Bionic Era

Chapter 202

"I've been thinking about one thing." Wei Bo'an frowned and pondered.

"What?" Lu Wen looked at him.

"There are so many people sending money to the lower levels every Qingming Festival, and now the amount is getting bigger and bigger, and it is often a nine-figure banknote. What do you think the inflation of the underworld looks like now? Tiandi Bank can handle it ?"

"You are thinking about this with such a serious face?"

It may be a different kind of emotion.

After arriving at the bank where the incident happened, Wei Bo'an actually thought about this problem.

"You are the head of the executive bureau of a large region, and you need to set an example for the people under you. Logically speaking, you shouldn't be superstitious about these things." Lu Wen said.

"I really don't believe it." Wei Bo'an walked into the gate of the bank, "But my parents passed away early, and according to traditional customs, I burn something for them every year."

This thing, even people with a good modern education, will follow the customs handed down from generation to generation to some extent.

It is a kind of spiritual sustenance.

This is a very big bank.

There are many people coming and going in and out of the gate.

There are long queues at every window.

More than half of the rows of seats in the hall were filled.

Most of them came to handle business, and a small number of them simply felt that it was too hot outside, so they came in to enjoy the cool.

"There are no dead ends in the monitoring, and there are security personnel in every corner. They are fully equipped and equipped with firearms, and the safety factor is very high." Lu Wen took a few glances and made a simple judgment.

The configuration is so complete, mainly because the bank has a vault underground.

"The deceased, Lin Ziqiang, was 51 years old and an urban resident. Before his death, he worked in this bank and was in charge of security work. He was highly regarded among colleagues." Wei Boan said.

Lu Wen went through all the information.

The location of the crime was actually at the deceased's home, and it was initially judged to be the first crime scene.

But after yesterday's incident, both of them felt that the executive officer of the fifteenth district was quite unreliable, so they decided to investigate in person at the bank where the deceased worked.

"When he was young, he was considered an amateur. He worked as a security guard in some small places. He was the kind of security guard who had nothing to do to show off. Later, he participated in the unified training of the security company, and he had a certain ability, so he was hired by this bank. .”

Very simple life history.

I have worked as a security guard in many companies for most of my life, and I have also done some other simple jobs during the period.

It's almost the same as the cleaning staff last time.

Lu Wen suddenly noticed a problem, carefully compared the information of the first and third deceased, and said: "The work trajectories of these two people overlap. They both used to work in a seafood wholesale market, one was a cleaner, and the other Be a security guard."

"Later, the wholesale market was ordered to close due to rectification problems. They then went to work in a travel company called Desheng Company. One was cleaning, and the other was in charge of hull inspection. It didn't take long for that company to close down."

These two people are simply possessed by gods.

"If one family goes bankrupt, then no one is lucky."

"Actually, it's quite normal." Wei Bo'an said, "The main industry in District 15 is tourism. That Desheng company was one of the countless emerging companies when the tourism industry was booming more than ten years ago."

A time when every industry is extremely prosperous.

Numerous companies and enterprises have sprung up like mushrooms after rain, full of vitality.

But when the big waves scour the sand, very few survive.

"The so-called tourism companies at that time developed too fast, developed abnormally, and there were no regulations, so many things happened."

Some tour guides take tourists to the outskirts, but they get lost.

There are still people who keep taking tourists to those gift shops.

"The most serious thing is the ship capsizing incident in the inland sea. This Desheng company is actually a boat rental company on the seashore. When tourists are brought on board, either the company's internal staff will drive the boat, or the tourists will drive it themselves."

There are countless large and small boats docked on the seashore, including electric and manual, ranging from small wooden boats to large yachts.

Many tourists have an adventurous spirit, and they want to go to the deep water area with strong winds and waves in a small boat.

However, the relevant regulations at that time had actually come out, and tourists were not allowed to enter the deep water area by their own boats.

However, these companies have ignored this rule on deaf ears.

When tourists ask whether they can sail into the deep water area, since the rental money is calculated according to time, in order to make more money, these companies all agree.

"Many tourists don't take their own life seriously, thinking that the operation of sailing is easy, so they just go all the way to the deep water area. Then something happens, the boat capsizes, and rescuers can't arrive in time." Wei Bo'an said.

"Is it a shark?"

"That's right, apart from drowning, sharks are a very important factor... So later, those companies that often have accidents were all ordered to close down."

After a vigorous development, 80% of the companies did not survive.

"No, according to my information, sharks are actually not very interested in human blood. There are rigorous experimental data, not to mention that tourists who capsize may not be injured and bleed."

"Maybe the shark was just curious and came up to take a bite."

"It also makes sense..."

As for the wholesale market, the reason for the closure is also simple.

One is messy and needs to be cleaned up.

The other is that fish species that should not appear in the market during the fishing ban period were found in many stalls. If there is no trade, there will be no killing. Certain behaviors of fishermen have been repeatedly prohibited, so many wholesale markets were forced to close during that period.

"The two deceased must have known each other, so what did they do back then? Moreover, this matter has to involve the former chief of the executive bureau... The status and status are too different. I really can't think of what they can do together."

According to past experience, these deceased should have been involved in the same old incident and played different roles in that incident.

In the later years, they committed crimes that could lead to death, so they were targeted by the murderer.

Lu Wen and Wei Bo'an found the relevant person in charge of the bank and explained their intentions.

The person in charge was very cooperative and told everything he knew.

"Old Lin is a very conscientious person. He is always the first to arrive every day and leaves very late. He is a very good person on weekdays. Whether it is a new employee or an ex-employee, he is very easy to chat with. ’ said the person in charge.

"The report time was 7:17 in the morning, what happened at that time?" Lu Wen asked.

"The opening time of our bank is 8:15, and ordinary employees arrive at around 7:50, but Lao Lin is quite early. He usually arrives at 6:30. The internal inspection is very detailed, and it has never changed in so many years."

"He didn't come this morning?"

"Yes, just after seven o'clock this morning, I found that he didn't come, so I called to ask if he was okay, but no one answered."

Lu Wen has been observing the demeanor of the person in charge.

"There is an unreasonable thing. Ordinary people will not report the crime directly even if no one answers the call." He looked at the person in charge, "Many situations will lead to no one answering, such as getting up late, such as hangover, and Various other reasons."

"It's usually like this." The person in charge of the bank said with a wry smile, "But Lao Lin's behavior in the past two days has been abnormal."

"Why is it abnormal?"

"He often told us in the past two days that if he didn't come suddenly one morning, something might have happened, and told us to call the executive bureau directly."

Abnormal indeed.

Normal people would not say such things.

But when you think about what happened in the past two days, two consecutive deaths, you can figure it out.

The third deceased did have some connections with the first two, and had done certain things back then.

"It's so abnormal, didn't you ask what happened?"

"Of course I asked, but Lao Lin still refused to say anything, and we couldn't help it. We thought it was because he was old and his mental condition was not very good, so we asked him to pay attention to rest."

It is more similar to the last Du Changqing who died.

This Lin Ziqiang has a high reputation in the bank where he works.

"Six years ago, our bank suddenly encountered a group of robbers. They were very fierce and had guns in their hands. Many security personnel were beaten into a sieve as soon as they met each other. Some surrendered immediately when they saw the situation was wrong, but Lao Lin didn't. Confront those robbers."

The person in charge of the bank mentioned a robbery case recorded in the data.

The robbery is still unsolved.

"Although the treasury could not be kept in the end, the courage that Lao Lin showed at that time made me decide to hire him until retirement."


Lu Wen chewed these three words carefully.

He remembered the sentence left by the wandering poet.

【When you betray others, you also betray yourself】

There seems to be a little connection between betrayal and robbery.

Lu Wen contacted Feng Fugui, and a few minutes later, he got the surveillance video inside the bank.

"All the robbers were wearing masks and could not be identified. After entering the bank, they quickly killed the security personnel in every corner, as if they knew the location of all the security personnel in advance. This can be explained. They may have stepped on the spot."


The remaining security personnel found that the opponent was too strong. For their own safety, they put down their guns and did not resist.

Lin Ziqiang, on the other hand, has been leaning against the corner, using the wall as a cover, to fight the robbers.

"The thing like robbery is the most taboo to procrastinate, especially a bank robbery."

If it drags on for too long, the people from the executive bureau will arrive.

So those robbers threatened Lin Ziqiang to put down his guns with the lives of ordinary people in the hall.

In the end, Lin Ziqiang had to put down his gun.

He was knocked out by several robbers and thrown into the crowd.

Then the robbers ordered a clerk to take them to the underground vault.

Before everyone from the executive bureau arrived, the robbers took away a large amount of cash and escaped, and successfully escaped from the executive bureau in the suburbs.

"After so many years, the case has not been solved yet, and it is another unsolved case."

Lu Wen was thinking about the word 'betrayal'.

He suddenly thought of a classic study case in the thirteenth district.

In that case, bank security and robbers cooperated inside and outside, staged a show in front of everyone, and finally succeeded in taking away a large amount of cash from the bank.

But that case was quickly solved, because the security guard did not hold his breath and resigned shortly after the robbery. At that time, the executive officers in charge of the case in the Thirteenth District were puzzled by this, so they started a secret investigation and found that the security guard was spending money. Extravagant, like getting rich overnight.

So everyone arrested him, and after interrogation, they got the locations of several other robbers.

"Thank you for your cooperation. If there is any progress in the future, we will try our best to notify you."

The two bid farewell to the head of the bank and walked out of the bank gate.

There are many banks in the fifteenth arrondissement, almost all private.

It is difficult for a bank that has been robbed to gain the trust of ordinary people.

However, after the robbery six years ago, the bank increased its security staff, conducted regular drills, stepped up publicity efforts, and did not default on any funds, so it is still standing today.

"I thought of a classic case in the thirteenth district."

"The security guard and the robber cooperated?" Wei Bo'an smiled. "This kind of thing happened in the tenth district, and it happened more than once. Many small banks couldn't bear the consequences of a robbery, so they had to file for bankruptcy."

The two returned to the car.

The crime took place at the deceased's home, very close to here, a few minutes' drive away.

The site has been cordoned off.

When the two arrived, people from the executive bureau were collecting clues in the room.

There are also some people who are asking the nearby residents, probably asking if they have heard any noise or the like.


After Lu Wen saw the deceased, he became suspicious.

"This time the deceased died very quickly, his throat was sealed with a knife, and he was not tortured. This is very inconsistent with the murderer's previous modus operandi."

Torment seems to have always been the hallmark of the wandering poet.

Many people on the Internet feel that the death penalty should not be abolished.

They even think that even in the past, the death penalty, such as shooting, electric chair, etc., is too humane, and some murderers should not receive such humane treatment.

This vagabond poet makes the villain get the punishment he deserves, which is very satisfying, that's why he has so many supporters on the Internet.

"There were also no traces of fighting at the scene."

No money was lost, no sign of tampering.

Just kill someone and leave.

Clean and neat.

"Neighbors reported that they heard a knock on the door at around 6 o'clock in the morning, and there seemed to be voices," Feng Fugui said.

"Did you hear what was said clearly?" Lu Wen asked.

"No, and it was only past six o'clock. Many people were still asleep. Even when they woke up, they were in a daze. They didn't even know the exact time."

Lu Wen retreated to the door.

The body of the deceased was lying not far from the door.

"According to the usual habit, the deceased would go out just after six o'clock and run to work in the bank in the morning. But this morning, before he went out, he heard a knock on the door. After opening the door, he had a brief exchange with that person. "

Know each other again?

Of course, you can communicate without knowing each other.

"The murderer stood at the door, took out the prepared knife, and sealed the throat with one knife, which was quite precise."

There was no murder weapon at the scene.

The killer just comes, kills someone, leaves a note, and goes away.

From the beginning to the end, I didn't even step into the room of the dead.

"What did he say this time?"

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