Soon, the results of Sheng Yang's choice also came out. It was different from everyone else, not in fast-moving technology, and also different from Wen Zhiyi, not in rigid necessities such as food, clothing, housing and transportation, nor her strong point, jewelry design as everyone guessed.


- logistics company.

This is something that no one has thought of. Could it be that she is too conceited and thinks that she is a sure winner in jewelry design, so she doesn't bother to choose her must-win major?

In this way, the rabbit in the race against the tortoise and the hare thinks he is sure to win, so what is the difference between going to sleep?

Everyone talked a lot, and felt that she was gone, and even the organizer repeatedly confirmed, "Student Sheng Yang, you really don't choose the jewelry industry, but choose a new industry?"

Sheng Yang said without hesitation, "Sure."

The organizers are not willing to let such a good seed be eliminated. If they lose this round, then no matter how good the previous competition results are, it will be useless, and they will not even be eligible to go to the imperial capital.

So they turned to Ouye and Fang Duo, "As members of the team, you also have veto power."

It doesn't matter to Ouye and Fang Duo, they don't have a strong desire to win, if it weren't for Yangyang, they wouldn't be able to go so far, so it's enough for Yangyang to choose this small matter.

"Okay, we all have the same choice as her."

"It's really floating..." Wen Zhiya looked coldly, and glanced at him coldly.

Wen Zhiyi rubbed his chin, lost in deep thought.

He felt that Sheng Yang was not an easy girl, she must have her own intentions in choosing this way, suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and after a moment of silence, he couldn't help muttering to himself, "This time, we will definitely lose."

Wen Zhiya couldn't hear this at all, and it didn't matter whether Sheng Yang had his own strategy for doing so.

But my brother shouldn't be like this anyway, it's too much to output such a long-term words of others' ambition to destroy his own prestige before the competition begins...

She knew that her brother was as if he had been swallowed by ecstasy soup, and he couldn't listen to anything, so she didn't say anything.

Off the court, today Sheng You and Kang Weizhen put down their work to deliver Sheng Yang. Even though they understand business, they can tell right from wrong at a glance, but they didn't say anything when they were interviewed by reporters. The two presidents focused on Cheering for my daughter, I bought all kinds of cheering props, and now I am like two urchins, having a great time.

Sheng You was wearing a big beard and strangely shaped glasses, which could blow out a curly strip when he blew, while Kang Weizhen took a lot of clapping and clapping.

It was really rare to see the two presidents like this. The reporter originally wanted to interview them, but after seeing this scene, they couldn't help but snapped photos of them.

At the beginning of the competition, Xiong Rui's ability was still very strong. Wen Zhiyi's team took the lead, and the accumulated amount on the big screen continued to rise, ranking first.

Wen Zhiya raised her brows slightly when she saw the illustrious No.1, she didn't speak, but just told her brother that what he said earlier was purely a misjudgment.

Wen Zhiyi put her arms around her chest, smiled without saying a word.

Not long after, someone chased after him. At first he was ranked 20th, soon he was 10th, then 6th, and then 2nd.

The technology industry changes rapidly, and Han Jingyu's team is full of engineering boys.

It is said that the three cobblers are the best of Zhuge Liang, not to mention that the people in their team are not ordinary people, coupled with the large number of people, fast delivery, and the second bite is very tight, Xiong Rui soon couldn't hold on.

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