Bizarre Detective Agency

Chapter 1066: 4. "The Sunken Land" (4)

   Chapter 1066 Four. "The Sunken Land" (four)

  4. Competition

  The Duchy of St. Mark and the Free State were at war with each other, and the invasion of the Kingdom of Ellen made them quickly unite. When the Sioux, who coveted their fertile lands, got involved, the Del people of Ellen, St. Mark's, and the Free State put on their ancestral bull hats to fight back against the invaders. The Temans of the barren land on the other side of the strait rushed to the land, and the Del people and the Xiyo people stopped the continuous war that lasted for a hundred years at the same time, and drove the Temans back to the sea. In the end, weirdness invaded the world, and the two continents stopped fighting each other to deal with a new common enemy.

  A few days after the second surface expedition of the Knights of Glory, Lu Li received a letter from Professor Hagrid inviting him to visit his home in the inner city. Considering that he had a better relationship with Professor Hagrid, the hotel attic where he was resting would soon turn into a sky garden full of plants. Lu Li took his luggage and flower pots into the carriage of Professor Hagrid, who had come to pick him up in person. Stopped at his inner city mansion, in front of a beautiful house. Professor Hagrid introduced Lu Li his wife, Mim, and their child, Sithone, an eight-year-old boy with some mental retardation who had to bow his head to walk through the door frame. Professor Hagrid said sadly that his child suffered a disaster when he was young, and took Lu Li to put his luggage in the guest room on the second floor.

   They talked about recent events before heading back downstairs to the dining room for a well-prepared lunch. Professor Hagrid opened his collection of red wine and filled it up for Lu Li, his wife and son. "To Lu Li." They raised their wine glasses and drank the swaying wine. Lu Li obviously didn't notice that there was a problem with the red wine. When the tide of drowsiness hit, Lu Li fell asleep with Professor Hagrid, who knocked over the dining table. The last scene he saw was the indifference of Mim and Sishorn. When Lu Li woke up due to the cool bumps, he and Professor Hagrid were bound in the carriage of a carriage that was bumping, making no sound, and couldn't be seen, and brought them to the surface.

  Lu Li is caught in a real conspiracy, a sacrifice ceremony held by fallen believers of the Church of Truth. They used darkness to oppose the light represented by Lu Li; exchanged hostility with Lu Li's kindness to Professor Hagrid's family; made his escape by detaining Lu Li from the cell in the camp; and used Lu Li's trust in Professor Hagrid to suffer from Professor Hagrid, who was already a fallen believer. Betrayal; turn the hope of escape into despair; then at the end of all the corresponding balances, let Lu Li become the sacrifice of the twisted rituals of the fallen believers to complete the final balance of life and death.

   The flames burn in the noonday night. Professor Hagrid slashed the back of Lu Li's neck with a short dagger, and the blood flowed along the neck into the rune stone pillar behind him. Lu Li couldn't understand Professor Hagrid's betrayal, just like he couldn't understand the fanaticism of all believers as an unbeliever. Professor Hagrid told the truth without being stingy with the answer. He stepped down from the altar at the last moment and recited in unison with the surrounding believers: "We take the opposition of light and darkness as our bones, the conflict between life and death as our flesh, hope The crossing of despair is blood, the change of friendliness and hostility is sinew, the contradiction of trust and betrayal is skin, the harvest of capturing and fleeing is hair, the perfect ritual arranged from this is sacrificed to you - the supreme truth, the master of balance, Please accept the sacrifices prepared for you by your devout believers!"

  Some kind of indescribable, indescribable, incomprehensible, and incomprehensible hazy consciousness descended on the altar, and a strange and fantastic golden scale appeared behind Lu Li like wings of light. "This is a false balance..." The exorcist's weak whisper sounded faintly between the echoing prayers: "The minions of the outer gods reach into the world...the surface is shrouded in darkness...the earth is grotesque...humans hide in the corners...the native gods Being hunted...strength and also a balance?" The exorcist who saved himself whispered: "Take the opposition of light and darkness as the bone...the conflict between life and death as the flesh...the leap of hope and despair is the Blood... The change of friendliness and hostility is the sinew... The contradiction of development and betrayal is the skin... The harvest of capturing and fleeing is the hair... And the reversal of the sacrificed to the sacrificer... The perfect ceremony thus arranged Sacrifice to you...the supreme truth...balanced master...please accept your devout believers...the sacrifice prepared for you: heretics who have turned their back on the balanced truth..."

  The Twisted Cultists who wanted to sacrifice Lu Li were eventually sacrificed to their Lord by Lu Li. The Knights of Glory, who arrived on the surface not long ago, seemed to be waiting for this moment—otherwise, how would you explain Lu Li who brought them to the Equilibrium Church camp shortly afterward? All believers in the Church of Equilibrium have returned to the embrace of their Lord, but the waves raised by the storm have not disappeared: Lu Li's soul was marked by the sacrifice of the Lord of Equilibrium. Fortunately, the Master of Equilibrium is not an evil **** or an evil **** that dominates the believers, but an ancient **** who has no good or evil, is not twisted by the world, and is derived from the laws of the world. Lu Li, who has a brand, will be in harmony with the Law of the World and the Truth Sect, and will not have any negative effects, as if this sacrifice was actually a careful gift from the balanced church.

After the inspection, the vice-president Chris threw a bunch of keys to the exorcist who was temporarily homeless. It was her house, but it was uninhabited for a long time, and Lu Li could live there temporarily until the competition in March— —Lu Li cleaned up the attic and returned to the quiet of reading books every day after moving in. In the next few days, the waves turned into ripples one after another: for example, the luggage and flower pots that were placed in Professor Hagrid's house were sent back, for example, the Giant Tree Academy had found a candidate to replace Professor Hagrid as the lower grade occultist.

  Claire learned that Lu Li lived in their house, and gradually returned occasionally to take Lu Li out of the stack of books to relax. A few days passed in this way. After Lu Li accompanied Claire to solve the task of making evil spirits, they encountered martial law as they passed through the King's Road. At this time, the Bloodline Family Alliance, one of the teams in the March competition, entered the city. Lu Li and Claire stood by the street to watch, and what happened next was not wonderful, because the evil spirit that was solved, they had a small friction with the bloodline family Mengsk family, and the conflict may continue into the competition.

As the time for the March Hegemony draws near, several other participating teams have come to the late night city one after another: Giant Tree Academy, Five Knights, Noble Council, Khorne Rampage, Conspiracy Spiderweb, Midnight Lady Church, Bloodline Family Alliance , the old sewer front, the alliance of gods and small towns, and the secret group of gods—the power of human civilization is unprecedentedly condensed to form this prosperous age. On the fourth day, Lu Li officially received an invitation letter from the Giant Tree Academy:

  【Dear Your Excellency Lu Li:】

  【We sincerely invite you to participate in the top ten competition in three days. May the glory and glory belong to you. 】

  【——Giant Tree Academy Mentor Council】

  In the early morning three days later, Lu Li returned to the Giant Tree Academy, and after receiving the invitation letter, the nervous and excited students took the elevator to the swamp to participate in the opening March competition.

   (end of this chapter)

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