Big Manga

Chapter 668: Unbelievable

Xu Jing only stayed in Manga Island for one day. After walking around and checking Su Hua's work by the way, he left the next morning.

However, the shock caused by the new comics was only shown after he left, and the intensity far exceeded Xu Jing and Meng Huo's expectations—on the day Xu Jing left, some big shots arrived at the comic island one after another.

These people include officials, entrepreneurs, scholars, association presidents, and even sports stars... There are hundreds of people, divided into nearly ten industries, and their purpose is without exception not for He Xi's new comics.

Suddenly, there was a tense atmosphere in Manga Island. Sensitive reporters swarmed in, staring excitedly at the people of these different groups and the Phoenix Company's movements with red eyes.

Seeing the letters on the table, Meng Huo felt troubled. These groups range from big to small, powerful and ordinary... But it's easy to deal with visiting one by one. With so many people coming together by chance, it's not appropriate for him to refuse anyone.

"I have no choice but to call them all together." In the end, Alice made a suggestion to Meng Huo, and he could not disagree with anyone. The best way to do this is to get everyone together and talk about it all at once.

Meng Huo took this suggestion. He held a reception the next day and explained that he would not sell new comics. It's a pity that after these people left, no one believed his words.

"I guess the reward is not enough. If we want to tempt Teacher He Xi, we have to give other temptations."

"Since Mr. He Xi hasn't decided on a theme, it means that he still has a chance to fight for his new comics."

"This opportunity must not be missed!"

After these visitors returned, they expressed similar opinions in their respective fields. Since the cartoonist He Xi didn't say what the cartoon he wanted to draw, he could continue to fight for it. If he didn't do so, he would have missed the opportunity.

The situation became more and more serious, and there was an endless stream of visitors to Manga Island. Intensive reports began to appear in the media. In order to compete for the right to designate the theme of this new comic, some people even publicly stated the price, and astonishing figures such as 100 million or 200 million are not uncommon.

"They're just crazy!"

"Ms. He Xi's cartoons are so valuable!"

The news in the newspaper also attracted the attention of countless readers. Some people exclaimed, some were dumbfounded, and more people were shocked by this incident. No one had ever thought about it before. rose to such an exaggerated level,

You can even make money before the comics are opened.

"Holy shit, I want to become a cartoonist too! As long as I become famous, I can earn more than others in a lifetime with just one thought!"

"I'm scared to pee, coach, I want to learn to draw!"

"Don't say anything, this year's volunteer is a manga major!"

It’s summer, and this is the time when many people will be faced with the choice of further studies and university applications. Affected by the incident of He Xixin’s comics, this year’s college comics majors have greatly increased their submissions, and comics-related animations, voice actors, etc. The number of professional applicants is also increasing dramatically.

The cartoon industry soon noticed this trend in society, and there was an uproar in the audience.

"The golden age of comics is coming!"

Yanjing's "Anime Weekly" published such a front-page report. Over the years, the development speed of the comic industry has broken through one miracle after another. In the past four years, the market has expanded several times, and the business has expanded dozens of types. An unprecedented leap forward.

However, this rapid leap forward also brought about a phenomenon in Huaxia Comics that Meng Huo had hardly seen in his previous life—the supply of cartoonists was in short supply, and the rapidly expanding market and business far exceeded the number of existing cartoonists and the output of talents.

Therefore, except for Zhongxia, Phoenix, and several other relatively large comic companies in recent years, the cartoonists of other companies (animation companies, game companies) are basically converted from painters or other occupations.

Although the number of comics and related majors is increasing every year, and the number of students enrolled is also increasing, the lack of professional cartoonists is still the biggest factor restricting the development of comics in the future. And no one expected that this problem would be rectified this year because of the accident of He Xixin's comics—even more incredible, the central government actually stepped in to help.

"It is reported that Xiangjiang Shuohua Company invested 290 million Huaxia coins in order to snatch the right to designate new comic themes from cartoonist He Xi..."

CCTV Evening News aired the robbery caused by cartoonist He Xixin’s comics for three consecutive days. What is particularly prominent is the amount of money in it. At the beginning, many media did not understand why CCTV would make such a move, until a new news came out a few days later come out--

"Yanjing University, Suhua University, Xiangjiang University... Approved by the central government, the number of students enrolled in comics and related majors established by the above 14 key universities can be temporarily expanded, and the expansion ratio must not exceed 200..."

"At the same time, the National Education Bureau has approved 40 undergraduate colleges and universities to enroll comics majors. These schools are..."

When the news came out, the press shook like an earthquake, and the newspapers were exclaiming for several days.

"Fuck, do you want to play like this..." After Jiang Tianshi saw the news that night, he felt powerless—a new cartoon by He Xi actually made the state organs move, and with the help of its power, he realized Purpose.

The process is very simple. Huaxia has been actively developing the comics industry. Over the past few years, there have been many preferential policies for comic companies, and the development of comic education is also advocated.

However, the choice of education depends on the individual. The development of comics is too fast, and many people have no idea of ​​​​choosing this major. But now, the government has made good use of a tactic to seduce, broadcast He Xixin's comics for several days in a row, causing a sensation, taking hundreds of millions of dollars for a single idea...

This temptation is not small for young people and parents who are facing life choices, and the income of cartoonists is really good now. Even if people who read the news are even a little interested in searching online, there is a high possibility that they will choose to join this industry .

Enticing and expanding enrollment at the same time - the government used this trick to go a few years ahead of schedule. Although there will be more or less side effects, there is no doubt that this is definitely more beneficial than harmful to the development of the entire industry.

"Teacher He Xi is a fortress..."

Jiang Tianshi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, it's a pity that every move can produce unexpected effects.

However, this incident is based on He Xi's absolute strength, which cannot be replicated by others. If the angels say they want to draw skill manga, it is estimated that not many people will pay attention to them.

"Fortunately, it's a skill comic." But for He Xi's new comic this time, including Jiang Tianshi and other employees of Zhongxia Company, it's actually not a bad thing. This kind of professional and technical comics may be helpful to other industries, but it has no effect on the expansion of the influence of comics.

He Xi's drawing a manga of skills is much less of a threat than He Xi's drawing of a popular theme comic - it is impossible for Zhongxia Company to disapprove of He Xi's drawing of a niche manga.

"However, if the theme of the manga is decided earlier, these things will disappear."

Jiang Tianshi couldn't help thinking that He Xi caused such a big commotion because he didn't make a decision earlier.

But what he didn't know was that Meng Huo was already at the end of his rope - he wanted to decide on the manga earlier, but it was difficult to even decide now. Because he received a notice from the Suhua City Government that he was required to maintain this ambiguous situation within one month before filling out the application form for the college entrance examination.

Due to the whim of a high-level person in the central government, Meng Huo's battle for comics this time was used as a bait. Of course, the government does not want this incident to subside quickly. It will take longer to attract more people to quote. will be better.

"I think before you release new comics in the future, it's better not to leak this tone casually..."

Alice joked to him that Phoenix Company did not suffer a loss in this incident, and the government did not force them to make a choice. In order to appease Meng Huo, Suhua City and Fenghuang signed a quid pro quo. This year, Phoenix will receive greater tax benefits. .

But after this incident, Meng Huo will have to be more cautious about new comics in the future. You are reading, if any!

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