suicide and shot at Lu Li, and was shackled by a bizarre dream.

   "The Banshee will always hate you!" Its final scream turned into a vicious curse, exploded into flesh, and was forcefully gathered into the shape of a screaming banshee by the dream.

Some kind of curse lingers in flesh and blood, Lu Li guessed that this should be the curse of the banshee mentioned by the blue-blood sheriff, so he converged on the dreamer, fell from the air, and let the shredded flesh on his body hit his body with the curse that was about to dissipate. .

   The dreamer appeared in an instant, holding Lu Li to slowly fall back to the dunes.

   Ignoring the corpses of the banshees scattered around, Lu Li simply searched the cave and found their lair in the cold depths of a cave where bones were buried.

   Five screeching banshee eggs about the size of an adult cat were stored in the lair, two of which had been cracked, the fragments scattered, and the cubs were nowhere to be seen.

   There should be one or two screaming banshees and cubs who survived, but Lu Li didn't intend to waste any more time waiting, leaving the cave formed by the collapsed canyon and meeting the blue-blooded sheriff outside.

   "You need help?"

   The blue-blooded sheriff saw the **** minced meat stained on Lu Li's body, of course it wasn't his.

"already solved."

The    wave was wiped away, and Lu Li's soul took on a new look - but some kind of illusory imprint was suspended above Lu Li's head.

   "The Curse of the Screaming Banshee."

   The blue-blooded sheriff who noticed it said dullly: "It doesn't matter, Mayor Bruby has a way to clear the curse."


   "It takes a soul."

   "There's no need for that."

  Maintaining the curse of Lu Li may also reap a steady stream of humanity.

  Lu Li, the blue-blooded sheriff and the scorpion demon entered the cave again and gathered the corpse of the screaming banshee.

  Compared to the troubles of the Screaming Banshee, their corpses are of little value, but they can always be exchanged for some souls. The blue-blooded sheriff grabbed two, and the scorpion demon dragged seven, and was driven away from the rift by the strong wind.


   In the study, Mayor Brubi clapped his hands to welcome Lu Li's return.

   "Beautiful Lake Town has never had as many surprises as it does today."

   It took less than 4 o'clock to go from Luli to Beautiful Lake Town to the opening of the rift valley for Beautiful Lake Town - there was still an hour before Euglass fell asleep.

   The reward for this commission sent by the servant: a total of 600 souls.

   Now, Lu Li has 13 human natures and 1150 souls, more than ever.

The things on the silver plate on the desk were changed from parasitic demons to knocked screaming banshee eggs. Mayor Bruby tasted the egg liquid mixed with blood: "Smart and brave brave, the town's final problem has also been solved right. ?"

   "Basically. If Rift Town across the canyon is still there."

  Beautiful Lake Town will regain contact with the outside world, just beware of the Screaming Banshee once again occupying the Rift Cave.

   Mayor Bruby continued to enjoy the Screaming Banshee Egg, but these luxurious ingredients could no longer satisfy it - taking a deep breath, Mayor Bruby found that the increasingly tempting soul was stained with some ominous filth.

   "Brave, are you cursed by the Screaming Banshee?"


   "Don't worry, I can help you lift the curse as a reward for your contribution to Beautiful Lake Town." Mayor Bruby wanted to help Lu Li out of trouble.

   So why the blue blood sheriff is only the second smartest.

   "How much does it cost to heal?"

   "It's a high price, after all, it's the curse that the Screaming Banshee spends her life on."

   Then, in the blue-blooded sheriff's strange mood, Lu Li asked, "How much is the soul?"

   "I think a thousand souls are needed."

   Sheriff Blue Blood suddenly realized what was going to happen next.

   "Can I replace it with a soul?" Lu Li asked unexpectedly.

   Even the mayor of Ruby paused and asked in confusion, "Brave, why do you need so many souls?"

   "The devil is coming soon, and I have enough souls to fight against it." Lu Li told the truth calmly.

"My devil blood warns me that maybe I shouldn't be involved, but my more devil blood tells me to smash that devil's head..." Mayor Bruby said with emotion: "I can privately sponsor 500 of your souls ."


   "Hoohoho... I haven't felt this courtesy for a long time."

   The mayor of Bruby, who drank a screaming banshee egg, grabbed the tablecloth tucked into his collar, wiped the corner of his mouth, and signaled his servants to fetch another 500 souls.

   "That was when the town of Beautiful Lake was justifiable... Hundreds of townspeople and guests worked with me to maintain the prosperity at that time... Every resident misses their former home."

   Mayor Bruby's emotion affects the blue blood sheriff, and it does not recall the time of the old beautiful lake town.

  There is no nasty sandstorm raging around the clock, preventing residents from going to the streets. The beautiful lake radiates warmth, and residents and guests love to wander the streets, rest, and enjoy the stability of order, and then a horrific group of fire demons destroys it all...

   When the blue blood sheriff missed, he heard the words of the human soul ringing.

   "Do you want to take back the beautiful lake?"

   (end of this chapter)

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